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  1. N

    Questions about Single-Action

    I know that there are probably one or two people out there that have a single action wheel gun for home defense, or even personal carry. So here's my question, then. When you draw, are you cocking the hammer immediately, or do you leave the hammer down? This is an extended discussion from a...
  2. N

    Central Indiana ranges

    I just moved here from Virginia, and I'm looking for a good place to shoot. All I know about in the area are Popguns and Don's. Popguns is nice, but it's short and indoors. Don's is...well it's Don's. I'll leave it at that. Anyone in the area have any good suggestions for an outdoor range?
  3. N

    Central Indiana ranges

    I just moved to Indianapolis. Does anyone in the area know of a place to shoot (other than Don's and Popguns) preferably outdoors?
  4. N

    Lead round balls in cartridges

    The long and the short of it is that I'm working up a bunch of .45 Colt loads for my '58 Pietta. However, I've got about 200 .451 LRB sitting around. Can I load these safely into .45 Colt brass?
  5. N

    Heritage Rough Rider .32 H&R Magnum

    So, here's the question. I want one, but I can't find one. I tried and all they had was one with a 6.5 inch barrel. I tried and they had precisely DIDDLY. The one I want is the bird's head grip with 3.5 inch barrel. However, even the mighty Google is...
  6. N

    Kirst vs. RD Conversions

    For the '58 Remington's. Which shot better, and more importantly, which is more historically "correct?"
  7. N


    Does anyone out there carry any of the various derringer type pistols on a regular basis? If so, I'd love some details, such as caliber and whether or not you use a pocket holster. Finally, please no "Get a Real Gun" or "Derringer's suck" posts, or really anything along those lines. I'm...
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    Gun Mistakes in movies

    This is a source of personal amusement to me, when I'm watching a film and catch an obvious firearms error. I usually don't count "not reloading" as an error, because it happens all the time. I'll only count that if someone fires over 10 shots from a wheelgun at the same time. Here are some...
  9. N

    Modifying old wheelguns

    I have an old H&R .38 S&W. It currently fires in both double and single action, however I'd like to modify it to remove the double action mode so I can use it as a second gun for cowboy action. Anyone have the right idea on how to do this?
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    Kel-Tec or Beretta .32?

    I need a pocket pistol. Before anyone can tell me to get a bigger gun, I already have a couple, but due my employment and where I live, sometimes I need something that can just go in a pocket. I narrowed my choices for projectile down to a .32 ACP, and the guns are the Beretta Tomcat or the...
  11. N

    9mm Largo Ammo

    Anyone know of a good place on the 'net to buy 9mm Largo ammo?