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  1. W

    Canik TP9, anyone own one and...

    What do you think of it, how reliable does it seem, and do you have any good or bad points ... from ACTUAL experience ... to comment on???
  2. W

    Glock 41 and xd, head to head, which shoots best?

    Today I took my Glock 41 and XD to my range to go head to head to see which gun shoots best and works best. The XD is my latest addition, inherited from my Dad with only two boxes through it so far. My Glock 41 is relatively new as well with 200 or so rounds through it so far I believe. I was...
  3. W

    what caliber do you use, and what do bad guys use It seems that bad guys like .38 special, with the mouse calibers ... .25 and .32 ... beating out .357 mags, and other calibers... SO ... WHATS IN YOUR SAFE? For street use and home protection in regard to caliber, and why??? I would think the 9mm...
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    New XD the bad way

    I inherited an XD from my dad who just passed last week … he was an 85 year-old Korean War Veteran who shot .45 slugs up close and personal and wanted a new one last year. The first time he shot it on the first shot, before my yell got out of mouth, the slide cut his left thumb, which he put...
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    Do you shoot in your CCW carry ammo and practice ammo to match?

    This is a critical question. Do you actually shoot those very expensive hollow point defensive rounds that you carry, and more importantly have you printed them on target along with your practice ammo to see the differences at various ranges? You wouldn’t want to go to court because you hit...
  6. W

    Which handgun does your wife, fiancée or girlfriend use for a house gun?

    Today I took off the big backstrap from my Glock 41 to return it to issue status so I could see if my fiancée could handle the big 45. She did quite well. I have trained her for a while now but primarily with her Ruger LCR .38 and her S&W 442. I suggested that she use the Big Glock for a house...
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    Glock 42 impressing ... Shooting small guns part Two

    My baby Glock is still impressing every time I go to the range. Yesterday I went out to do a part two for my Shooting Small Guns video based on questions from some, and afterwards I did more intensive shooting the Baby Glock came out with flying colors again. The Glock 42 has changed my mind on...
  8. W

    How to shoot small guns ... a suggestion or two ... how do you do it?

    As promised I did shoot a video with a few tips on shooting small guns in regard to comments made about the Glock 42 and small guns in general as being difficult to shoot. I have shot many small pistols, and owned quite a few. Contrary to some shooters who recommend the small guns for new...
  9. W

    Glock 42, GLOCK TRIFECTA, the last piece

    The video: A couple of days ago I acquired a Glock 42 "BABY GLOCK" to complete my Glock Trifecta. Today I put my baby to the test and she came out with flying colors! I have owned most major brand 380 autos ever made, and none of them were reliable so I have a bad...
  10. W

    The Mouse that roared, Beretta JetFire Deb bought a Beretta JetFire. I am training her in the art of shooting, she was not a gun person before meeting me. We were at the range, and she asked me if I wanted to shoot her little .25 mouse gun, Beretta Jetfire at 100 yards as I do for most handguns. She also...
  11. W

    Glock 30S and Glock 41 going head to head

    This is the first time I have ever bought two newly released models of new guns at the same time. My dynamic duo of my Glock 30S and Glock 41 make a great team of tandem pistols for carry, home defense, and plain ole fun at the range! Last weekend I went to the range to shoot both in the...
  12. W

    My favorite Dynamic Duo, what is yours?

    What is your favorite Dynamic Duo for defensive carry? Mine are my two newest additions, my Glock 41 and my Glock 30S. The big one, the model 41, is a wonderful range gun ... just today I had to do the police qualify shoot for my annual updating of my retired Law Enforcement Carry Permit, and...
  13. W

    Glock 41 ... sorting out my newest addition Two weeks in a row I added a new Glock to my gun safe. This week, on Saturday, I found a new Glock 41 on the shelf of my favorite country gun store. It was calling out to me, and is the subject to this second First Shoot Glock video of the week. It...
  14. W

    Glock 30S ... sorting it out

    On a rainy, dank, and sloppy wet Thursday I took out my Glock 30S and shot through the storm. I only shot a very short opening scene, but put the video away for the rest of the shoot. The 30S points great, is very shootable and controllable. I need to chronograph the little .45, and will do...
  15. W

    GLOCK 30 S ... New gun, sorting it out for the first time, lovin' it!

    Video: I have sold my Ruger SR45 and just purchased a replacement, my Glock 30 S. I have not owned a Glock since I bought one of the original model 17s back in the day as a backup, vest gun, whilst on duty … way back in the 80s. That Glock got...
  16. W

    Ruger SR45 2nd Trip to Ruger Service Dept... The first day I shot my SR45 the magazine release broke and I couldn’t get the mag out! . Last week my SR45 had some stovepipe and failure to eject issues … back already great job! Quick service and return and was running smooth … Ruger service is...
  17. W

    Bulgarian 40 round mag, fun in the snow storm This high capacity mag made in Bulgaria worked great! I was dubious about a synthetic mag, metal lined, with such a capacity working well. IT DID... Here is one round of ammo going through it... Saiga, Russian model.
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    My Colt 2nd Gen back in shape, ready to shoot!

    Let me begin by stating that I am not a gunsmith and never have made claim as such. My right hand … my Colt Peacemaker, second gen, had a little glitch, the bolt spring broke. I called a well-known Peacemaker specialist who gave me guidance in replacing it so I ordered one and put it in...
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    Final shaking out of my Ruger SR45

    Video: Today, MLK day, I put my SR45 through some advanced shooting as part of my 500 round breakin/adjustment period. This shooting, a short version, is all about body training my moving back and forth to learn the feel of the SR45 at motion...
  20. W

    Ruger SR45, for the newbie or other owners A light and short video for some folks not familiar with the Ruger SR45. I have posted other threads on this gun, but this one is a fun one on proper selfdefense targets, and not far distance shooting. I usually start all my new pistols at 100 yards...