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  1. F

    The popular .380acp

    During the last semester at NMSU I bought a SW380 with the intetion of briging it back to my country for SD and I did. As soon as I a couple friends saw it the comments on how weak the .380acp was, it was weird because most people that do not own guns had the impresion it was the deadliest...
  2. F

    What makes a reliable semi auto?

    Why do you find some unreliable semi autos, some even from respected manufactures? Why is a certain model prone to FTF, STP etc, and others will shoot without any problems unless you get a dud or the shooter is not holding the gun strong enough, some reliabe pistols will shoot as long as you...
  3. F

    How do you carry your extra? Pics please

    I would love to see the diferent variations of methods you use to carry your ammo, also would like to see them bad boys bullets you use. Like I said, I want to SEE wich means pictures please!!:cool: Thanks,
  4. F

    My country wants to pass a anti gun law!

    I heard in the news this morning that a new law will be passed to congres for general disarmament. All citizens that own guns either legally or not will have to turn in their weapons if the law passes. What to do? What can I do to help avoid this from happening? What did you guys do in the US...
  5. F

    Would you trade a BDA.380 for a Glock 26?

    As I have had a Bda.380 for almost ten years now a friend asked me why I dont own full size guns, I replied that I own guns that I would actually carry on me and not left at home. Thinking out loud I told him I would trade it for another gun I could carry concealed like a glock 26. He told me...
  6. F

    Bda.380 & +P ammo

    Well I understand .380 ammo does not exist correct? however I did see somwhere that one company does make .380 +P. If I get the chance to purchase some +P .380 ammo, would it be advisible to shoot it out of my beloved Bda.380?? Regards,
  7. F

    Taurus Snub Club

    I have seen many club threads in this forum for several specific models of revolvers. I would like to start this one for no specific model but for the Taurus snubs in general. Just a little spot to honor this faitfull partner that some might underestimate, but for those that have experienced...
  8. F

    Help me choose between these(Ammo)

    Guys need your opinions to make a choice. I know there are better options but I am limited to these 3 choices. I carry a Taurus 851SS( 2 inch snub). Option#1 Aguila 158gr lead round nose. option#2 Aguila 158gr LSJHP. option#3 S&B 158gr full metal jacket. What would you choose for daily...
  9. F

    Handicapped & Armed

    About 11 years ago I suffered a car accident, as result I lost use of my then dominant left hand, cant move my fingers or close my hand, grasp etc. I had been a gun enthusiast all my life and it was after my accident that I had the chance to purchase my first firearm, after all I was handicaped...
  10. F

    .380 better than some might think

    Ok I will hear a lot of comments some pro some con but that is the idea for everyone to express what they think. I will express my point of view in favor of this round. As some say the .380 is lowest caliber you should carry for defence, some say its on the week side and so on. I have also...
  11. F

    Jframe in service for Vice Police

    I was wondering as a watched an episode of Miami Vice. Regarding the weapons used by Crockett and Tubs, before the producer of the program decided to put it on the air was there any research done on the real weapons used by the real vice police or do the actors go to the prop department and...
  12. F

    Is a SJLHP a good defensive design?

    Is the semijacketed lead hollowpoint a good defence design in 38 spl standard presure 158gr, or ball ammo is better? Shooting a snub steel 38. Hoe does is this ammo designed to work?
  13. F

    Which bullet is more difficult to identify after shot?

    Recently the police in my country are doing balistic test to every handgun before handing out a permit for carry. When you take the gun for the test they ask you take round nose or FMJ for the test no HPS. Some police when they ask for your permit also ask to see what ammo you carry, if you...
  14. F

    How many of you carry a steel snub in ankle holster?

    Like the tittle says, how many carry a steel snub in ankle holster? It is intresting, I asume ankle holsters have been around for a long time and that back in those days people would carry the steel snubs in ankle holsters. Now with development of new materials and the new ultra light super...
  15. F

    Is there much difference bettwen 9mm and 38 super?

    Is there a good reason to choose one or the other? wich is the oldest of both calibers?
  16. F

    Dificult for us Jframers to see IWB holsters in the internet

    I was looking around in the internet for IWB holsters for a J frame. I have wondered how the manufacturers get around the problem of placing the belt clip on the holster. Semiautos are flat so it does not mater where the clip goes on the holster, but it does on a revolver holster, if the clip is...
  17. F

    Can you pocket carry a 21onz snub??

    This post maybe a little late since I already ordered the pocket holster. Today I read on tFL that a snub heavier than 16 is not fit for pocket carry, I had not carried in the pocket since I never had the apropiate holster, but now that I sent for it I am afraid I just put my money in the waste...
  18. F

    Any Bda´s Here??

    I want to see this clasic pistol the Browning Bda.380. It is said to be one of the better looking semiauto pistols ever!!. If you got one post a pick please, I understand production stopped in 1997.:)
  19. F

    Norinco 1911?

    Is it true that the Norico 1911 can be compared to the original Colt 1911 and works, shoots just as well?
  20. F

    Only .38 specials

    Well lets dedicate this thread to one of of the most polular calibers ever, and oldest of the popular calibers. There are many different kinds of ammo in 38 spl and many beautifull revolvers that diggest the caliber. I want to see the works of art that you own, the revolvers that sent our...