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  1. G

    USS COLE - Recovery Operations Photos

    Photo archive of the USS COLE - I have the recovery operation photo archive on my site today (12 photos that I wont flood this forum with). - See the Nov 17th post for the photos
  2. G

    New Yard Signs for you.

  3. G

    "Junior Member" vs. "Senior Member"

    Are there new standards for membership titles? With the old system, I was a "senior member"... Now I am a "Junior Member". What are the standards? I assume this is generated by the number of posts you make?
  4. G

    Please email Carol Roberts

    Folks, this is the lady who has Gore bumperstickers on her car, who has been accused of voter fraud in the handling of these ballots AND the very same one who has stated that she is willing to go to jail rather than obey her boss, the Secretary of State in stopping the handcounts. Maybe she...
  5. G

    Today I am ashamed to be an American...

    Today I am embarrassed to be called an American - Here is a quote from some foreigner regarding this bull**** legal action from the Gore wanna-be Administration: "On a very ordinary, easy ballot paper, a vast number of ordinary Americans get it wrong. But that's not funny. What is funny is that...
  6. G

    Today I am ashamed to be an American...

    Today I am embarrassed to be called an American - Here is a quote from some foreigner regarding this bull**** legal action from the Gore wanna-be Administration: "On a very ordinary, easy ballot paper, a vast number of ordinary Americans get it wrong. But that's not funny. What is funny is that...
  7. G

    The DemoNazi's - Picture for your Enlightenment

    Al Gore for Mein Fuhrer! ------------------ w i l
  8. G

    Handgun Registration Act

    From 106th Congress of the United States House of Representatives - I received a snailmail letter today from Michigan Congressman Pete Hoekstra in response to my questions about S. 2099 (Handgun Registration Act). Excerpt: "...Although the legislation S. 2099 has been introduced in the Senate...
  9. G

    I already Voted - this is how

    Due to my wife having labor induced on her AGAIN today, she and I went down to our township clerks office and voted (absentee ballot). It took only a few minutes, so if you don't think you can get out to vote tomorrow, I encourage you to go get your absentee ballot today. Oh wow! My Aunt and...
  10. G

    ::: The 2000 Voters Guide :::

    See where the 2 candidates stand on the following issues! George Bush ::: Supports Emphasizing Free Enterprise Solutions to Social Problems. ::: Opposes Control of Public Education by Powerful Unions. ::: Supports Educational Choice for Parents (Vouchers). ::: Opposes Unrestricted Abortion on...
  11. G

    Couldn't you use an Al Gore Urinal Mat?

    Couldn't you use an Al Gore Urinal Mat? "Hight quality scented plastic uninal mat with white lettering guaranteed not to fade or yellow" ------------------ w i l
  12. G

    G.W. Bush and his DUI

    George Bush and his DUI - Fox News broke the story yesterday regarding G.W. Bush's run in with the law back in 1976. He was stopped in Maine (Near the Bush Family Compound) for driving too slow and was found to be intoxicated. He received a ticketed and a fine (which he paid) and lost his...