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  1. S

    Second Episode of My Life...

    By March 30, 2000 - I will be terminating my working time in Saudi Arabia after almost 12 yrs of working time. I had two plans in my life when I'll be in my country Philippines. First: To open a small Internet Cafe and on hands computer training to make my day busy and not again looking for...
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    Which Among These Two Org. You could Recommend?

    In a couple of months from now, I want to join officially and be active in one of the two famous Shooting Org. I read in the internet that IDPA has also a branch in Phils. IPSC also has one under Jethro whom I saw personally already when he is one of the guest in my local Gun Club. Two things...
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    How Many Magazines You Carry for CCW.

    In your case, how many magazines you carry on your normal day to day task. Do you limit to carry like 2, 3, or 4. Thanks to know your opinion in advance.
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    What are the calibers prone to GAS CUTTING

    I read about gas cutting problems in high calibers. If this is true, what are the particular calibers that would easily affected to gas cutting. If this drawback of high calibers, then we will refrain of using the gun always in practice or in shooting purposes. Thanks
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    We talks Hand Guns - Can we talk Self Defense against....

    We talk Handguns - Can we talk Self Defense Against Handguns too. Okay, you're on a heated arguments, both of you have loaded guns either cocked & locked or revolver. The situation cannot be settled already by discussions. You notice that the agressor is about to draw his gun. Are you going to...
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    Taurus Revolvers/Pistols

    From my readings, many appreciate the Taurus firearms. I have not seen one that really attracts my taste due to its very bulky and cheap metals look in their 9MM and .45 caliber. The only thing I give credit to Taurus is, it was claimed by some books that Taurus Co. in Brazil is a subsidiary...
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    Why Many are Questioning the Quality of 1911 now adays.

    In my own observation to many posters, they question too much the poor quality of the 1911 models or we may say Colt Firearms products. How realiable are these stories. Would it be reasonable enough that if a particular individual had use one 1911 model and encountered such malfunctions or any...
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    Good News and Bad News Re: Police & Civilians

    Good News: Our Newly PNP Chief in the Phils start in hunting rouge policeman especially those involve in illegal activities such as mulcting, extortion etc. First Crackdown is he go after the police irrespective of ranks who are using recovered stolen vehicles (the results of the this turns to...
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    Can Super Power/s Control Major Regional Conflicts

    I am reading some regional conflicts in some parts of the Globe. I have a wild idea, that if there is a simultaneous high intensity conflict against an interest of a certain superpower. Would it be controlled? This might be a highly hypothetical questions in nature but I am interested to know...
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    Are we honest in all our Statements Here?

    This is just a survey and I am very sure each and every one of us are very careful in jotting any word hereon. This topic might be irrelevant and I'll be lambasted of being ignoramus in asking this type, but I have seen that it looks like there is no ending of the numbers of firearms owned by...
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    S.A.M. 1911 Pistols

    Does any one in this forum owned or knows about the product of Shooters Arms Manufacturing Inc., Philippines. This company exhibit good models features. Some of the components are imported from Israel, per their catalog spec. If you do have one or your friends has, how does this 1911 Pistol...
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    Expensive Handguns

    Is a very costly price of a pistol guaranty that:  It is durable  Reliable  Or to sum up has a better quality materials or components used. What are really the factors and reasons, would it not be for the following criteria such as:  The shape is good looking or artistic in design (they...
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    How to do Rapid Fire?

    In Rapid Fire which way is better to manipulate the trigger: Full releasing the trigger every after shot or we steady the finger on the trigger. Would appreciate your comments and introduction of new techniques. Thanks,
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    Is Dry Firing advisable?

    Is all kinds of gun capable to be dry fired without causing damage to it. Are the 1911's and 9MM DA/SA has no problem to dry fire. Would it not damage the firing pin, firing pin spring or other parts.
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    Is a back up weapon required by the Department?

    Follow up questions: 1. Is a backup small/big revolver/pistol weapon is a requirement by the department or just personal idea of the carrier. 2. Are they included in the firearms inventory of the department. Just an inquiry because very few I know carries back up weapon that are issued by any...
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    Will you let him do it?

    If a policeman suddenly freezed you and trying to reach your concealed weapon. Would you just yield yourself?
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    How can they trace......?

    Usually, in my country if you buy a gun they take the ballistic test "specimen" of the gun, usually 3 fired bullets from the gun. If someone will replace the original barrel and use it for murder, can the authority trace whoever the culprit. I've heard several stories but I don't know if for...
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    M1991A1 .45 ACP - Model 01091- Questions & Comments

    I've got one of the models of M1991A1. I just want to know the pros and cons of this Colt Pistol. Thanks.
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    Prone Position – How is the correct handling of the Pistol.

    1. One time I had a target practice inside a Military Camp (Central Police District, Quezon City, Philippines). There were several shooters instructed by the Range Officer: 2. One of the positions that got my interest is to handle the “Pistol while on Prone Position”. 3. One of the Kosovans...
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    Are .45ACP & 9MM High Velocity Bullets has the same Energy?

    My Questions.  Are 9MM & .45 ACP with the same Velocity has the same Stopping Power?  Corbon claimed that no matter whether it is energy from 9MM or a .45ACP would have the same stopping power, if the bullet is travelling faster the more energy created regardless of the size of bullet. ...