Search results

  1. L

    New forum suggestion?

    Could we have a new forum that specifically deals with defending and restoring our second amendment rights? It could offer suggestions about current issues that our elected representatives need to hear about, but also it could be a place to discuss how the media and business community are...
  2. L

    Gun Raffle

    Any opinions on this? It seems to be on the level, but I'd like to know if anyone has entered these raffles before. Thanks to all!
  3. L

    Rosie O'Donnell vs. Tom Selleck on RKBA

    I found a site that has a RealAudio track of the interview. Very classy woman, that Rosie: She invited him to the show on the pretext of talking about his newest movie "The Love Letter", then attacked him for the entire interview because he is doing ads for the NRA...
  4. L

    Please visit this site and vote

    This is a electronic vote concerning handgun registration. In reality, it is more of an opinion poll, but the results from these votes are forwarded to Congress, the Senate, and the President. It only takes a minute, and it sure couldn't hurt to send a clear message.
  5. L

    Please vote at this site

    Handgun registration poll. Results are sent to Congress, Senate, even Bill himself. It can't hurt...