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  1. M

    Is a revolver REALLY the only choice for a 'pocket gun'

    As in, a gun that may need to be fired from a coat pocket? As the weather gets cold and we put on those big heavy coats with big pockets, its understandable that we may keep a gun in our coat pocket and be expected to shoot from the pocket if jumped by someone. I've seen the 'shoot from the...
  2. M

    Another strange looking cartridge--what the heck is this?

    stumbled across this photo... anyone know anything about this cartridge?
  3. M

    ever hear of 'sharpening your trigger'???

    A friend of mine was in the Korean military probably 30 years ago and he was telling me stories about how some people would sharpen their triggers. I think the idea was this would make them more reliable? more sensitive? Or maybe the stock Korean military sidearm triggers were cast so bad they...
  4. M

    Saiga AKs -- How come some have 'the dimple'?

    How come some Saiga rifles have the dimple above the magwell (to prevent mag wobble) and some do not? Was this done in some factories and not others? Izhmash etc...
  5. M

    Saved a life: A second non-functioning Cell Phone

    This cab driver was kidnapped and put in his own trunk. He had a second cell phone and was able to call 911 while the perp was transporting him.,kidnap-tax-driver-110910.article The article doesnt describe it, but I suspect that he had a non active...
  6. M

    Great shot at some Elk!

    Someone sent me this pic...Thought you guys would like it
  7. M

    The HECK kinda Cartridge is THIS??

    Saw this on the internet. Is this a joke? What kind of round is this? Anyone know?
  8. M

    Will this gun kill the shooter or the target?

    Look closely... I know AKs are durable but this one looks a little um... in need of some cleaning. I've seen pictures of tribesmen with AKs and its always interesting to see how the symbol of a gun evolves to mean more than actually using it. I guess if ammo is scarce...
  9. M

    Stupid Question--How do you wrap up a hot gun?

    Say you take your guns to the range with some friends and everyone shoots constantly right up until its time to leave. So now you have guns with very hot barrels that need to go back into their nylon case for transport home. I dont want any plastic melting/sticking to them. Do most people just...
  10. M

    War Zone on US Streets

    This is footage from 7/17/10 of a shootout going down in Oakland, CA Its 9minutes long and has some profanities but is a very good view of what its like. Stay with it--the shooting gets worse.
  11. M

    Charged with "Failure to register a firearm"??

    Saw this article about some loser criminals and among the charges was 'Failure to register a firearm'? This is in Illinois, and yes they have the FOID card system, but I know for a fact this is a general license and NOT tied to any specific gun or registration of a gun. So what was this...
  12. M

    Cheapest way to add sights to my Rem 870?

    I could get a new 18.5" barrel with sights for $175 but im hoping for a cheapter option. Any other ideas? Thanks
  13. M

    Can you identify these cases/rounds?

    Some of these projectiles look special purpose--not FMJ but im not sure. That one far left has such a HUGE case compared to the bullet. Also--Why are they so filled up with powder/propellant?
  14. M

    help identify make/year from this picture

    Can you tell from this picture the make of this riflfe and your best guess on year?
  15. M

    ATF busts shipment of airsoft guns--said they can be converted to machine guns? ATF said they did tests to verify they could be converted to "Military grade weapons" ?? Is this true?
  16. M

    Is there a problem ejecting the mag. with one in the pipe?

    Say someone doesnt want to eject a cartridge when removing a magazine. Presumably to avoid bullet setback. Is it 'bad' for the gun to leave the one round in the pipe or will it affect reliability/feeding to just eject the full magazine and replace it a few minutes later while leaving one in the...
  17. M

    Cant find information on this 'new Rhino'

    From what I understand, its a revamped design, and shoots at an odd angle? I cant find any concrete information about this revolver shown at the SHOT show. Anyone know about this thing?
  18. M

    Can overly hot .38spl harm a .357 mag revolver?

    Say someone is receiving a lot of handloaded .38 with unknown pressures and quality. Is it fair to say any hot or double loads (!) wont harm a .357? Just for plinking purposes, no serious shooting.
  19. M

    Engraved Guns (PIC HEAVY)

    Some of these you may have seen before, some not, thought it was worth sharing.
  20. M

    why isnt the .45 SWC a popular defensive round?

    I was taught that a disruptive wound channel that quickly causes traumatic blood loss is the ideal in defensive ammunition. When you use slow moving ball ammo like a .45, the wound channel is not as disruptive as with something that would tear better like a swc/wc or hollow point. along that...