Search results

  1. F

    What is the most overpriced handgun?

    My local Sportsmans Warehouse had a FN 5.7 in stock today. I asked to handle it and was surprised at just how much if felt like a airsoft pistol. Then I looked at the price, $1032 before tax :eek:. Damn. I am intrigued by the 5.7, but there are alot of guns out there that intrigue me for...
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    Cars during summer, too hot for guns?

    Last week I left one of my pistols locked in the glove compartment of the car. It only hit 80 that day, but boy was my pistol warm when I pulled it out. So are cars during the summer too hot for guns?
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    What handgun innovations are left?

    Lets predict the future guys. What handgun innovations do you think we will see in the future? Advancements in materials, designs, ammo, sites, what do you think is coming?
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    Going to a concert at Qwest field, can I carry?

    On tomorrow my wife and I are going to go watch U2 play at Qwest field, can I carry or do they have metal detectors and such that will prevent me from carrying? The idea of being in that part of Seattle without a gun is not a pleasant one. Thanks guys.
  5. F

    FBI Report: Violent Crime drops 5.5%

    In 2010, violent crime saw a drop of 5.5% compared to 2009. Violent crime dropped in all areas of the US. Generally speaking, if I were to rank those four areas from most restrictive gun laws to least I'd rank em something...
  6. F

    Why is the AR-10 not more popular?

    Last weekend I was able to see and shoot my first AR-10, a .243 version by DPMS. Have to say I'm in love, an awesome, awesome rifle. Now I'm 31 and have been shooting for 20 years now, the fact that it took me 20 years to finally meet someone who owns an AR-10 says something about its...
  7. F

    Craziest/worst thing you've ever had to clean off of a gun

    Sitting at the kitchen table last night cleaning my handguns. My wife is feeding our 9 month old daughter yogurt. My daughter grabs the spoon and throws it, perfect hit on my Beretta 96 covering the slide with yogurt. After reflection, I could not think of having to wipe a weirder thing off...
  8. F

    One gun for each major caliber

    So one of my goals, its to have a handgun for each of the major calibers. I enjoy reloading, and I just like the idea. So if you COULD (you may not want to now, but if money was no object and you could) get a gun for every caliber, what would you get for each caliber? This is what my list...
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    Bad guns that were the inspiration for good guns

    Every time I look at my Ruger Mark III, I can't believe that the Japanese Nambu Type 14 was the inspiration that led Bill Ruger to design the Ruger Standard .22, which led to the Mark I, II, and III. So what other stories are there out there of bad guns, that inspired gun makers to refine the...
  10. F

    The biggest rivalry in handguns

    KEEP THIS FRIENDLY GUYS. What, in your opinion, is the biggest rivalry in handguns? What is the one topic that when it comes up, everyone goes silent for a moment realizing that a major discussion is about to ensue. THE PURPOSE OF THIS THREAD IS NOT TO REHASH THESE ARGUMENTS, just want to see...
  11. F

    Utah: taking a concealed weapon to a Jazz game

    Going to a Jazz game this Friday and wondering if I can take my concealed pistol with me to the game or if Utah has prohibitions against carrying concealed into sporting events. Thanks
  12. F

    Simulating stress during practice sessions

    So there is obviously a big difference between shooting at targets and shooting when your life is on the line. So I've been trying to figure out ways to simulate the adrenaline rush and the stress that would come with shooting when your life is on the line. So far what I've come up with is...
  13. F

    How hard is it to kick in a door, (so you know how much time you have to get a gun)

    Talking about a standard door with deadbolts, how many kicks does it take 1? 2? 3? I ask because that has huge ramifications on home defense, specifically would you have time to get to a gun once the bad guys try to get in. So, how much time does the average door buy you to get your gun?
  14. F

    When was/is the golden age of handguns?

    So people talk about the golden age of cars, comedy, whatever. When would you say was/is the golden age of handguns? Personally I think it's different for revolvers and autos. I think the golden age of autos is now, almost every manufacturer is making high quality autos with all sorts of...
  15. F

    A website that lists uses of firearms for self defense

    So with the extra attention to gun control, I am getting into more debates about guns. Is there a site out there that has a list of recent uses of guns for self defense? I've tried google, but I get old stories, I want to be able to show how many times guns are used everyday for self defense.
  16. F

    How has your Plum Crazy AR-15 lower held up?

    Thinking about building another AR-15 (my Del-Ton, Rock River, and Bushmaster are lonely :D) and thinking about making a really lightweight one. Obviously the Plum Crazy would be a really lightweight start, but I have reservations about having the entire lower made of polymer. So, if you have...
  17. F

    You just shot a bad guy, do you perform first aid?

    Had to renew my first aid certification today and it got me thinking. So for some justifiable reason you had to draw your weapon and shoot an attacker. The attacker is now down from your gunshot wound. Do you perform first aid? If you don't perform first aid, are there any legal...
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    WSJ Article: Army sets sights on new rifle

    Appears the Army is set to begin a 2 year trial to replace the M-16/M-4 Link to story So.......what do you think the winner will be? What do you think the winner should be? Here's my crazy thought, Rock River announced an .243 version of the AR-15 at the SHOT show. Piston operated M-16...
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    Help me build a 1911

    So I've assembled a few AR-15s from parts and I really enjoyed it. Time for the next challenge. I'm looking at building a 1911, nothing fancy, just something I can assemble from parts to get my feet wet. So what do I need to know to get started? I appreciate the help.
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    Post your wishlist!

    So what guns are currently on your wishlist? Here's my current wish list 1. Firestorm .22. My wife has a Thunder .380 and I want something cheap for her to practice with. 2. Pocket .380. LCP, Bodyguard .380, or Kahr .380. Something I can fit in the pocket of my slacks. 3. Double Stack...