Search results

  1. C

    Do you name your guns?

    This may seem like an odd question, but you give names to your guns, like a pet or another person? I was sitting in the living room cleaning my XD after a range session and my little cousin (little being 18 years old) came up to me and asked me what my gun's name was. She then told me that she...
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    Started my first AR build

    Well, ok, I've started buying up the parts for it. I decided just to buy the parts when I have the money and not all at once. I just purchased a stripped Spikes ST-15 lower for $99 and now I'm looking into a lower build kit. Another thread on here got me looking at the MOE kit at...
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    Replacing permanent flash hider

    I tried to search this but I didn't find exactly what I was looking for, so if there is another thread that answers my question, please show me. I was looking at BCM uppers with 14.5" barrels but had a permanent flash hider that put the barrel at 16.1" thus making it legal. I know it is on...
  4. C

    What is up with these $2500-3000 ARs?

    I was reading a review on Barret's new REC7 (actually it was SWAT magazine) in 5.56. So I went to look up the price and it was over $2500 for it! Then I remembered HK came out with the MR556 a little while back and it was almost $3000! I understand that everything from HK and Barrett are...
  5. C

    M-16 w/ ACOG qualification

    I just qualified with the M16 at the range this past weekend and the new Marine Corps order states that you have to qualify with what you are issued. Since I'm issued an ACOG, I got to qualify with that. At first I thought it was going to be a piece of cake, in fact I felt the opposite. At the...
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    2,000+ rounds and I had my first FTF; XD .40

    I was catching some range time today and on exactly the 100th round, it failed to feed. First one I've ever had with my SA XD .40... at first I thought it was a failure to eject and thought that maybe I may have limp wristed the round prior, but after I dropped the mag and locked the slide...
  7. C

    Keeping service rifle after military retirement

    So I was talking to a buddy of mine who is a Chattanooga LEO, and he brought up an idea IF the US ever wanted to phase out the M16 or M4... Just like LEOs, if you commit 20 years to the military, you should get to keep your last issued weapon (assuming that after 20 years you are not a SAW...
  8. C

    6.8mm SPC

    Recently I've seen articles talking about the increased power that a 6.8mm has to a 5.56mm and how the US military have been looking at the round to replace the 5.56mm. Now I know they say the military is always looking to replace something, but I'm just curious about this round because even in...
  9. C

    WWI Trench gun?

    I'm very much into collecting old WWI and WWII weapons and I've been trying to find out what was the model of the US WWI Trench gun? I know during WWII the Winchester Model 1897 and Model 1912 were used in the Pacific, but I cannot find anything that relates to what model the US used in WWI...
  10. C

    Ugh Rambo question....

    So I was watching Rambo III the other day and I noticed something very strange. At one point at the end, he jumps into the back of a Russian jeep and starts shooting with the crew served weapon. At a closer glance (I kept going back and pausing it) I noticed that it looked like an M2 reciever...
  11. C

    Just bought a PS-90

    Just bought one off of gunbroker and I was wondering any upgrades/accessories anybody would recommend for it besides making it a sbr or getting a suppressor
  12. C

    Hands down best .40 HP

    I was just curious if there was a hands down best .40 HP factory round out there or is it all strictly by prefrence. I know some of you guys probably reload your rounds with enough powder to launch a 155mm round, but I'm talking about strickly out of the box ammo. I use Hydrashox in my .40...
  13. C

    Call me crazy about the law...

    So I was talking about the rules of owning an automatic weapon... The tax, registered before 1986, etc. with a guy at work and we got to breaking it down. Does regulating automatic weapons really create a "safer" environment? For instance, IF I were a bad guy on the streets and I wanted an...
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    Springfield 1911 TRP

    Hey I've been looking at 1911 for a while now and I think I am going to go with the Springfield TRP... I just wanted people's thoughts on the weapon. Is it worth that much money? I'll be using it as a range gun and SD but I am also starting a collection of guns.
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    First Gen PS-90

    Does anybody know if the First Gen PS90 was recalled?
  16. C

    H&K MR556

    Has anyone used one of these? I know you can get the 416 which comes in a .22lr but I can't seem to find the MR556, or the 7.62 version either, I don't know if they are even sold to civilians yet. Let me know please
  17. C

    Just being curious

    Are military sniper rifles considered NFA? I mean like Dragonovs with military-spec scopes, etc. Just curious, I dont know much about this subject. Are there any limitations that the average "joe" can't purchase when buying a rifle?
  18. C

    Releasing spring pressure in mag?

    I'm assuming this is the same thing with pistols as it is rifles. I know when I was in Iraq they told us never put 30 rds in the magazine and to only put 25-28 rds in so that it is not too much pressure on the spring in the magazine. So I followed that rule with my pistol, I have a XD40...
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    Anybody seen this before? I posted this on the semiauto handgun page also but considering its a SBR I figured I would put it here also. Seems fun if you had the money to throw at it
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    Has anybody every shot using one of these? I was just shopping around when I came across this... Seems like a fun little toy to have, maybe not for that price, but still looks fun