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  1. X

    Para Ordinance 1911

    So I was at academy yesterday getting some athletic shirts to wear while working out and I walked by the gun counter like I always do. There was a 'new addition to Academy's gun case. It was a blued Para Ordinance SSP PXT 1911. I think that was what the model was, not positive though. Does...
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    How Much is a good price to ask for my XD45?

    I am going to sell my XD45 to fianance a 1911 project. What would be a good asking price? The gun is in excellent condition with nothing but normal wear from being fired. It has about 1,000 rounds through it. You think I could get 425 out of it?
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    Taurus 1911's

    Ok I have been considering purchasing one of these for quite a while now. Those of you on this forum that own one please give your opinion. Also please list any issues you have had with your personal gun. Those who have heard of problems please do not reply to this thread, owners of the gun...
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    Glock "C" Models

    Ok, I am looking at the C model Glocks. I hear that they keep the recoil down a bit. Is this true? Are they worth the extra money? I am looking at selling my XD and getting one of these. I got a Glock 19 a little while ago and I shoot way better with it than I do with the XD, so I am...
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    Taurus 94

    What are your thoughts on the Taurus 94 4" 22 revolver? I am considering a 22 revolver and this has caught my eye. I am aware that some people have a low opinion of taurus and their quality control....please dont comment on that. Just give my your thoughts on the guns accuracy, reliability...
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    Any of you ever try any of these? Do they work pretty well?
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    XD Trigger Job

    Anyone know how to get the trigger worked on on an XD? I was told by a local smith that they cant work on them b/c springfield wont send them any of the parts or something along those lines. I want to get a trigger job done on my XD...anyone know where to turn?
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    Good price to sell my XD45 for?

    I am considering selling my XD so I can buy a 1911. It is a 4" XD45. It is in excellent condition, I have only had the pistol about a year. What would be a good price to sell it for? I was thinking of asking 450 for it...what do you think
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    1911 question

    I dont have a 1911 but I am thinking about getting one to keep in my truck. Is it safe to have a loaded chamber with the hammer down? Is there any way to actually do that besides pulling the trigger on a loaded chamber and easing it down?
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    What to do to my glock

    I just bought a glock is bone stock. Any suggestions as to what i should accessorise it with? I am going to get a grip plug but what else, if anything should I do to it?
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    Glock Problem

    I just bought a Glock 19 Yesterday. The gun shoots great with no problems in that area. I have noticed that after I clean it when I pull the slide back the recoil spring is making a squeeking sound as the spring compresses. I am not sure what is making this sound...any ideas? I am thinking about...
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    Glock Guide rod/recoil spring question

    I just bought a Glock 19 Yesterday. The gun shoots great with no problems in that area. I have noticed that after I clean it when I pull the slide back the recoil spring is making a squeeking sound as the spring compresses. I am not sure what is making this sound...any ideas? I am thinking...
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    Whats a good price for a used Glock 19?

    Well...I am looking for a Glock 19 and there are gunshows coming up. What is a good price for a used gun?
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    I am going to rent a Glock 19 Tomorrow

    I want to try it out and see what glocks are all about...if I like it I think I might just buy it
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    Glock 19 vs. Glock 23

    I am thinking about picking up one of these two guns for a CCW. Which one should I go with? They both feel great in my hand. I am leaning more toward the 23 b/c it is a .40 and I can always get a 9mm conversion barrel. What would you get and why?
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    Glock 23

    I have an XD duty model with the 4" barrel. How does that compare size wise with the glock 23? I am trying to find a good CCW and for some reason the glock is really growing on me...I use to not like how they look.
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    Handgun Grip

    How tight should you grip the gun while firing? I have heard that you should hold it fairly loose, like how you would hold a bird, firm enough to control but not so strong as to crush it. I find that if I have a very firm grip on the gun that I shoot alot better. What do you think?
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    Groups always a little to the left

    Hey, I went out and shot my XD yesterday and noticed something. My groups were tight about 2-3" at 7 yards, but they seemed to always be centered about 2" left of the bluuseye. The right edge of the group is touching the bull but the center of the group is left...What gives?
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    Finding a lease

    Hey I am wondering if any of you have had success locating a hunting lease by placing an Ad in local papers? Is it worth the effort or should I pursue other efforts.
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    Stoeger Cougar

    Anyone here know anything about the Stoeger Cougar? I saw a pic pic of one the other day and it looked like a cool gun. Is it the exact same as the Beretta? Anyone here own one? How does it shoot? Is it small enough for eoncealed carry?