Search results

  1. S

    Fire extinguishers

    Have any of you heard about the tactic of using a fire extinguisher as a defensive weapon. You blind the assailant with the high pressure cloud of powder or liquid and then crack him on the head with the heavy device. It's a good idea for someone traveling in no-gun areas, countries. And the...
  2. S

    Wich TFLers own CZ97 pistols?

    I've been looking into the CZ97 for a while. I know the CZ75 is a good design and the 97 appears to have some very good qualities. So, do you CZ97 owners like your pistols? How many jams have you had? [This message has been edited by Shin-Tao (edited May 01, 2000).]
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    Enemy Propaganda

    As a side note, have any of you seen this? Disgusting.
  4. S

    Best non-mag 000 load

    A poll for TFL: What is your favorite non-mag 000buck for defense? Not home defense, I use Remington High Velocity Game Loads for that. This question is primarily for those that typically choose 000 over 00buck for hunting or police\security work.
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    Browning Scout Rifle

    What do you gentlemen think about using the Browning line of autoloading rifles as the basis for a Scout? The action is solid, the weapon accurate. Go to the Browning page and check it out.
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    Does anyone know where I can get QB-8 "Quadrangle" loads? I hope this isn't yet another LEO only thing.
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    I'm just curious. I picked up a .44 cal blackpowder revolver for some fun bottle shooting and now I'm wondering how effective it might be if I had to use it in an emergency. Any one have any idea what the stopping power of a .44 lead ball propelled by a Pyrodex pellet would be?
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    Is the Mini14 really that bad?

    There's a whole lot of trash talking of the Mini14 going on. I don't own one, but I am thinking of getting one. Is it really that terrible? I would like to hear the experiances of Mini14 owners, please.
  9. S

    SMGs or Shotguns

    For going house to house, ala Stalingrad or Tet, would you preffer using an SMG or a Shotgun? There is a lot of overlap in these weapons ideal operating ranges and usage. If you are cutting the pie in an apartment complex occupied by hostiles, do you want a 12bore or a select fire 9mm? Think...
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    Stetchkin MP

    Do we have any operators here who've used a Stetchkin machine pistol? It was a KGB and GRU weapon and is fairly popular among protective teams and Tax Police in Russia today. Keep in mind I likely did a good job of misspelling the word.
  11. S

    Have a look at these items, gentlemen. Railguns, plasma guns, componants for FELs, coils, etc. Maybe our manufacuring and smithing members shouldn't concentrate so hard on chemically propelled armaments. Alfa Tango Foxtrot doesn't even have the education to understand these devices. And a...
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    12 bore loads for VIP protection

    The boss and I are rolling to a rustic out-of-the-way location to view some property he wishes to aquire. I'm bringing the mutated Mossy along. I'm probably going to stoke it with 000buck. Known threats against the boss are unskilled non-operators usualy armed with handguns. Terrain will be...
  13. S

    No more Janes 4 me

    Janes' Defence has decided to list GOA as a terrorist organization. This confirms for me, that the Janes' group is another bunch of Socialist sell-outs. I will no longer utilize their publications