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  1. R

    Question on gunshop protocol & manners...

    Okay, I don't want to be the subject of someone's rant about idiots here, so what is the proper protocol when shopping ? The clerk will give you the weapon with the action open (right?), and what is the customer allowed to do: - work the action ? - rack the slide ? - pump the pump ? - dry...
  2. R

    TFL Member hits the big time

    MSNBC article about Y2K, looking back "In Hudson, Wis., Dennis Olson bought 400 boxes of Hamburger Helper, 175 pounds of pasta and nine tubes of toothpaste, along with drinking water and a power generator. He has donated much of the food to charity, but...
  3. R

    Philly suit dismissed !
  4. R

    Any way to tell older from newer Ruger P95 ?

    Considering a used P95 I saw for a good price, but I've heard that the first models had accuracy & reliability issues. How can I tell if this model is newer or older ?
  5. R

    "A nation polarized"

    EXCELLENT column by Walter Williams, talks about the "county map", and the differences between "us" and "them".
  6. R

    Poor, paranoid Rosie. You know what they say, Mess with the bull, ya get the horns.
  7. R

    Whatever the result, was the NRA an effective force ?

    There, I said it. I am very disappointed that with the huge push of PR, money, Chuck for another term, and tough talk from Heston & LaPierre, we still lost PA & Michigan. Huge "sportsmen" states with very high gun ownership. I joined this year and was very proud to help make the 4 million...
  8. R

    Once again, the issue is who has the guns...

    well, sort of: “For both sides the strategy is to fire all their guns; it’s just that Bush has more guns at this point,” said Kenneth Gross, a Washington election lawyer. _________________________________________________ True. On many levels.
  9. R

    Here comes the spin - MSNBC calls GOP protesters 'riotous thugs'.

    I guess we should have expected this sooner. Finally, some folks are getting fed up with this nonsence and speaking out, and the media calls it a riot. Jesse & Al couldn't stir things up so they went home, now they attack protesters on our side. Note well the pic of peaceful protesters and a...
  10. R

    Advice for Floridians & city dwellers if Bush wins...

    Lock & Load. This is not a joke. It's right before your eyes. Look at a county map of FL and see which counties were won by Gore - urban centers. Just look at the exit polling data for who carried what demographics nationally. The divide could not be clearer. This is not what Republicans...
  11. R

    Does it scare anyone ....

    ... that Floridians like FUD, and the staff here at TFL and BFC are deciding the fate of our nation ? :eek: ;) :D
  12. R

    Does it scare anyone ....

    ... that Floridians like FUD, and the staff here at TFL and BFC are deciding the fate of our nation ? :eek: ;) :D
  13. R

    I am a BG ! Are you ?

    Peggy Noonan, writing in the Walll Street Journal. quote: "The one group I know will show up is the group I expect will have the biggest impact on the election's outcome. And they are the Broken Glass Republicans. So named by...
  14. R

    Bookstore record privacy case going to CO Sup Ct.

    AP National Book Store To Appeal Records Ruling DENVER (AP) -- The First Amendment battle over letting police see a book store's sales records in a drug case may be going the Colorado Supreme Court. Both the book store owner and Denver authorities agreed Thursday to ask the state appeals...
  15. R

    A serious question for Union members.

    Will someone please explain to me, in simple terms, why the Democrats are seen as the 'friend' of unions, and a shoe in for their votes, while the GOP is seen as an 'enemy' of unions ? I've always grown up with that assumption, but it recently ocurred to me I don't have any basis for that...
  16. R

    Gore really will say anything, won't he !?!

    Finally realizing that the idea of smaller, less intrusive gov't is appealling to voters, this tax & spend authoritarian is trying to paint himself as being for "smaller, more efficient gov't" !!!???!!! The scary part is - do some people actually beleive this tripe ?
  17. R

    Anybody seen or read the President's new book ?

    President Heston, that is.
  18. R

    The new PC US Army - black berets for everyone

    This is where we've come to. Self-esteem is more important than accomplishment. It's not important how you perform, it's how you feel about your performance. No red pen to mark tests, no "F" grades, trophies for everyone,...and now, forget the trademark of the Special Forces, every soldier is...
  19. R

    CNN debate transcript wrong. Accident ?

    Looking for the "hunters, sprtsmen, rifles" quote, I found this: GORE: I want to work for universal free school, because we know from all the studies that the youngsters learn -- kids learn more in the first few years of life than anywhere else. Now I was watching, and listening, and that's...
  20. R

    "Hunters, Sportsmen,...people who use rifles" - code words becoming clearer

    Just want to reiterate what has been mentioned, and add to the "code words" thread I started after Debate II. "None of my proposals would have any effect on hunters or sportsmen or people who use rifles." There should be absolutly no mistaking what he is saying. Couldn't be any plainer...