Search results

  1. H

    Carrying loose ammo

    I frequently find myself carrying a loose round or two in my pocket, last round or two in the box, misfired .22 e.t.c. I am wondering how dangerous of a practice this is? am I going to have a rimfire cartridge explode in my pocket when I bang my hip into a desk? I know the simple solution is to...
  2. H

    a place to buy bushnell screws?

    does any body know of a sight that sells bushnell parts? I found a deal on an mini 14 for my father inlaw and it came with a bushnell scope but one of the screws to mount the rings on the gun is missing, being that he is not an internet guy he gave up when they didn't have it at gander...
  3. H

    super colibri long rifle?

    I recently tried these Aguila super colibri "long rifle" rounds and really like how quite they are for plinking cans, however to call the long rifle is kind of a joke, obviously the wont cycle a semi auto. I would be ok cycling the gun manual but they don't feed well from a magazine (and not at...
  4. H

    What do you think about Pistol free zones?

    I don't know how it works in other states but here in michigan pistol free zones include, School property, sports arenas, stadium, bar, church, entertainment faculty, casino, and several others. In my mind if you are going to enter any of these places with ill intent, the fact that it's a...
  5. H

    What kind of B.S. have sales guys told you?

    I stop a lot at the local Gander mountain, when I am looking to buy I got to my local neighborhood gunshop, but If I am just looking they are too busy so I hate to take up a clerks time, were as at gander mountain there is generaly somebody free when I want to actually put my hands on a gun. to...
  6. H

    Neostead shotgun

    are these things legal for import? I really like the Idea of being able to select a feed tube with the flip of a switch to choose diffrent types of rounds. when I first saw these I thought they were some made up video game weapon, seems like they would be ideal for police, Lethal/less than...
  7. H

    Well I'm gonna do it.....

    For a while now I have been thinking about buying a smith and wesson .500, I have no idea why I need one (guess I don't) and every night I am convinced I am going to buy one and every morning a clearer head prevails (no I am not hammered every night:)) but my wife made the mistake of telling me...
  8. H

    Comparison chart of manufacturer warranties?

    Does any one know of a sight that has a complete comparision of mfg warranties? I have recently got into a bad habit of buying new firearms and I am wondering what mfg's have warranties that extend past the original owner. sorry if this came up in an earlier thread, if so I couldn't find it.
  9. H

    Browing BAR alternatives

    I have been looking at Browing BAR's and would like one... but, I have already spent WAY too much on new toy's this year, Is there any good more affordable, alternatives, I might just break down and buy a remington 700 but being a lefty I dont really want a bolt action and don't like the idea of...
  10. H

    Why didn't I know about these

    I just discover the FNP 45. does any body have any experience with these? a 15 round mag of .45 sounds too good to be true, of course I find these a week after I bought an XDm. it seems like everybody would be talking about these, or are they and I just some how missed it. here's the link...
  11. H

    Magazine change master

    I wasn't sure what to search under to see if this was already in another thread, so sorry if its already here. this guy has the fastest mag change ever, even if the video title calls it a clip change;)
  12. H

    New .40 wolf?

    I have never bought wolf handgun ammo before, after experience with their laquered rifle ammo. the guy at the gun store showed me some of their "new" .40 s&w and it didn't appear to have the same gunk on it their rifle ammo has, but the ammo still seems like its got a thin coating of something...
  13. H

    Ammo longevity rumor

    I was told the other day that there is legislation that is being pushed that would require ammo manufacturers to make ammo "expire" so after a few years the powder would no longer function to prevent ammo stockpiling :confused: Has any one else heard this? I am hoping this is a wild rumor. I...
  14. H

    Belt clip Carry

    does anybody carry a p3at using a belt clip? I have been doing it for some time now becuse it makes the gun virtualy invisble even if my shirt raises. I have not seen a good IWB holter that puts the gun totaly out of sight but I am afraid of shooting myself in the leg with nothing covering the...
  15. H

    Storing ammo

    What is the proper way to store ammo long term? are military ammo cans all that is neaded or should there be some kind of desiccant with it to control moisture, I recently picked up a sks with about a thousand rounds for $150 I don't plan on shooting it much soon but I couldn't turn down that...
  16. H

    Who uses layaway

    I Have a XDm on layaway, didn't plan on buying it, wanted a full size .40 to go with my s&w 99c so they could share ammo. picked it up and loved the feel of it. I have never bought a gun (or anything else) on layaway, I normaly just save up. I kinda have the feeling this could turn into part of...
  17. H

    Learning to reload

    I just (sadly) was glad to pay 24 bucks a piece for a couple of boxes of .357 WINclean, becuse that was the first .357 I have seen that cheap lately, could not even find any .40 target ammo. I know next to nothing about reloading, how does a guy get started and how much does it cost (approx) to...
  18. H

    Inherited firearms

    A friend at work was telling me he has inherited his fathers ww2 pistol collection, he said he is not sure what to do with them becuse he has no knowlage of them being registered, I couldn't advice him, to the best of my knowlage if you take an old pistol in for a "safety inspection" in michigan...
  19. H

    question about cleaning an AR

    Alright I may be about to prove my ignorance, I was shooting with a friend of mine the other day who is a huge AR guy, he knows the weapon in and out and carried a M4 through 2 tours in iraq and one in afganistan, I have always broke my ar's down and gave them what I thought was a good cleaning...
  20. H

    P3at Ammo

    Does any one have any recomedations on .380 ammo for a Kel Tec p3at? I can't get the pistol to feed any type of hollow point I have tried, and nothing has fed in a manner I would call reliable. Is this a fluke or has anyone else had this problem?