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  1. N

    My Savage LE1A (308)

    Mmmmm... free-floated.... The last two pics are at 100 yards using "American Eagle" 150gr FMJ
  2. N

    What The...

    "Welcome, NINE. You last visited: 09-25-2002 at 10:33 AM" Holy Crap! What happened... where have I been... why did I stop coming here?
  3. N

    What are my options for sights for Ruger P512 22/45?

    What are my options for... ...replacement sights for my Ruger P512 22/45? Other than mounting a red dot or scope that is. I would like some type of "three dot" system, or possibly a fiber optic of some type. Any suggestions or recommendations? Thanks, NINE
  4. N

    marlin guide gun in 450?

    Can anyone give me any input about this gun? specifically the round... is it good enough to choose over 45/70? where can I look at some ballistical data? Thanks ps. I don't reload
  5. N

    Ammo storage idea...

    I was up the other night(late), and saw an infomercial about one of those bag sealers (you know the ones, they suck the all the air out and seal the bag shut)and I thought; "That would be good for ammo storage!"(long term and keeping it dry and such) Am I off base on this one, or do you think...
  6. N

    Canadians: Where do you buy?

    Where do you get your toys? I'm in Manitoba, and I'm looking for places in Canada with good deals (and good service) on firearms, accessories, ammo and such... Know of any good stores? Post 'em here or Email me. Thanks
  7. N

    Rubber grip for Ruger P97?

    I'm looking for a rubber grip (slip-on type) for my P97. I've seen the "Hand-all" from Hogue, and was wondering if anyone else makes something similar. Anyone got any online sites for me to check out? Hand-all any good? Thanks.
  8. N

    Lube for my Ruger P97?

    I like to use Hoppes #9 oil and #9 gun grease for my other firearms. This is my first "poly" framed pistol. I was wondering what I should, or more importantly, what I should not use on this gun's frame? Thanks
  9. N

    Is there something wrong with me?....

    Because I actually LIKE the way Glocks and Rugers look! I always hear people say how "butt ugly" they are, but I can't see it. The guns that I feel are truly butt ugly are; (*jumps for cover*) single action revolvers!
  10. N


    I've been thinking about getting a 1911 sometime in the near future. I know there are a lot of types to choose from... which leads to the question; Which one?? Here's my deal: I won't be using it for carry. I'm not in a postition right now to spend oodles of cash.(not over 650 US, though it...
  11. N

    .22 Magnum semi-auto?

    A semi-auto handgun in .22 mag... does anyone out there know of such a creature?
  12. N

    Glock 17 VS Ruger P97D

    Glock 17 or Ruger P97?? I've narrowed my next gun purchase down to these two pistols, but I can't make up my mind. What can you tell me that can help me decide? This gun will be used for target practice and plinking. Any info such as pro's and con's of the two would be great. Thanks.