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  1. T

    Armouring a non-armoured spotting scope

    After dropping my Burris Landmark spotting scope off the bench and dinging the edge of the objective lens cover I came up with the idea of wrapping a skinny bicycle inner tube in two places where contact is most likely (near the big objective lens and at the widest point on the body near the...
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    Feinstein says 60,000 e-mails against Ashcroft

    Well, I'm sending one saying I'm for the new Attorney General. I hope you do too.
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    Clinton to fight NRA after leaving office

    I've included an excerpt I found in a Ronald Brownstein article found in the Los Angeles Times (1/22/01) that I thought some might find telling. Here it is: "But it's apparent to those around him that Clinton will keep a hand in politics. More than any presidents since Richard Nixon and...
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    California hunting license question

    It's not entirely clear in the regulations if one needs a valid California Hunting License to shoot non-game animals such as coyotes or ground squirrels. What is the rule on this? What about private land versus public for taking of non-game?
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    What scope for Marlin 25N

    The rifle cost $100 and the scope and rings budget I have set for it is $60. I want a 4X and rings that actually fit the groove. I'd like to get some Marlin owners input since several mfg's rings I tried didn't seem too secure.
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    Why will guns always be used in movies?

    Is it art imitating life, or does life imitate art? How about sensible gun use in movies, less graphic depiction of death and injury, and less gratuitous criminal insanity? And, why is the gun so important to a story?
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    Dennis closes all OT non-gun threads...

    Well, some are allowed. Makes me wonder what the standard is though. I mean no disrepect here. I see lots of non-gun topics on General Discussion.
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    How do you break in new car?

    Just wondering. Run it on the freeway at 65mph? Everybody else does. Maybe the notion of breaking in a motor is just old fashioned. How do the benchrest guys do it?
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    Glock owners in denial, BIG TIME!

    First, let me state that I own a Glock and think that they're super reliable. However, at there's a thread where a fellow says he's shot a ton of rounds through his G-22 and only had two small parts break, an extractor and a trigger spring. His concern is what other parts may be...
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    Varmiting in SoCal, Where to go?

    I'd like to find some areas near where I live in Ventura, LA, or Santa Barbara counties. Watching Elmer Fudd has truly inspired me to take up arms against some of natures' wacky critters.
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    Varmiting in SoCal, Where to go?

    I'd like to find some areas near where I live in Ventura, LA, or Santa Barbara counties. Watching Elmer Fudd has truly inspired me to take up arms against some of natures' wacky critters.
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    Laugh riot, Calvin and Hobbes snowman series This is funny stuff. Go click thru the series of comic strip art.
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    Anti-hunting letter to LA Times from "student of Darwin"

    Found in Letters to Editor, 11/27/00: NORTH DAKOTA FOX HUNT Re: "Hunters Win Constitutional Cover," Nov. 21: Am I the only one who sees the irony in a group of North Dakota hunters who form a circle to trap red foxes and shoot towards the center? As an opponent of "sport hunting" (and a...
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    Anti-hunting letter to LA Times from "student of Darwin"

    Found in Letters to Editor, 11/27/00: NORTH DAKOTA FOX HUNT Re: "Hunters Win Constitutional Cover," Nov. 21: Am I the only one who sees the irony in a group of North Dakota hunters who form a circle to trap red foxes and shoot towards the center? As an opponent of "sport hunting" (and a...
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    Handloading the .45LC for new Win94 rifle

    I have data for a good basic loading using 255gr.lead over 7.1 grs. of WW 231 but can I shoot higher pressures and more velocity out of this carbine than what is published for .45LC revolvers or antique guns?
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    Williams sights for Winchester 94

    Any body have experience with the FP series Williams peep sights for the Win 94 angle eject model carbine. I 'm wondering if the front sight needs to be changed like it does for the Ashley product.
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    George Will !!!

    Gore, Hungry for Power By George F. Will Sunday, November 12, 2000 So the Clinton-Gore era culminates with an election as stained as the blue dress, a Democratic chorus complaining that the Constitution should not be the controlling legal authority, and Clinton's understudy...
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    Hillary doesn't like the Electoral College...

    Because Algore doesn't have the needed 270 votes yet he has a larger popular vote count, if this were reversed she'd affirm the Electoral College as the legitimate authority. Who is she kidding? I say we stick to the constitutional system and rely on the Electoral College. When does Algore win...
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    Whew! The wife voted for Nader and I worried she'd vote for Gore

    How many of you guys have wives that cancel your votes? Us guys are the usually the conservatives and our wives vote for Liberals, however, this time I'm happy my wife voted for a minor candidate. If this happens enough Bush will win! It was the absentee ballot, so it's a done deal. [This...
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    MMM's Mission Statement, oh my god!

    Just look what these crazys are up to! MMM Mission Statement