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    Don't mess with the pizza guy- He's packin'{defense shooting}

    On the TV news they keep making a point of saying that the 'vigilante' may be prosecuted. I think he should be applauded. -Apple Suspect in failed robbery hospitalized Chanello's to make delivery changes By Stephanie Barrett Daily...
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    Once again I ended up returning fire...

    With the local newspaper. I am sick to death of writting letter to the stinking editor in response to their... nevermind, here, read it yourself. Their editorial in today's paper: Handguns Weekend pattern of violence is all too common "Eight years ago, when Stephanie McSweeney was 6 years...
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    A sudden epiphany! Hoplophobia training!

    I was just reading a topic regarding a woman who was terrified of a handgun held by a UNIFORMED COP. Then it occurred to me: maybe I have gone over the edge into paranoia but I feel with all of the media attention school shootings etc... are getting, it not only A) encourages attention-starved...
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    Ga. residents Help! Need advice!

    My brother has heard me talk firearms for a while now and has decided that it is time to buy himself a handgun. What I need is: A)Where are some good gun shops on the north side of Atlanta? B)Is it legal in Georgia to drive around with a pistol in the car? I bought my first handgun in Ga...
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    Why not a larger bore?

    I was pondering the question of hollowpoints when a thought occurred to me: Why not just make a handgun with a larger diameter bore? Now, I do NOT suggest a proportional increase in powder charge since that would be more than the vast majority of people could reasonably handle. How about a...
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    my student builds a golfball mortar for class!!!

    For those who scoff at public schools: My semester project for the kids was to build a 'device' to shoot a golf ball into a large coffee can from at least 2 meters away. They also get points for the max distance they can heave the ball. They have to include a description of how their device...
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    For those who have magazine 'cocktails'..which first?

    I have seen some people post that for security purposes they mix hollow points/frangible and ball ammo. If you do (or have thought about it) in what order do you have them? Alternating one-for-one or first half magazine one type then switch? Thanks in advance.
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    Some telling statistics

    Just came across this. The last bit is the most interesting. Take it for what it's worth and Season's Greetings! States won by Gore: 19 States won by Bush: 29 Counties won by Gore: 677 Counties won by Bush: 2,434 Pop. of counties won by Gore: 127 million Pop. of counties won by Bush: 143...
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    Revolver action

    Anyone know where I might find , ideally, a computer animation of a revolver's action or some good diagrams that go through it in steps? THanks in advance.
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    Finally! A smart ad for gun shows!

    Ladies and gentlemen of TFL, I would just like to share my joy. I was driving home today and flicked on my radio. Was it more political babble , more ads for personal hygene products? No! It was actually a smart ad for the local gun show this weekend. The first thing I heard was a set of...
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    Couldn't let this one go unanswered

    I was reading the local paper this morning and ran across the following column. The writer is a self-pronounced "bed-wetting liberal". I couldn't let it go without sending the guy a letter. Here is the link and my reply. Do me a favor and give me a critique. Thanks in advance...
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    Scientific(or maybe not so scientific) data

    THis may be extraneous but I was thinking the other day that it might be nice to have a dedicated forum for scientific data on firearms and reviews for ammo. Let's say I take a new firearm out and chronograph it or use a new style/manufacture of ammo. It might be usefull to be able to enter...
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    for beginning training-revolver or self-loader?

    I am borrowing from FUD and some other folks and their questions about revolver versus self-loader accuracy. I have also seen several posts about how (not a flame, just reporting data) LEO accuracy went into the weeds after a switch from 6-shot to 15-round handguns, Turnstiles to Tupperware...
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    Take older folks to the range!

    I took my father to the shooting range today. He is retired and hasn't been in good health for several years. After a heart attack, two knee replacements, pace maker... he is realizing that he is in his waning years and has sometimes been depressed about the whole thing. He doesn't get out...
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    Prohibition Parallel

    I recently replied to a position article in the paper calling for further gun control measures after a 15-year old boy shot his brother in the face. One of the supports I used in my counter-argument was the fact that Prohibition in the early part of last century didn't work. I remember my...
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    Range manners-not safety but courtesy (part rant, part question)

    I just came in from an indoor pistol range. There I was in my own lane with a brand new .22 SA revolver, alone and happy at the serenity of being able to get familiar with my new acquisition and to focus on what I jokingly call my marksmanship skills when the door opened and two youths walked...
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    pocket pistol vs. broad side of a barn

    I need some info on pocket pistols. If you own one then , please, tell me what size groups you get and at what ranges . Also include the name of the weapon and caliber. If you are atypical (illegitimate son of William Tell, have been shooting since the Chinease invented fireworks, or were...
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    steel core ammo-why use?

    I have a little question: I was at a gun store looking for some ammo. Some of it was steel cored. Why use a steel core? Better penetration? Is it much better than simple jacketed rounds? Work at handgun velocities? Any info would be appreciated. ------------------ Those who use arms well...
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    Glowing sights- need advice

    I am considering painting my sights with flourescent paint. Has anyone done this and might have any advice before I try? Specificaly: which color(s) are best? Dots or squares? What brands of paint/suppliers? I have seen glowing 'stickers', any recommendations? Thanks in advance:^)