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  1. M

    Handguns only... fast & loud, vrs big & heavy... your thoughts ???

    so 1st off, I get the hydrostatic shock thing... ( when I 1st started dating my now wife, my FIL "allowed me" to do all the field dressing of his deer party, the 1st couple years, so I've seen the differences in animals shot with belted magnums, 30-06's, 243's, & 45-70's ) but I've yet to see...
  2. M

    Finally got to shoot my "fake" Martini yesterday...

    my retired builder buddy ( who did the rifle work for me ) wanted to come over & shoot a couple of rifles he built from scratch over the winter, yesterday, & since we had 2 sunny days in a row, & we could drive across the short stretch of field to my range, I was glad for the break...I have what...
  3. M

    a compact & light weight 45 Colt double action???

    this came up on another thread, that there isn't anything made right now in double actions, but Judges / Governors, Redhawks ( rare ) Super Redhawks ( in 454 Casull ) ( & heavy ) this got me thinking, ( & I do love my single actions ) that maybe my next custom aught to be a modern "fight'n 45...
  4. M

    thoughts on pistol backstop...

    I have my own rifle & pistol range... the pistol back stop is currently several steel 55 gallon drums, filled with dirt, & bolted together, with a pair of 6 X 6's bolted to the back of them where the barrels bolt together, & there is no barrel diameter thickness... the base is 2 barrels deep, &...
  5. M

    how do you store, or display your Contenders ???

    got that walk in gun safe I'm still working on, & am at the point I'm ready to address displaying my Contenders... when my father in law had the collection, he converted an old oak ice box to display his Contenders... however he out grew it, before he died, & I've continued to grow the barrel...
  6. M

    Really... is that one gun worth 4-5 others ???

    this thread is inspired by the guy who traded 6 guns & cash for one vintage gun... I can understand in some cases, but I get great joy out of nearly all my guns... I'd personally have a hard time trading 2 for one... even if it was something I really wanted so... for those of you who feel they...
  7. M

    Taking the lil guys hunting... ( practice )

    & going on that African safari I thought I could never afford... yep... grand kids need practice, looking for interesting things for them & my buddies kids & grandkids to shoot... eggs, pop cans full of water, bottles of water, & those rim fire binary targets all "explode" when hit with 22's...
  8. M

    .257... is "special"

    you may have seen the pics of my converted Single 10, into a Single "8" in 257 caliber, that I've posted before... finally got some warm weather up here last weekend, & I got the chance to try 3 different loads in the gun... the gun... a standard stainless Ruger Single 10, converted to an 8...
  9. M

    Ran into another scratched die again...

    :mad: was loading some 45 Autorim, with an old 45 ACP set of dies I had laying around... sizer started scratching my new cases... I still have a scratched 357 mag die ( one of the 4 die sets I have for 38 / 357 ) I think I'm going to pick a set of 3-4 new mops in a variety of sizes, & try...
  10. M

    Took out the MOP & gave it a work out... anyone ever play with M.O.P. ???

    if you guys have seen my posts, you know I collect old top breaks & early pocket cartridge guns... along with that collecting, over the couple years, I also ended up with several extra old sets of MOP grips, either bought alone, & they didn't fit as per the description, or they came ill fitting...
  11. M

    How about a spur trigger & pepper box picture thread ???

    here's a pretty good picture of my Sharpes & Hankins 32 Rim Fire, to start the thread with...:) on this gun, there is a rotating firing pin, so the barrels only fire one at a time...
  12. M

    Lee FC die for +P 45 Autorim revolver loads ???

    thoughts on picking up a Lee factory crimp die for 45 Autorim revolver loads... I'm wanting to do some hotter loads, & have a 1000 230 grain FMJ bullets I could use, but am a little worried about the friction taper crimp... wondering if you guys think a factory crimp die might put enough of a...
  13. M

    looking for Enfield Martini questions answered...

    a while back, I bought an Enfield Martini carbine switched to 303 British... ... or so I thought... in fact it was so good, it fooled my buddy who is very knowledgeable on the subject... when we pulled the gun apart, the threads are not standard, & are in fact metric the receiver has all the...
  14. M

    Ruger only 45 ACP revolver loads ???

    as I've been paging through my reload manuals, I've noticed all the 45 ACP loads ( & to an extent, even the Autorim loads ) are all using typical semi auto powders... I'd like to find some load data that will give me some +P performance out of my converted Blackhawk... in new Autorim cases...
  15. M

    Good or lucky... you decide... 257 special wildcat

    I loaded up some rounds for the 257 this weekend, & put a few rounds thru it... while loading, I ran into some issues with the jacketed bullets, with this being a long slow tapered case, & my 1st brass being .005" short, we think maybe I'm not stuffing them far enough into the dies to get a good...
  16. M

    took a couple pics of a few of my old S&W's with the "new" camera

    thought you might enjoy... This one is a S&W #1.5 chambered in 32 S&W... Lord only knows when the conversion work was done, but the barrel was shortened, & a wider "coin" front sight installed, & the barrel was re-nickeled... this was done long enough ago, that the patina matches on both the...
  17. M

    Thoughts on CCW classes...

    so I've had my permit long enough now, that I've been through 2 training classes ( had to renew after the 1st 5 years ) couple buddy's & I are in the same situation... I honestly I feel the classes offered around here are too easy, they don't spend enough time with legalese ( where you can...
  18. M

    looking for some interesting wood grips for my custom Super Blackhawk...

    now that I've got everything on the wall, it's easier to see some glaring differences that I'd like to change in some guns... one is I still have one set of rubber grips on one of my single actions... & it's time for them to go... I'd like to find someone that makes nice wood panels that fit...
  19. M

    Just realized I don't have anything chambered specifically for 38 Special...

    & my "modern" double action snubbies have a gap between my 32 Mag J frame, & my 44 Special L frame... thought about another 357 Mag, but I have several, just no snubbie, so I'm thinking I need a good, reasonably priced, shootable ( reads no Colts ) 38 Special snubbie... I'm not sure if I should...
  20. M

    like playing the lottery... where are you winning ???

    so I got the e-mail from Midway earlier this year, celebrating, that they now have 1,000,000 active customers so far this year... so I look at it like winning the lottery, if I get a notification that a reloading component ( or ammo for that matter ) has come in, & I actually get to buy it...