Search results

  1. J

    bumper stickers

    Mine says: "Driver carries only $20.00 in ammunition"...:D What about your's?????:confused:
  2. J

    Things Teutonic and German

    Since we all respect finely made and machined firearms....Walthers, et al (herein the author makes the firearms link:) ), I thought I'd share with you an experience of approximately 30 minutes ago when I had the opportunity to drive one of the new Mini Coopers.....this one the 16" wheel/tire...
  3. J

    Where have all the men gone?

    I've been reading that the Catholic church is now playing "hardball" in the matters of criminal-sexual assaults on young boys and perhaps even others. Meaning that they're now hiring "high-powered" and high profile law firms who have the muscle and expertise to literally "drown" a plainfiff in...
  4. J

    Funniest story regarding firearm use?

    Would love to hear some of yours... Mine? About 22 years ago, my wife and I had a home in a very rural area....I traveled extensively...we had no kids then...and she was a slender and very attractive woman...still any rate, I traveled overnight generally 3 nights per week....I had...
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    32 Magnum

    S&W has a really neat little defensive revolver in 32 Mag....anyone have any experience with this....just looking for informed insight..... Thanks
  6. J

    carry advice

    After many years of toting a custom 45 Colt Commander and with the approach of summertime, I am once again considering the once unconsiderable...and that is acquiring a "pea shooter" in 38 caliber....something hammerless or bobbed...something I can literally throw into my pocket, stick in my...
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    Why I love Donald Rumsfeld

    I heard this from Rumsfeld's mouth last night and hoped I could find it today to write it down.. This was in response to a comment by some "senior Pentagon officials" who had said that we had "allowed" Bin Laden to sneak across the mountains into Pakistan... "My view of the whole thing...
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    First Rate Absurdity....I'm gonna sue Mom and Dad

    In the unlikely event that anyone really cares if this frigging rapper got "capped".....take a look at this crap:eek: LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Heirs of the late rap star Notorious B.I.G. have filed a wrongful death and federal civil rights lawsuit against Los Angeles Police Chief...
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    Afghanistan Prisoners in Afghanistan

    Saw an AP (I think) newspaper article over the past couple of days pointing out that the Afghan government...whatever that means....has @ 3500 "detainees" in an old prison designed for about or less than half that number....apparently these prisoners are a mix of Taliban, Al Q, criminals...
  10. J

    Further evidence that we're insane!

    RE: The Stella Awards Perhaps you've heard of the Darwin awards, given to those individuals who do the most for mankind by removing themselves from the gene pool ,,, well, there's a new honor bestowed on individuals who win unbelievably frivolous lawsuits. The Stella Awards, named in honor of...
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    Action Shooting-cowboy

    I'm reasonably competent with a handgun and shoot my custom-built 45acp's with a fair amount of precision and speed. But I'm becoming increasingly interested in the cowboy action shooting and am saving my pennies to purchase a pair of revolvers for use in such fun activities. I'm leaning...
  12. J

    can't help but ask this one

    As an ex-military officer....Vietnam....Phung Hoang program, ex-leo and ex-security manager....and avid knife and gun knut..... I've never been involved in a knife-fight....took one away from a crazy kid once but never been in a knife-fight and don't know anyone who has....whether they be...
  13. J

    Valid ID? Flying? Caution

    Charlotte, NC man flew down to Florida day before yesterday...he being local businessman. Uneventful....standard fare today being the fairly complete search, even down to and including his shoes. Completes business and is flying back Wednesday morning. Same routine....has actually boarded the...
  14. J

    Compressed magazines???????How long?

    My custom 45acp gets "fed" with several different types of magazines....Shooting Stars, McCormicks and Wilsons...all work just fine...thank you very much....don't want to start a thread on that topic again. The question is: I carry the firearm either in the car, on my person or into the...
  15. J

    .45acp carbine?

    Who makes them....? Any experience with one? How about Wilson's "carbine conversion" kit?
  16. J

    Profiling humor...kinda, sorta

    Someone sent this to me....kind of a tongue-in-check prohibition notice regarding profiling.....thought you guys might enjoy: > To ensure we Americans never offend anyone - particularly fanatics intent on > killing us (and liberals) -- airport screeners will not be allowed to profile > people...
  17. J

    1911 maintenance

    How often, if ever should one completely dismantle the receiver of a 1911? For cleaning, inspection, etc.... Should this be done by reputable gunsmith or can a novice do it? One of my semi-custom Colt .45acp's has approximately 6000 rounds through it....runs fine...but was just wondering...
  18. J

    Glock 30 opinion

    Nope, don't want to buy one...already have one! I've only put perhaps a box of shells through it.....bought it because I thought I really needed one of those plastic guns...I'm more of a 1911 fact, a huge one. However, in reading "between the lines" in some of these forums, I've...
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    let me see if I understand

    Yesterday, a United Airlines pilot smashes this dude over the head with an axe they keep in the cockpit to allow themselves to extricate themselves from said cockpit in the event of emergency....and jolly good job and kudos to the pilot. BUT, the IDIOTS that run airline screening take...
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    US Travel with handguns

    Someone in the know update me here..... What must one do if planning to travel via airline from (say) North Carolina to (say) Texas or Arizona (Gunsite or Thunder RAnch)? I'll be toting two pistols in aluminum case.