Search results

  1. T

    What changes would you make to the BATFE?

    Assume the next president called and asked your input. :) What changes would you make to BATFE. (You can't abolish it that takes Congress action).
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    Single stack 9mm Sig P229?

    My wife likes my P229, but it's a bit too in the grip for her. Is there a Sig that is a single stack 9mm but otherwise identical to a P229? It wasn't clear looking at their website.
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    Serbu RN-50 vs Bolt action Serbu BFG-50 or Ferret 50

    The RN-50 looks like an inexpensive way to get into a .50BMG for a grand. It's a breech loader with a screw on / off breech cap. I've wanted to get a 50 but also wasn't interested in spending $10K+ to start. An alternative are classic bolt action single shots from Serbu or Ferret for about...
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    Bullet Stabilization

    I read JohnKSA post on spin: I know the caliber, bullet mass, velocity and other parameters come into play. Are any of you aware of any good resources that provide a comprehensive discussion on optimizing spin for any projectile...
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    Texas Open Carry: have you?

    If you are in Texas and *have open carried a handgun* under the law that changed today allowing OC if you have a CHL, I'd be interested in hearing about your experience.
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    Multi-trigger gun = non-NFA legal?

    So following another thread, where the OP wondered if firing a bullet with both a pull AND a release would be legal and non-NFA, let me pose a related question: What if the trigger was electronic where 1 bullet would be fired by a single press (and subsequent release) of a keyboard? (No...
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    Raufoss MK211 round experience?

    I may have a chance to shoot a couple rounds of the .50 BMG Multipurpose Raufoss MK 211 round. Anyone have any experience with them?
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    Finding the lightest load for a sub compact

    My wife just got a Lc9s. I don't reload but would like to find the lightest load for the range and self defense. Any suggestions?
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    Serial numbers: what do you do with them?

    Wondering what others do with the serial numbers on their weapons: Do you keep them on paper, on your computer, photograph them, somewhere else, or not at all? As my collection grows, I'm wondering what others do, and any issues you see with one method or another.
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    What to do: CHL holder taken hostage, SWAT comes in?

    I'm watching the unfortunate events in San Bernardino, watching those (likely innocent) people who were hunkered down inside, coming out under police guard with their hands up. It's clear the cops have to be careful, but if you have a CHL (I know that's not likely in LA), what's the best way...
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    Sig X5 magazines (9mm)

    I'm having some difficulty finding Sig X5 magazines in 15 - 20 rounds that are actually in stock. Any suggestions for 9mm?
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    Where to shoot a .50 BMG in the DFW area?

    Does anyone have any recommendations on a range that will let you shoot a .50 BMG in the Dallas area? Thanks
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    Barrett M107 A1, plus extras: where to buy?

    I want to get an M107A1 w/ BORS, suppressor, and scope. It seems like there is virtually NO discounts available off of list price, but a fair number of teasers on Backpage, and gun sales / auction sites. (still the total is ~$18k) Any suggestions on any dealer that may be willing to offer...
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    Designing / building an "Inherently quiet HANDGUN"

    Without adding a suppressor, if you were designing a Semi HANDGUN to be as quiet as possible ***without*** a supressor, what would you do or change from current conventional design? The first thing I would do is design it for use with sub-sonic ammo. I'd also look at barrel length to ensure...
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    Incendary ammo... Where / what is the combustible part?

    I'm watching a war movie and they're using incendiary ammo. How is that different than tracer, where I assume there is some phosphorous in the back-hollow of the round? Or is the whole round not metal but some combustible, or...?
  16. T

    Cheapest new handgun available? (settle a bet)

    I don't want to prejudice the answer, so make whatever assumptions you deem. What is the cheapest handgun you can buy (fires more than 1 shot)? Pricing is for a new weapon legit purchased through a dealer you'd have to do the paper work on. (not some guy off the street). Thanks
  17. T

    9mm semi w/ longer than 6" barrel?

    Is anyone aware of a semi 9mm with a barrel longer than a Sig X6's 6" barrel?
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    Modern day pistol to win 1881 gunfight?

    I'm watching "The Quick and the Dead" where Sharon Stone joins a dueling competition in an attempt to exact revenge on Gene Hackman for her father's death. There is a wide variety of revolvers used in this circa 1881 gun fight. Some impressive state-of-the-art, well oiled precision machines of...
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    Maximum range

    I noticed on the box of .22 LR's it stated "Maximum Range 1 Mile". Did I find that elusive round the U.S. military was looking for that was lightweight and long range? Don't think so. I expect that range is when the round is fires at a 45 degree elevation, and there is no consideration when...
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    Registering a room or cardboard box

    It was an interesting discussion, but brought up a question: If a person was target shooting and didn't want to wake / scare / annoy the neighbors, and moved inside a building and shot through the window, or shot through a 'tunnel of boxes' for the purpose of reducing the audio signature...