Search results

  1. L

    Price Check on GP100

    Local pawn shop has a new GP100 (blued and 4" Barrel) for $500. How outta line is this price? Thanks in advance, L7
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    Hornady TAP .45 Ammo

    A little impromptu range report concerning the 230gr+p ammo: Firstly, this was my first time firing any sort of +p ammo in .45. The results, when coming out of one of my Witness Carry-Comps was, well, impressive. The recoil, muzzle flash and overpressure took me off-guard. It was so much more...
  3. L

    New (to me) Witness Carry-Comp

    Just picked it up yesterday and love it. It's my second of the type and it's just as accurate as my previous example with a few exceptions: 1) Forward Cocking Serrations 2) (as seen in the attached photos) the compensator isn't contoured like my first one. 3) Left-handed thumb safety only. It...
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    New CCW. Need help! (so many choices :D)

    My birthday is just 6 wks away and I'm needing a different concealed carry weapon (hauling the Witness Carry-Comp is getting to be a wear and I need another reason to hold off on buying my girlfiend <yes the spelling is correct :p > some more shoes or clothes). Thanks to my Pops, I have some...
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    Will $350 get me a decent Model 19 or 66?

    Like the title says: Will $350 get me a decent Model 19 or 66 with a 2.5 barrel(really liking the blue though :D)? I know region and market demand has an effect on prices (Im in the Jacksonville, FL area and those idiots at S&W discontinued the K-Frame .357). There doesnt seem to be any in...
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    Need Info on EAA Witness P-Carry

    Saw one of these in the gunshop (in .45) and was wondering if anyone on here has first-hand experience with these (in any caliber). They look like a good option for a CCW piece (all-steel large pistols are great for shooting but no fun carrying in SE GA/NE FL heat and humidity....yeah, yeah...
  7. L

    Price Check on SIGPro 2009

    After shooting my friends' SIGPro 2340 (in .40) I HAVE to have one (Me: "Hi my name is Aaron and Im addicted to guns." Everyone else: "Hi Aaron!") :o Nine is my fav caliber (hush you .45ers b/c I have a few of those collecting dust in my safe :D :p ) and went to visit my dependents at T&C...
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    Mossad Handguns?

    Anyone know what type of handguns (Israeli) Mossad agents have used in the past and what they use nowadays? Ive read "Vengenge" by George Jonas (for an international relations class) and have seen both "Munich" and "Sword of Giedion" and it has me wondering... Semper Fi! -L7
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    ND in the appartment

    So, Im on my lunch and my girlfriend calls me up, freaking out, and I figure the cat has ran off. Nope. "It just went off!" she says sobbingly. She was cleaning and whatever she was doing, she managed to punch a .40 hole from the dinning room, through the storgage space under the stairs, into...
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    New (to me) SW 4506 (LONG!)

    WOW! That was my first reaction to the first group I shot at 15yds as it wheeled back to my lil cubby hole they call a firing lane (barely big enough to get a proper stance:rolleyes: ). The 5 shots were all nearly touching but low. Really low (about 4 inches in fact). My fellow Marine and...
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    Beretta 87 Cheetah--need help

    Looking into the above model for a ccw piece and want to get the EXPERIENCES (b/c heresay is much quietier than rounds going down range) of other TFL members. First off, I dont need to hear the .22 for SD argument...I know what im getting into and the limitations of the round. Second, Ive had...
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    PT945 question

    Found a pt945 w/ two mags and night sights in my local pawn shop for $275 and change out the door. The gun is an easy 95% w/ a beautiful barrel. Two questions: 1) Fair price? 2) What have your experience(s) been w/ this weapon? (I dont need hear-say, i need actual trigger time) Thanks in...
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    Mr. and Mrs. Smith handgun question

    Was watchin the above movie (cool albeit over the top gunplay and what looked like my parents' relationship for that last ten yrs lol) and during the house shoot-out and Brad Pitt (another Missouri boy making good :p ) grabs a stainless 1911 and suppressor from a wall compartment...the question...
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    Help customizing my Ruger Mk. II

    Um..the damnest thing...I walk in to order a FN Hi-Power from CDNN and come out w/ a slightly used (internals a gem but the thing might need reblueing). Oh, it's the 5.5" bull-barrel version and it was a steal (Talked em down to $190 and $220 AFTER tax and registation fees). Shoots better than...
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    Thigh Holsters for 686

    Does anyone make a thigh holster for my SW 686? Safariland doesnt. G-Code doesnt. Bianchi doesnt. Does anyone? Or do they (holster manufactures) think the revolver isnt Low Speed, High Drag enough for them? Help me out people! Thanks and Semper Fi! -L7
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    Just saw the movie (I read the book 2 yrs ago) and loved it. It captured the my generation in the Corps to the "T." So in honor of the movie I have a collection of Marine Corps quotes and assorted items. Enjoy! Semper Fi! -L7 US Marine Corps Rules for Gunfights 1. Be courteous to everyone...
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    Which compact auto?

    Just a friendily lil poll. Parameters are small, fairly lightweight, affordable, accurate, reliable and nine milly (can it! this isnt a place for caliber wars! lol) So, fire away! Be sure to state what you voted for and why (no "b/c theyre the best" answers please)
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    And a couple thousand rounds later...

    figured I'd post a status report of my SW 686-6. Well several yrs, college, quite a few girlfiends (yea i spelled it correctly:D ), 4 cars and 3 duty stations later, I still have my ole roundhouse. Ive tried to sell it, really, i have. I had the money received but damn if that gun doesnt rest...
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    BDay present for pick!

    Okay turning 20 on the 13th, so help me pick my Bday present to myself. I know the legality of Handguns and "minors" but my parents say if i can bleed for my country (OOORRRAAAHHHHH MARINES!) they have no problem w/ registering another pistol for me (this will be my 4th handgun and 16th...
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    Drop Leg Holster for SW 686

    Need help finding a drop leg tactical or competition holster for my SW 686 w/ 4" barrel. Thanks in advance! Semper Fi! -L7