Search results

  1. G

    Forum On Texas Right-to-carry Laws

    The Texas Legislature passed the Right-To-Carry Law in 1995. Seven years later, Texas citizens, legally licensed to carry concealed handguns, are being prevented from doing so. You are cordially invited to join Senator Jerry Patterson candidate...
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    What a nuke can do to your city - must see!

    This is some very interesting stuff from PBS.. It is a form which allows you to pick the megatonage and an address, then it pulls a map up with a blast radious to show the damage... Included radiation, air blast and ground blast scenerios. See what would happen to your hometown / city :eek:
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    Tactical Light Clones

    I am looking for accessories for my HK USP .45 and I noticed that the Universal Tactical Light is over $250, while the laser attachement is over $300! Does anyone know of a clone manufacturer that can provide a clip and a light at a much lower price? TIA.
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    New Gun Fires 'Laser of Lead'

    New Gun Fires 'Laser of Lead' - It may not be ready for George Bush's "first war of the 21st century." But it may well be ready if there's a second. In perhaps the most audacious upgrade of high-speed weaponry since the introduction of the Gatling Gun, Australian inventor Mike O'Dwyer has...
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    gun-toting Statue of Liberty shirts

    (Article from "A sketch of a gun-toting Statue of Liberty is fast becoming the most popular piece of amateur propaganda created in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Created by Eliza Gauger, a 17-year-old student from Bellingham, Washington, the skillful drawing of "Mommy...
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    opinions: top 5 american gun manufacturers.

    Hi all. I got this email from a reader. I was wondering what your opinion was... Thanx in advance.
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    Did Bush Say Camel Butt?

    I read somewhere (here?) that Bush told Hillary and 3 other congressmen that he wasn't going to expend a 10 million dollar missle on a 10 dollar tent, hitting some camel in the butt. Can anyone verify this? Thanx. Caution: image contains a slang word referring to a person being born of unwed...
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    Take a look at Chem and Bio weapons

    Chemical Biological Attack - Yikes. Not that it wasn't expected or anything, but it is shocking to hear that the suspected terrorists who had a hand in the Sept. 11th crashes were looking into crop dusters. Crop dusters don't make big boom-booms when they collide with buildings so the logical...
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    Afganistan Weather Channel Forecast (picture)

    And now your local forcast. This forcast is brought to you by Hehe. :cool:
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    Free Firearm Training For Pilots <-----

    FREE GUN TRAINING FOR COMMERCIAL PILOTS! LAS VEGAS, NEVADA: In the aftermath of the World Trade Center attack, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, which claims to be the world leader in providing intensified courses in the defensive use of firearms for private citizens and law enforcement...
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    Terrorist Attacks Can Affect Our Freedom

    Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 16:22:11 -0400 From: Eric S Raymond <> Subject: Decentralism against terrorism -- First lessons from the 9/11 attack Organization: Eric Conspiracy Secret Labs Some friends have asked me to step outside my normal role as a technology evangelist today, to...
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    Famous Firearms throughout history.

    I've been trying to find sites that contain information about and/or photos of firearms that are or should be famous. For example, James Bond's favorite handgun; Dirty Harry's favorite handgun; the gun used by Alexander Berkman in his failed attempt to assassinate Henry Clay Frick during the...
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    July 9th Gun Buys - Anyone Track # of Purchases?

    Like many others, I bought a gun on July 9 to celebrate the 2nd Amendment (and because I was due for another gun, anyway). Sites all over the web encouraged gun rights supporters to do this. Did anybody gather any statistics on participation? Does anybody have any idea how many people...
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    The Brady Bunch

    I need your assistance with a project to make fun of the Brady Bill Bunch! At the following URL you can find the picture of the group. ( ) When you touch your cursor over each image, a block pops up with NAME, OCCUPATION, and CLAIM TO FAME. I...
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    Grenade Machine Gun by H&K

    Is this thing for real?!! Cool. I wonder what it would do to my computer monitor... :)
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    Mobile Firearms News and Discussion (see poll)

    I have begun placing polls back on because I need to know which way to go with this website. I am tempted to complete my work on a 'mobile' version of the site which would be available via. Avantgo, (the web service which places 'subscribed' websites onto your handheld...
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    Police have right to flag websites?

    I got this from my Forum... He needs advice. "Recently I had 2 police officers harass me for viewing "flagged" web sites. These officers invited themselves into my apartment and claimed that they were there because "I was looking at 'flagged' web sites on the internet" they asked questions like...
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    Help! Webby Awards Coming Up!

    I need your help - Hi everyone. I would like to point out that votes are being taken for the 2001 Webby Awards right now. I have looked over the leading ACTIVISM votes and it is sad. Voting continues through July 4, 2001, so you've got plenty of time to get in there and write in Geeks With...
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    Hi Tech Weaponry Updates!!!

    Robo-Cops - American Military Police were granted special powers this month, allowing them to see around corners, through trees and in the dark. Road -testing the Army's new "Digital MP System", the soldiers strapped on enough electronic enhancements to make Robocop jealous, including...
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    Michigan passes CCW reform! YEAH!

    Just as I am gearing up to leave the great State of Michigan, our senate finally passes the CCW bill, effectively making Michigan a "Shall-Issue" state. T he bill will soon be signed into law and Michigan will become the 32nd "shall-issue" state in the United States. This bill mandates that gun...