Search results

  1. S

    cavalry arms

    any of you purchased these?
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    Are there regional affiliations through TFL (i.e. TFL shooting get-togethers?)
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    texas hunt

    who hunts hog in texas? what region and size of hog/boar/javelina? what cartridges? I am planning to hunt in an area where there could be small to big porkers. I am going to pick up a 45-70 Marlin and try out...any of you done likewise?
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    Marlin fishing

    I went looking for a new Marlin lever in .44 mag (20" barrel) this weekend in SE Texas. Couldn't find one. Have any of you had similar problems? There is a gun show I will go to next Friday hoping to link up with one of these....
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    I got to thinking about gun purchase scenarios and some questions emerged that are perplexing to me. Perhaps my ignorance has the better of me, but I know the you guys are savvy enough to shed some light for me. Scenario 1 : Joe sees a gun asvertised in a local paper, call up owner, and meets...
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    2 stage

    This may be obvious to most of you, but here goes.... RE : Two-stage triggers found on AR-15 style rifles Do these allow for rapid firing (i.e. in the same way a non-staged trigger does) ?
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    naked Elvis monkey space travellers

    Sorry...a flagrant, attention-getting device. Subject : Freedom March As an ancillary to the thread(s) concerning pro-Second Amendment marches.... I agree that trying to pull together a real march (i.e. lots of humans) would be an exercise in frustration. What about approaching the...
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    is the doctor in?

    This kind of speaks for itself...although slightly dated, nevertheless thought-provoking stats : Number of physicians in the US = 700,000 Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year = 120,000 Accidental deaths per physician = 0.171 (U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services) Number of gun...
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    2nd Amendment...bah humbug!

    Here's a telling letter from the Justice Department in response to a citizen's inquiry into the US vs. Emerson case (where the state in no uncertain terms absolutely renounced the 2nd the transcript...unbelievable. Thye state their official position)...
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    gun locks? forget it!

    I'm sure many of you have seen this quote, but I think it's timeless....
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    voodoo ballistics ?

    Have you heard of this group/site? The article is a too extreme/one-sided in my opinion, wholly discounting the notion of a bullet's destructive capacity or stopping capabilities in relation to its energy @ impact. The author even concedes that this is a factor in hunting rounds? Seems...
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    Scary Big Brother

    I posted this on Ted Nugent's site.... Attached are articles I ran across, from one of the more normal, cogent "conspiracy" sites. I am not a conspiracy nut by any means, but this is dark stuff.... The subject is F.E.M.A. Quite thought-provoking in its implications (for tyranny). They are...
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    HR 31 IH

    I don't know if this has been brought up... House Resolution 31 IH "Citizens Self Defense Act of 2001" contact youtr reps....
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    I'm going to go look for a lever action .44 mag this weekend. I thought it would be fun for a Texas hog hunt this year with iron sites. I am looking at either Marlin or Winchester. Any thoughts are appreciated, as always...some of your experiences, good or bad...what ammo...etc. (I don't load...
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    Colt Army

    I am a collector hoping to get a new Colt Custom Shop Army some day. I own a Vaquero, which I enjoy and appreciate as a fine piece, which has lead me to my looking at the Colts. I got the chance to hold (and fondle!) a new Colt Army. Man, what a nice, smooth, tight machine! The shop that had it...
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    Many of you veterans probably know this...I just read this fact. Who can answer this trivia (firearms related): Where did the term "nine yards" originate (as in "the whole nine yards")? answer : Pacific WWII fighter pilots coined this term. When arming their planes on the ground...
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    gestapo church seizure

    For the truth on the matter, see World Net Daily (one of the only truthful news sources around!) This is NOT about the church not paying taxes! It's about withholding....
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    kool ammo?

    Have you guys ever used any of this ammo? I am interested in the 12 gauge choices....
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    Texas concealed carry

    I have decided that concealed carry is good for me ( I have been paranoid for some time of the big-brother-registration thing), but I cannot help but think that there might be a flood of businesses that post the no-firearms signs and I will be in a constant holster-unholster dance. What are the...
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    Texas hog

    Any Texas hog hunters out there. I am looking forward to a 2001 Javelina hunt to bring back some pork chops. Where do you all hunt? I am going down to south Texas see relatives in the fall/winter and would like to know of some decent public lands where a fat one can be had.I think I remember...