Search results

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    JLD PTR91 prices

    I'm looking to sell a PTR-91. So i looked some up on Gunbroker to see what kind of prices they were going for. Anyway i cant seem to find guns that have the same options that mine does. It has the 20" Bull barrel and a heat shield hand guard. And a Tapco scope mount and some kind of cheaper...
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    pics of rifle damaged by corrosive ammo?

    Does anyone have pics of a rifle damaged by corrosive ammo? Bolt especially? I understand how to clean up after shooting the stuff. I'm just wondering what my M44 might look like if i neglected it. Thanks Chris
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    U.S. Army Ranger issued HP ammo?

    So i was talking with a carpenter i work with today about Firearms. And he starts to tell me about the ammo he was issued when he was deployed in Haiti. He called them "armor piercing" But then went on to describe what to me sounded like Federal Premium HP's . "Hollow Points with a little...
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    EBR hunting

    I'm curious, is it legal to hunt with a EBR in Washington state. A gun-store-guy told me it was, so you understand why i need to clarify. I'm not a hunter myself, altho i'd like to bo one. Anyway by EvilBlackRifle i mean AR-15 in .223 with the 20rd mag, or my AK or PTR91. I always thought...
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    Coil Gun, Interesting no? Anybody see one of these before? Thought it might make an interesting conversation starter. It wouldnt qualify as a "firearm" in this country would it?
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    AR-15 build recomendations

    Alright, we wont name names here, we wont place blame. Lets just say that some unmentionable person on some unmentionable thread has some how convinced me to pick up an AR to use as a target rifle, since they're capable of 1moa and all. I've always told myself that if i was gonna buy another...
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    Advice on a Target rifle

    Well i've been shooing my .22 bolt for a few years now. I own a couple of Ak's and an sks, also an HK91 clone, but only use them for plinking. None of these are really accurate enough for serious target shooting. So i think i'm ready to graduate from rimfire to centerfire target...
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    Compact 40 or 45

    Does anyone know if Hipoint makes a compact pistol in 40 or 45? i'm not trying to start a flame war here, i dont want to know your oppinion on "saturday night specials" Dont care what you think about 9mm vs 40 vs 45 either. just wana know if they make a compact in 40 or 45 thank you
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    Shooting Slugs

    This may be kind of a dumb question but i was wondering about the difference between Rifled slugs and normal slugs. I own a Mossberg Maverick with a 20 in barrel and no choke. Can i shoot Rifled slugs? Can i shoot sabot slugs? i just want to make sure i dont mess up my new never been fired...
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    ak red dot mount

    so i have a red dot and i have an AK, now i just need some recomundations for a scope mount. I'd prefer the gas tube type. But anything will be considered, thanks guys
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    HK-91 claw scope mount

    i bought an HK-91 clone recently, and realized two things: 1.that i have to take off the scope mount to clean the thing. 2. that i have no idea how to remove the scope mount. so if some one might point me to a resource with instructions for this or maybe explain it for me it would be greatly...
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    attn Washington, Oregon, California

    i'm going on a road trip at the end of the month and i thought that maybe i'd take a rifle along if it would be legal. I am unfamilure with the state laws concerning transportation of a fire arm in these states. kinda funny since i've lived in two out of the three. anyway it'd be nice to know...
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    M-4 stock

    Can you find AK-style stocks for the M-4? Not the forgrip of course, but just the butt stock. i really dont like the looks of the funny adjustable or folding stocks or the skeleton stocks. ~thanks, chris p.s. i dont own an M-4 or an AR-15 or anything just wondering, for future reference.
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    Western Washington Shooters

    can anyone suggest a good Rifle range (indoor or outdoor) in the Seattle area? i've moved here recently and dont really know of anywhere to shoot. I have gone to a range in Redmond but its indoors and only 25 yards max (pistols mostly) I am looking for somewhere i can shoot at 100 yards. thanks...
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    I'm Buying an AK!!

    Yeah, you heard me right. I'm dead set on an AK. Which AK do ya'll favor? What are good prices for any given type? I'm pretty sure that i want to buy it online, so are there any good websites besides gunbroker? New, Used, no kits tho. Thanks guys.
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    need opinions on a Military style rifle

    The man responsable for getting me into shooting has recently passed away. And as a result i've come into a sum of money, enough to buy several firearms. So if you've reads some of my previous posts you'll see that i'm in the market for a military style rifle. It needs to be a semi auto...
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    10mm revolver questions

    so i understand that S&W makes a revolver in 10mm, i'm not really interested in buying one since i'm not 'of age' but i just had a few questions. 1. does the gun use full moon clips, or does the 10mm have a rim? (i've never actually seen a 10mm round. but i'm assuming is dosent have a rim)...
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    Defensive Carbine Skills

    Equipment requirements: Reliable, iron-sighted detachable magazine-fed semi-auto rifle of military extraction i'm kind of bumed that my SKS dosent fit the requirements, so... whats the best priced, yet worth while carbine that fits the requirements? keep in mind i'm a college student on a...
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    Greater Seattle area gun range

    ok so i've recently moved to the great state of washington and i need to know of some places to shoot. center-fire rifle and pistol. the only place i know of so far is Wades East Side Guns in Bellevue, they seem pretty cool tho, they have full auto and a .500 S&W rentals :D thanks guys ps i...
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    .357 Max!

    i'm getting pretty interested in the .357 MAX but i'm having a hard time finding anything about them onlne. i know that i can buy a contenter for like $850 anything cleaper? other models? is there an NEF Handi-Rifle in .357 MAX? thanks a bunch guys. ps i live in the seattle area if that...