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  1. K

    The more things change, the more they remain the same, Long but worth the read

    The More Things Change, the More they Remain the Same By Dave Johnson National Rifle Coach The more things change, the more they remain the same How to develop true confidence in your shooting Our rifle sport is saturated (some would say cursed) with a limitless supply of gadgets, stock...
  2. K

    Just a hint on WHAT IF

    I dont mean to be critical. Nor do I claim to know it all or know anything for sure. But I have set through several court cases, civil and criminal. I pretty sure, in a civil law suite, lawyers will try every thing posible to discredit a person, Any thing to smoke up the issue. So here...
  3. K

    One Rifle.

    First of off I do not believe in the one rifle concept. I don't think there is such an animal. I have several from the 204 Ruger to the 416 Rigby and 458 Win. However the topic was brought up at a Bullseye match (Pistol shooter who wont attempt the one pistol topic pushed for the one rifle...
  4. K

    I suck at shooting revolvers

    I like revolvers, I think they are more fun to shoot. I've been playing all summer with my revolvers thinking I'm getting pretty good. Shooting my little pocket 642 more then the others. Getting cocky. Even at 100 yards, though I dont hit the sil target all the time I'm convinced I could...
  5. K

    Hammer Block on S&W Revolver

    Anyone know when they started using hammer blocks. I was attending a Hunter Safty class with my Grandson (kids under 12 have to have an adult with them). They were talking about the safest means for carrying a revolver is with the hammer down on an empty chamber (I know this is old school...
  6. K

    Long range Revolver shooting

    Dusted off my copy of Ed McGiven's book FAST AND FACY REVOLVER SHOOTING. There is a section where they were shooting a 357 at 600 yards on a police Sil type target. They have pictures of guys hitting 39 out of 75 rounds. We're talking iron sights. Now I'm hooked, I'm loading up for my Model...