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  1. V

    Used vs New...How do you feel ??

    Every time I see a used pistol that I like,I always seem to say to myself...Damn...If youre gonna spend that kinda money why not just get a new one...I guess I'm always thinking that the gun may have had problems or has been tinkered with...I think most people will buy a used gun over the new...
  2. V

    Does the 9mm really have enough stopping power ??

    Even though I love the 9mm I have to question its stopping power...You always seem to hear about various incidents involving the 9mm where the BG was shot & he didnt drop...That guy from GA. comes to mind...He was shot about 16 or 17 times with a 9mm & lived...A city real close to me seems to...
  3. V

    How many rounds have you put thru your Sig ??

    What model and caliber ?? Any jams or malfunctions of any kind ?? Have you replaced any parts ?? Thanks...
  4. V

    Whats the most you'll spend for a decent pistol ??

    The most I've ever spent on a pistol was $995.00 :eek: It was on a Kimber Pro CDP...I regretted it later cause the pistol didnt seem to be worth that kinda money...The aluminum frame seemed paper thin plus you had to use that crazy tool(paper clip) to capture the guide rod assembly when taking...
  5. V

    Do you guys think HK's & Sigs are worth the money ??

    Just curious...I guess since I shoot Sigs the best and have had the least amount of problems with them,I guess I dont mind spending the extra money...Same with the HK's.Dont get me wrong cause if i were to ever carry,I probably would pick a Glock :)
  6. V

    Just got rid of my new P99...

    Some of you guys know that I dont have any patience when it come to guns...If something gives me a even a little hint of trouble,I'll get rid of it...Anyway...I picked up a brand new Walther P99 in 40cal in the ultra cool military green color about a month ago...I just fired the gun today and...
  7. V

    Being the Glock is so simple...How much do you think it cost to make ??

    I would venture to say around a $100.00 bucks...Give or take a little :)
  8. V

    Whats your favorite caliber between...9mm...40..and 45 ??

    Let me set things straight...I like and shoot all 3 calibers...With todays bullet technology...The stopping power and expansion rates are real close between all 3...If I had to put them in some kind of order,my preference would be...The 9mm 1st followed by the 45 then the 40...It seems I'm most...
  9. V

    Help...What's a decent .22 pistol ??

    In the mid two hundred dollar range...Thanks :)
  10. V

    Do you really think shooting a .22 helps correct flinching ??

    I'm right handed and sometimes when I go to the range some of my shots are low & to the left...Decent size groups but still low & to the left...A sure sign of flinching...Alot of it has to with the type of gun I'm shooting and the expected recoil...I think alot of people flinch but dont or wont...
  11. V

    Which brand or style of pistol do you shoot the best ??

    I seem to shoot Sigs the best followed by the HK's...The Sigs grip is so damn comfortable it fits my hand like a glove...The recoil on the Sigs is pretty low because of their weight and that translates into much easier follow up shots :)
  12. V

    Which Sig model do you like the best and why ??

    I think I like the 229 the best...It's Accurate...Built like a tank.... Fits my hand well...Plus you can change barrells...All in All...A great pistol..:)
  13. V

    Do you guys still like your Walther P99 ??

    I'm about to pick my P99 in 40 in less then 2 weeks...The thing just feels so sweet in my hands...Everytime I go to my gunshop I check it out...They probably think I'm nuts !! :) Damn...I dont think I can wait any longer...Anyway...Are you guys still happy with yours ?? Do you have one in 9 or...
  14. V

    New FG/R Glock bothering my hands...What would you guys do ??

    Let me start off by saying that I really like Glocks and have owned a bunch of them in the past...I really like the newer model Glocks cause you can throw a Tac light on the rails...The only gun I own right now is my FG/R G23 w/night sites...It only has about 500rnds thru it with no problems...
  15. V

    Which pistol do you trust your life to ??

    Since I only have one pistol right now I guess it would be my Glock 23....I've put about 400rnds thru it so far with no problems...My question is....Which one of your pistols do you grab without hesitation if something goes array and you know damn well that its going to go bang....which one can...
  16. V

    Now this is sweet...

    Its the new Stainless Sig 220...Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking...Any plans to get one ?? :)
  17. V

    Which pistol do you think has the most comfortable grip ??

    I used to think the Sig classic guns...220,228,229 etc,had a real nice grip feel until I handled a Walther P99...Its downright sweet !! I just put a deposit on a Military Green P99 in 40cal...Here's a pic....
  18. V

    Is the new Stainless Kimber HD Pro Carry out yet ??

    Its the new all steel(Stainless)version of their regular 1/2 Stainless,1/2 Aluminum Pro Carry...I was just wondering if anybody has seen one or ordered one...It's in their 2001 brochure...Looks pretty darn nice... [Edited by vyper005 on 03-05-2001 at 12:36 AM]
  19. V

    If the majority of Police use Glocks...Arent they good enough for us ??

    I think so....All the Federal agencies and Police Departments supposedly conduct very extensive "Torture Tests" and the Glocks usually pass with flying colors...What do you guys think ??
  20. V

    Do you think its true when people say.....

    "Whichever gun feels best in your hands...will be your most accurate" I think so...Sigs feel the best in my hands and I do shoot them the best...My accuracy with various Glocks,HK's & Berettas has been pretty good but the funny thing is,I've put more rounds thru Glocks then any other...