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  1. C

    Do any muzzle brakes reduce flash?

    Specifically for handguns, since flash suppressors are no-nos for semiauto mag-fed rifles if you already have a pistol grip, right? Can a pistol muzzle brake incorporate flash suppressor functions? If so, how could it be done?
  2. C

    Alliant Powder Muzzle Flash

    I know from fairly recent personal experience that Alliant Power Pistol is on the bright side for muzzle flash (in .357 Mag., it *was* less than 296, but that's not saying much). Anyone have personal experiences with new & old Unique, Herco, and any other Alliant powders other than Blue Dot and...
  3. C

    Scale recommendations?

    I could use a powder scale now and am interested in how well the various models work. Any first-hand reports/critiques?
  4. C

    .40 "auto" lead loads

    I've previously worked up a fairly accurate .40 *&* load using hard-cast 180 grain bullets and W-W WAP powder. But now I'd like to have a reality check. I won't post the charge weight unless it falls within some other published standards. The load does produce a reasonable velocity about 75...
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    Pistol Caliber Carbines-new/old

    Well, nowdays we call them PCCs, or pistol caliber carbines. We talk the relative merits of the new Rugers, the H&K models and so forth. But if the caliber is 9mm, why not just use an UZI? Is the UZI still reliable? The one I fired could produce hits on a sihouette to 200 yards. No plastic...
  6. C

    .22 LR accuracy question

    What kind of accuracy are we getting these days out of .22LR in rifles? I usually get 2 MOA or better out of a few specific brands of high-velocity solids. Anyone notice any difference between 40-gr solids and the hollow-points? For a point of reference, I consider "excellent" .22 LR accuracy...
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    Powder Flame Temperatures

    Are the surplus spherical powders comparable in *detailed* performance to Winchester's Ball powders? Similar deterrent coatings, Nitro content, etc.? I ran into an ad from 1994, touting Winchester Ball Powders. In the background is a time/temperature graph comparing extruded and Ball powders...
  8. C

    IDPA Targets

    I know we have had a few threads here about where to download targets, but I can't find any shots of the IDPA target. Can't even find it on the IDPA web site. Anyone know where I can find this? I even remember seeing a version on a single 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper...
  9. C

    Countering Disarmament Techniques

    No, I'm not talking politics here. Since we are now all enlightened enough to prefer the "retention position" for our handguns when the threat is within bad breath distance, the question comes up-- What do we do to avoid the fate of all those cops who are shot with their own sidearms? I'm...
  10. C

    Preserving low-light vision

    A few months ago, one of us mentioned a "close-both-eyes-as-the-shot-breaks" technique as a possible way to overcome the muzzle flash in a low-light shooting situation. IIRC, there was supposed to be some test of that technique. Did it happen? I'm especially curious because I thought the...
  11. C

    Glock Parts Swapping

    Is there a difference in ejector position between the 9mm Glocks and the .40 Glocks? And--- Is there enough "grab" in the extractor of a .40 Glock breechface to allow one to have functional reliability shooting 9mm in a 9mm barrel mounted in a .40 Glock pistol? Yes, I know ya gotta have the...
  12. C

    Prowler Incident [Scenario]

    How would you folks handle this? It's the early a.m. hours and still quite dark outside. You hear a single small impact noise outside the front of the house and listen for more, but hear nothing. At first. After a minute, your HVAC system kicks off and you notice that the sound of an idling...
  13. C

    Smallbore rifle?

    Anybody here shoot smallbore rifle? 3-position, 4-position, NRA or ISU?
  14. C

    Glock .357 SIG Accuracy Q?

    Any of us who have Glocks in .357 SIG, I'm wondering if you could report for me the level of 25- or 50-yard accuracy you're getting, with groups of at least 5 rounds? Please report Glock model, whether the barrel is OEM or another maker, and the ammo used. Hope this isn't too much to ask...
  15. C

    Wow, old Glock adjustable sights ARE fragile!

    Was doing a drill the other day and had a Glock really puke on a cartridge that had some goop smudged on the neck. Immediate action was to slam the back of the slide to push it into battery. PWINNGGG!!! off goes the rear sight spinning in a lazy arc through the air! Found the notch, but the...
  16. C

    Hope for the .40 S&W after all?

    The question for y'all high-round count shooters of the .40 S&W is: Have I reached Nirvana with the load described below? Does anyone else have a load that consistently goes into groups SMALLER than 2.5 inches at 25, or SMALLER than 2 inches? The events described below will put the question...
  17. C

    Who *did* and who *does* issue H&K P7M13?

    Had one of those odd thoughts while driving down the freeway the other day... Who on this board has *personal* knowledge of specific police agencies/highway patrols/etc. which have issued the H&K P7M13? I heard many years ago that the Utah Highway Patrol used them, but have heard nothing...
  18. C

    Glock Troubles

    Okay, no "perfection" speeches, okay? Took a Glock I'm thinking of buying for a test drive today, and the thing kept locking the slide back on the first shot, the third shot, etc. Checked the mags and the rounds as they came up and they're NOT activiating the slide stop. My thumbs aren't...
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    New Style Glock Factory Adjustable Sights?

    I've heard there's a new style Glock factory adjustable rear sight. Anyone know what's up with this--differences between the two configurations?
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    AR-15 Barrels Query

    This relates to accuracy, and I'd like to hear about actual performance being experienced. In general, I've heard that chrome-lined barrels are supposed to usually be less accurate than unlined match-grade barrels. But one of the big AR makers had lots of text on their web page about how their...