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  1. 2

    Low weight 357 soft points

    I have a few questions about handloading for a 1894c. I know I am not supposed to use the 110 gr HPs due to risk of fragmentation. My question is two-fold. First, would soft point or FMJ handle the velocity OK? The second question is - are there any companies out there that make a non-HP...
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    357 mag rifle with 158gr SJHP?

    Hey all, I am curious on your opinions regarding using a 158gr SJHP out of an 18.5" 1894c on eastern whitetail. Do you think it would give enough penetration in the vital region, even if it hit a rib? These will be handloads, so I would expect better performance than factory.
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    A good satirical read on the big gun craze

    I found this on Chuck Hawk's website that I got a kick out of (pun intended). Thought some of you all may enjoy it if you've not seen it. Especially with all the threads saying that the 357 basically won't kill anything over a small whitetail, and only then if it's within 60 to 75 yards...
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    I am one lucky SOB

    So I was out walking around my neighborhood the other day and found this little gun shop that a guy runs out of his house. He was closed, but I went back over today to see what he had. He has let his FFL run out so he no longer sells guns, but said he had a train load of ammo. I walk in, and...
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    Found my 44 components

    It's funny how much Geography plays into the shortages we see. I have been to most of the sporting goods stores and Walmarts in my area, and I could not find anything I needed to start reloading my recently purchased 44mag. I have checked four Walmarts, the mom and pop stores, and Sportsman's...
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    Could we ban some topics, please?

    Not to be a ****, but it seems like everytime I get on here I see a new thread about one of the following topics - everywhere being out of ammo/components, some variant of a SHTF scenario, or someone saying that the new weapons ban is right around the corner. Could we focus more on things we...
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    What is wrong with my GP100?

    OK, so I have a GP100 that I have had for about a year now. In that time, I have had it completely apart a few times, once to put in a set of Wilson Combat springs and a couple times for thorough cleaning and just to see how it works. I always get it back together with no problems. Except...
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    What are the go-to powders for 357 and 44?

    Hi all, I have been loading for my 357s (6" GP100 and 4" S&W 65) for a little while now and have been using 2400. I like it for the most part. I am about to start loading for a Redhawk 7.5" barrel that will be primarily a pleasure shooting/ whitetail hunting/ bear defense gun. I am gonna...
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    AMT Automag in 22WMR

    How many of you all own or have shot one of these? I am somewhat intrigued by them and am considering eventually buying one for plinking and small game hunting. I have read mixed reviews and they seem to basically be hit or miss as far as reliability goes. I don't care if it jams every once...
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    Gunbroker buy - WEIRD - have I been scammed?

    OK, so I have been wanting a 44, and I found one on GB and used the Buy It Now option, cause it was a good price, but not what I felt was too good to be true, at $395. I contact the guy, he tells me to fax the FFL to such and such number in Missouri. I call my FFL, have them fax the FFL, and...
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    What's wrong on this page?

    Check this out...
  12. 2

    Custom Mauser prices

    Are there any resources out there to estimate a fair price on a custom-built mauser? I see these things going for under a grand to well over 5 grand, and some much higher. Is it based on the notoriety of the builder, the components? I am sure the answer is a combo of both, but I just wonder...
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    GP100, Redhawk, and SuperRedhawk sight interchangability

    Hey all, I have a Redhawk 44 coming to me and the end of this week or the first of next week. It currently has a scope on it and no rear sight (owner can't find original sight). As I perused Midway, I noticed some sights were listed for all three models and some (most notably the Meprolights)...
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    K-frame reassembly - Is there a trick?

    Hello all. I have a S&W K frame (model 65-3) that I picked up recently and the action was a little gritty. The gun did not come with a manual, but I have had my GP100 apart and got it back together well, and am usually rather mechanically inclined. I tore my K frame down to give it a good...
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    Looking for advice on a possible trade

    I have just come into possession of a S&W model 65-3 with a 4" barrel, and have had a 6" blued GP 100 for almost a year now. I love the GP, but have quickly come to love the 65 as well. I am also strongly yearning for a 44mag. I have a couple scenarios I am considering, and would like to know...
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    Pawn Shop Prices follow up (better deal)

    Well, as some of you know from my post yesterday I have been checking out the local pawn shops looking for a new pistol. I was really hoping to get either an SP101 in 357 or a Ruger DA 44 magnum, but I walked into a shop today, and there was a S&W 65-3 with a four inch barrel in pretty darn...
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    Pawn shop prices

    Does anyone know what pawn shops base their prices on? I was in a local shop today and the they have two Redhawk 44 magnums. I had a look at both of them, one was the 7.5" model with rubber grips and one was the 5" model with wood grips. Both are stainless. Both are used but not abused...
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    Sorry about the earlier political thread

    I thought it was gun related enough I guess. And the only other comment I will make is that I didn't mean the man is a genius when I said he was smart, I mainly meant that he was smart enough to know that the threat of a gun ban would increase the amount people spend in times of economic...
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    A different line of thought on Obama

    I was thinking the other day about the whole Obama scare, and I had a different line of thinking, one that I had not heard anywhere before, and I want some opinions on it. Throughout his campaign and in his inauguration speech, he stressed the importance of getting the economy back on track...
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    Which Mauser 98 action is "best?"

    So I know a guy who is really into these rifle and is always telling me about this year's action and that one, etc., etc. He has a couple of really nice ones and over time has gotten me to wanting one. The other day I was talking to him and he has an action that he said was a German made 1915...