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  1. L

    CCW, etc. on school grounds - Federal law question

    GlockGirl's question about CCW at college prompted my mind. CO has specific provisions to allow CCW on school grounds w/valid CCW. What's the scoop on Federal laws covering this? Wasn't that 1000' zone thing thrown out awhile back? Or even if the state allows (I'm getting sick of being...
  2. L

    Boulder, Colorado gun ban - city council to decide

    Just heard of the below 12/17 & pulled it off the RMGO site. Posted for your viewing pleasure. A gentleman will be on AFN at 3PM MST to fill us in on some more particulars & we'll take it from there. Film at 11. "ROCKY MOUNTAIN GUN OWNERS ( Boulder City Council to...
  3. L

    Under what condition would you give up a gun?

    I've postulatd this on AFN. I would give up a gun if: 1. the buy-back program netted me more $ than I had in the shooter or, 2. the gov't was sniffing up the chute & I had to to blend & flow with the tide. OK, before all the flames start, I've some shooters I wouldn't really miss so the...
  4. L

    A well regulated militia - what does that mean?

    OK, we are all familiar with the 2nd - or are we? As I understand the meaning of The Founders, "well regulated" meant that there was an inherent training requirement to the militia - that everyone such associated would be trained in the proper use of their arms - that all arms would be...
  5. L

    Bumper stickers

    "Run, Hillary, run!" If you like her, put it on the back bumper. If you don't, put it on the front.