Search results

  1. M

    SBR 10/22 questions

    I'd like to SBR my 10/22. I was talking to my local class 3 dealer and he said that on the form you have to put the over all length. does this mean I cant change out the barrel for a shorter of longer one after my rifle is registered? Does anyone have suggestion for a good SBR stock for a...
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    Ordered my 500 today!!!

    I've been wanting one for a long time and finally threw down the cash today. So, what should I expect? Any suggestions for holding on to this beast? Anyone know of any good shoulder holsters I can wear under a jacket?(hey ya never know) I got the 8" barrel. I can't wait!!!!
  3. M

    Cutting a barrel??

    Well I've finally saved up the the money for my S&W 500 but I have a problem. The 4 inch model seems a little too short and the 8 inch model seems a little too long. They have the 6 inch model but it's got a half lug barrel, which I think is butt ugly. Would it be possible to have a smith cut...
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    22lr/22wmr suppressor.

    I was wondering if there is a suppressor that would work good on my 10/22, sig mosquito, and savage 22wmr. I don't really hear of to many people suppressing 22mags.
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    Looking to add a SA to my collection.

    I'm looking for a SA to add to my collection as I don't have one yet. I shot a single six one day and LOVED it but I'm thinking 38 or 357 because I have an sp101 in 357. What are some affordable single actions that I should check out? I'll probably end up with a ruger lime I usually do but I...
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    Sig pro 2022?

    I'm thinking about trading in my SR40 for a sig pro 2022. The ruger us a great gun that has been 100% reliable but I just don't care to much for the grip. I also like the idea of a SA/DA with a decocker. Does anyone have one of these guns? How are they?
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    Let's see some big bore CCW guns!

    Is anyone packin a 44/454/480/500? Let's see your gun and holster! Lately I've been wanting to get something big to CCW. Along with something practical ofcourse.
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    PLR-16 holster?

    Does anyone know if anyone makes a shoulder holster for the kel-Tec PLR-16? If you wondering why, I have a strange fascination with concealing crazy guns.
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    Maybe a dumb question.

    Does a forend grip on a handgun make it an NFA item?
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    Got an engraved LCP

    I picked up this engraved LCP last week for a back up gun and a gun I can just throw in my pocket when I don't feel like carrying my .357. Either way it's always in my pocket. I've put 50 rounds of federal FMJ through it with no problems. The little "ring finger extention" makes it fit my hand...
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    Kentucky pistol kit

    Today I got a traditions Kentucky pistol kit for me and my girlfriend to put together. I was just wondering if anyone has any quick tips or tricks for putting together, and shooting this pistol.
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    SD ammo for SR40

    I usually carry my sp101 but my SR40 is usually beside my bed so I'm looking for some SD ammo for it. So far I've only shot cheap FMJ stuff out of it. I carry critical defense .357 in my SP but it's impossible to find in 40 around here. I'll put atleast 100 rounds through my gun to make sure it...
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    Handi rifles

    I'm thinking about getting a handi rifle. I'm going to be getting a S&W 500 and I'd like a rifle chambered in the same caliber. Anyone have any experience with these? I don't think they make them any more but I've seen a few on GB.
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    Pepper spray for my GF

    I'm looking for some good pepper spray for my girlfriend. She goes jogging by herself on some local trails and I'd like her to have something to defend herself. I've been looking at the mace gun because of the LED light and the fact that you can practice with it. I've also been looking at the...
  15. M

    Security barrel with rifle sights?

    I'm kinda new to shot guns and I have a maverick 88 with a super long barrel and a bead sight. It also has the vented top rib. I wanting to get the 18.5" security barrel to make it more menuverable around the house in a HD situation. Would it make any sense to get fiber optic rifle sights with...
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    Once fired brass?

    I'm looking for a good company to buy some once fired brass from. Who have you done business with and what were your experiences?
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    Let's see some engraved guns!

    I'm wanting to see some of your engraved guns. I wish every gun I own was engraved. Post em up!
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    Missouri Firearms Freedom act Has anyone done much research on this? Hopefully we will get to saw off our shotguns and throw some silencers on 'em!
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    Slugs in a normal barrel?

    I just got a maverick 88 and I'm wanting to shoot some slugs out of this thing. It's got a screw in choke so do I need to change it out for a bigger one? What choke would be big enough to shoot slugs?
  20. M

    sig mosquito range report

    I picked up a sig mosquito the other day. I got it because I wanted a pistol that was cheaper to shoot than my sp101 and SR40. Me and my cousin took it to the range and put a couple hundred rounds through it, mostly mini-mags, some federal bulk and 10 CCI stingers. I've read mixed reviews about...