Search results

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    Range Report: New to me S&W 4526

    I have had the pistol now for several weeks but only just managed to make it to the range yesterday to try her out. Preparation for deer season has taken precedence over all other shooting activities but I needed a break from the blackpowder and arrows so off I went with my newest aquisition and...
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    Heritage hammers?

    Just curious if those Performance Center heritage revolvers have hammer or frame mounted firing pins? Not interested in buying, just curious.
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    Have your tastes changed?

    Started shooting handguns as soon as I could legally so I now have about 14 years under my belt. When I first started buying I would only purchase pistols that were stainless and had adjustable sights. Then I discovered Glocks but quickly gave up on them because I could not shoot them. Then I...
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    Fiber vs. tritium?

    For several years I thought night sights were "must haves" on a defensive pistol but in the past year I have reevaluated them to "nice to have". I have many handguns with night sights but none set up with fiber sights. My PSE bow and my in-line muzzleloader do have fiber sights and they are very...
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    Most $ you ever put into a handgun after purchase?

    What was the the most money you aver spent on a handgun for custom touches as a function of the original purchace price? Example: You paid $500 for a SA 1911A1 and then had $250 done in custom work. This would be 50%. Edit: I should have perhaps put 0% as a choice but that's just silly. :D
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    Boron Carbide: I'm gonna do it unless one of you posts a horror story...

    Tuesday will be my first day back from a short trip I am starting this afterlunch. On that day my intent is to send my carry gun, which is showing considerable holster wear, off to be refinished in boron carbide. Now I have heard of a few problems but my understanding is that they are mostly...
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    Is Shiner Bock still the official TFL beer?

    Just curious.
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    Aesthetics: Fluted vs. Unfluted

    Did a quick search and did not see this debate in poll form. So which do you think looks better?
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    Ahh, those lost treasures...

    As I was packing up all my blackpowder crap to go to the range, I rooted around a bit in the safe for something else to shoot. It is pretty dark in the back and my fingers felt an unfamilar shape. As I pulled the unknown object into the light a feeling of foolishness crept over me. "Of course...
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    Contact info for Colorado School of Trades

    I'd like very much to contact these guys about having one of my S&W autos refinished in boron carbide. Anyone got an e-mail address or a phone number? I have done a search and I came up empty. :(
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    Hunting with .50 cal round ball

    Almost named the thread "Hunting with balls" but thought the better of it. This perhaps belongs over in the Hunting forum but not sure if the gents here frequent that one as well and my question is specific to blackpowder so here it goes: With a .50 cal (.490) ball as a projectile what would you...
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    S&W 6926 and 4026?

    Has anyone actually seen, held, or even possibly shot a 6926 or a 4026? I know some are supposed to exist but I am not having a whole lot of luck locating either. Guess I am seeking encouragement to continue the search. :confused:
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    Any pet .25-06 loads?

    Well I got ready to start some load development for my .25-06 but then as I was gathering equipment and components I realized I had no .25 caliber powder funnel for my 550. D'oh!! So whilst I wait for the good folks at Dillon to send the required part, I was hoping some of you good people might...
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    Thank you, Mr. Eatman.

    In another thread I described the problems I was having with a M70 in .25-06. It would not group, at all. 4-5" at 100yds were the results with a variety of factory loads. Mr. Eatman suggested checking the bedding so I did. Initially it looked fine but then I took a closer look with a magnifying...
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    The development of subcompacts

    Would you give more credence to the idea that the development of the mini Glocks, the Kahrs, Kel-Tecs, Beretta Cougars, etc. was caused by the magazine ban or the carry laws that have come to pass in the recent years? Do you think these models would have been developed if there had been no mag...
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    Flintlock flinching

    I have a new Pennsylvania style flintlock that I am having a ball (no pun intended) learning to shoot. I have now learned how to get reliable ignition so I am moving on to improving my accuracy. I seem to be having a bit of trouble with flinching as the pan charge goes off such that when the...
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    Pointman 10mm?

    Anyone seen, fondled, or fired this thing? I am thinking about having my dealer put out an APB on one. Wonder how hard they spring the 10mm?
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    Varmint rifle options

    Disappointing day with my new M70 in .25-06. Would not group at all with any of a variety of factory loads in various weights. I shot my .308 just prior and turned in the usual 1 inch groups at 100 yds. I had the M70 well rested and took my sweet time pulling the trigger so I do not think it is...
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    Prarie dogs

    Father-in-law is making noises about a Wyoming prarie dog hunt at the end of this month. My hunting experience consists of Tennessee terrain and African bush. Never taken a shot longer than 100 yds on a live target. I have always wanted to be in a hunting situation where my shooting skills would...
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    Witness Compact 10mm mags

    Why are they 8 round instead of 10s? EAA website says 10+1 but any time I have fondled one in the gun shop it has been a plugged 8 rounder.