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  1. M

    Mutton tallow

    Does anyone know where to get mutton tallow or fat without having to slaughter one yourself? There's not much mutton sold around here. If you could by some lamb shanks I wonder how much you would get out of them.
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    Difference between cap sizes

    I have a lot of CCI #11s that I have been using on my Pietta 1858,1860 but I have to pinch them to get them to stay on. Also one time I wsa shooting and they kept falling off even though I pinched them. I later found out that on that cylinder I had left to much Balistrol in the outsid of the...
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    1858 Remington locking up

    I was at the range today and after about 3 cylinders (I was 3 pre loaded cylinders) It started to get so hard that I could hardly rotate the cyliner by had when at half-cock. Even pulling the base pin out to change thcylinders was hard. The gun was cleaned and lubed prior to loading. I had put...
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    Anyone use pur bees wax

    For front stuffers how many use pure bee's wax or tallow or some mixture of the two?
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    Anyone make home made BP?

    Years ago I was into Hi powered rocketry and made some BP for my own BP motors. I was following a book put out by Teleflite at the time but the guy that wrote the book told me that you could not make BP with the tumbler/mill that I had that would be equal to what we use in our BP guns. I was...
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    speed of a Colt Walker

    Does anyone here know what kind of velosity you would get if it was maxed out powder wise?
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    Too hard for c&b pistols?

    I just cast a few balls today from some scrap lead I bought. I took one of the balls and put it against a Hornaday lead ball that I usually shoot and crushed them together in a bench vice. The Hornaday ball was a little softer so I tried putting one of each in the cylinder with the on pistol...
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    Purple, green and gold colors in lead

    I just melted my first lead that I bought today. After I put in some Frankfort Arsenal flux I was drossing it and the dross just kept coming out. I could not tell where to stop. The dross was coming out bright green and yellow. I finally decided to stop and poor into my ingot molds and one side...
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    Lead ingots with Willard name on them

    I got 200lbs of lead mostly in the form of round joined ingots that have the name Willard in them. The guy that I got them from said that they were going to be used for sailboat balast at one time but the man that had them never buit the boat. The lead appears to have been possabibly in water...
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    Just got my Lee ball mold today

    The Lee instructions say to lubricate the v ribs but I am not sure what they are. Also it said to put carbon on the cavity with a match. Do you do this every time before you start?
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    What lube to use on Lee mold

    I just got this mold today and it says to use lube on it. What is good to use for that? I did not know to order anything special.
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    Cutting lead to fit into smelter

    My LEE pot is small and if I get a large thick piece of lead that is not thin like flashing is there any good way to 'cut' it or do you just have to break it into chunks. Thanks
  13. M

    Keeping rust out of pot

    I pulled out my 15yr old Lee Production Pot IV which I never used. When I loked inside their was some surface rust inside the walled of the pot. I cleaned it with a wire brush and Navel Jelly. When not in use can it keep the inside of the pot lubed to keep the rust out. I would degrease it...
  14. M

    RCBS lead ingots

    I bought some of these 15yrs ago when I bought my LEE Production Pot IV. I have never used any of this equipment and Today I just pulled it out of my shed. Does anyone know anything about the lead? It says RCBS on it but I don't know if it is soft lead or not.
  15. M

    Treso nipples dor Pietta 1860s and 1858s

    I have one of each of these and have 2 or 3 extra cylinders for each. I have heard alot of people descussing Treso nipples but I am not sure it would be worth spending the money replacing so many of them. At The Possibles Shop They have ...
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    Best type of lead for C&B balls and bullets

    What is the best type of lead to use if I want to roll my own? I bout a Lee Melting pot and an ingot mold many years ago but just never did anything with them. Also, what size/brand mold would you recomend for Pietta 1858 and 1860s
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    I met a BP shooter at a CAS shoot that swor by this stuff. I beleive that he was loading BP cartridges. I am not sure about cap and ball though. I ordered a large spray can of it and have used it after cleaning my gun for the day (I clean gun with hot water mixed with Simple Green after removing...
  18. M

    Parts for Pietta 1860 Army

    My 60 Army has a bad habbit of leaving drag marks on the cylinder because the bolt is dropping too early. Since the gun was made in 1983 I think that the hammer cam has wirn down and is causeing the problem. I need to find a replacement. Does anyone know where I can find thes parts?
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    Today's BP compared with 19th Century BP

    I once read in the book 'Cowboy Action Shooting' by Charlie Gullett that the BP in the 1800s was different than it is today. I believe that it burnt in a way that it left a softer residue. This was related, in the book, in regards to the need ( BP metalic cartridiges ) for a lube in the channels...
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    Worlds strongest nipple wrench

    I need one because I have several cylinders one 1860 and 1 1858 that have nipples so tight that I cannot budge them. The 1858 is the worst because of the sharp edges around the nipple and the fact that the nipples are angled out from the center. I have tried WD40, heat etc and cannot budge them...