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  1. D

    "I know the guns are there, I signed the permits"

    Watching the latest episode of the Walking Dead where the main characters are going through the city looking for guns. One of them was a police officer for the city before the apocalypse. After finding the police station raided of guns and ammo, he says he's got a line on a few other places "A...
  2. D

    Why different concealed guns for different temperature?

    I live in Florida so the majority of my days are spent between 75 and 100 degrees with about 15-20% of them below 50 and 5-10 days a year getting as low as 25. That said, it kind of puzzles me when someone says "I carry X in cold weather and Y in warm weather." Any explanations? Just for...
  3. D

    Could being treated for mental illness disbar me from gun rights?

    I just went to the endocrinologist the other day and did some blood labs and a urinalysis. I am waiting for the results. The reason I went was because I have a hard time keeping/putting on weight as well as irregular energy levels. However, mentally, there were a few things I was hoping to get...
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    Makarov PM

    Some of you saw my other post in rifles discussing getting an AR and some discussion of a bolt action rifle was brought up. Today my mom told me that they want to go shooting this weekend but they want to leave my little brother and I at home about half the times they go out because they don't...
  5. D

    Can you build an automatic weapon for personal use?

    I'm aware that automatic weapons manufactured after 1986 cannot be passed to or from civilians. But I was curious if you can manufacture one on your own for personal use as long as it's not being transferred. This whole 3D printing business got me thinking, it may be possible that it opens up...
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    Legalities of Sci-Fi/future weapons in the US

    I didn't know where to put this, but I figured it should be a fun thread. With the viability of new technologies, I see a time in my life where a Sci-Fi weapon will be commercially viable. Railgun, Gauss cannon, laser gun, something along these lines. What I'm curious of is, if I walked into...
  7. D

    First rifle/AR 15 decision

    So my research keeps bringing me back to this forum for things I'm googling and I finally decided to join as a goer of other forums regularly. This is my second post so a brief background: I'm 17 years old now and while I have liked guns and wanted to shoot for a long time my family only got...