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  1. C

    How into shooting are ya?

    On a scale from 1-10, how into guns and shooting are ya? One of my neighbors said to me tonite while looking at my collection in my home office while I was fixing his laptop that when it comes to guns vs other sports, I rate a 10+ on the gun side. Made me laugh, coming from a guy who thinks he...
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    AR-15 Bolt assembly cleaning question

    Today, after another club member and I spent a few hours of shooting our AR-15s at our club's range, we went over to the clubhouse to eat lunch and clean our rifles. My friend did a quick clean on his rifle, while I took a little extra time taking the bolt assembly out, ripping it down and...
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    How 'serious' do you take the sport?

    How serious do you take this sport, whether it be hunting, target shooting or whatever? The reason I ask is, this morning, whikle at the range, I was told that I take my shooting way too seriously, that it is almost an obssecion. When I asked the person what he meant, he said, "Well, just look...
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    I see and read about the Appleseed shoots all the time in Shotgun News. Anyone know anything about em or ever been to one? Are they wrth the time and $$?
  5. C

    Holy Pilgrimage to Camp Perry

    I am already planning my "holy pilgrimage" to Camp Perry for next year's Nationals. I have never been there before, and this will be my first trip to 'the holy land', but I have read and heard alot about it. I know there has to be a few (50 or 100?) people here who have made 'the journey'...
  6. C

    What constitutes 'stockpiling' of ammo?

    This morning, just like I do twice a week, I went down to my club's rifle range to as we call it, 'scrap the brass barrel' for any .223 brass I can grab and use for reloading. Usually, I get anywhere from 100-150+ empty brass casings. Today, I happen to 'strike gold', the range was being used...
  7. C

    Memorial day parade boo-boo

    Today, while watching our County Memorial Day Parade, a group of Civil War re-enactors let out a volly of shots up in the air while marching. Scared the bejesus out of a few spectators (.50 cal black powder). Well, I guess one of the guys forgot to remove his ram rod and holy crap, thank god...
  8. C

    FMJ kit

    Hope this is the right board to ask on, but has anyone ever heard of a kit they sell to put a FMJ on a hand cast bullet? From what I was told by one of the members of my club when we were discussing bullet casting, there is a kit availible that has slightly under-sized bullet molds in the...
  9. C

    Cheaper than Dirt Inquiry

    I have never ordered anything from CTD, but was planning on placing a rather large order soon. I have heard good things about 'em in the past, but have heard just as many bad things, mostly things like the company sells your personal info to other mail order companies and such. Should I order...
  10. C

    Another Wal-Mart horror story

    We recently had a new Wal-Mart super center open up here in town and already, I have crossed this store off my list of places to spend my hard earned money. On opening day, my wife dragged me along for the trip and I figured what the heck, give Wally-World another shot seeing I have had problems...
  11. C

    Red dot scope info needed

    I have been playing with the idea of buying myself a red dot scope for my AR-15 rifle for some time now after I had the oppurtunity to try an Aimpoint Comp M3 system this past fall that belongs to a friend of mine, and the wife suprised me by purchasing a BSA RD30SB for me the other night (she...
  12. C

    Here is a nasty load

    Was leafing thru a Cheaper than Dirt catalog today and came across an add for steel flechettes. Those are some nasty looking 1 inch finned razor sharp darts meant to be loaded into from what I read, shotgun shells or grenades launched off of a M203. Are these legal? I can just picture someone...
  13. C

    What do ya do in the off season?

    Just curious, what do ya do when it is too nasty and cold to go out to the range like, during the dead of winter? Are your other hobbies gun related? I spend the time I would usually be at the range during these nasty CNY winters working on my ever growing HO scale model electric train layout...
  14. C

    Military Style rifles

    Why does it seem like the press makes a big deal out of incidents involving semi-auto military style rifles but briefly talk about incidents that occure with your 'everyday' hunting style rifles? I mean, c'mon, I own a .223 deer rifle that can do just as much 'damage', if not more, than one of...
  15. C

    Disturbing news

    My brother in law, who lives on Cape Cod, in Barnstable, MA. told me tonight that the Barnstable, MA Police recently were "disarmed" and are now carrying tasers instead of firearms. Is this true? If so, why? Ya'd think that the cops in such a big tourist spot like the Cape would want to...
  16. C

    Target Board ideas needed

    Earlier this week, 2 teens climbed the 10' chain-link fence around my club's rifle range and used 2 stolen 12 gauge shotguns loaded with deer slugs and military breeching rounds to totally destroy 3 of our target boards. Because our club is way out in the country, noone heard the noise. They...
  17. C

    First, Wal-Mart. Now Kmart. Who's next???

    Tonight, I went to my "friendly" neighborhood Kmart (Fulton, NY) to buy a few boxes of Remington .223 cuz some of my brass has been reloaded too many times. I had to have someone paged to the sporting goods dept and after a 10 minute wait, the dept. manager comes back and asks if she could help...
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    New (?) gun safe design

    Recently, I was working on the blueprints for the rec-room in the basement of the new home we are building. The basement is going to be finished, and my wife has 'allowed' me to build work room for myself in the basement in which I will be storing many of our rifles. I kind of came up with a...
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    Probs with an FFL

    Recently, the only (successful, in business 16 yrs) gun shop in my town closed down due to the owner having health problems. Incidently, the owner is also my daughter's fiance's uncle. He and I were talking and he knows my dream is to someday open my own shop that also does custom gunsmithing...
  20. C

    It happened again, Ammo prob at Wal-Mart

    Some of you may have read a much older post of mine about a problem I had at my local Wal-Mart that was about a problem I had buying ammo there in the past, but, since then, the problem had been corrected.....or so I thought. Before I go further, I just want to say this is in no way meant to be...