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    Another NJ Blissninny bites the dust. Another case of how the gun laws in NJ are here to 'protect' us. My parents live about 8 miles (as the crow flies) from this event, and my mother can't understand why anyone would want a gun, and contributes to the Brady campaign...
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    TFL'er launches grip business!

    I am proud to announce the launch of Gotham Marketing Group LLC, and my grip business under the banner of 'StormStudio'. At present, I am producing 1911 grips, in a rainbow of Dymondwood laminate, and offer a LIFETIME WARRANTY on my product. Please stop by my website, and look around. As a...
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    The Dem's finest hour?

    Someone told me the other day that Hillary Clinton said, regarding the disaster of 9/11, that (to paraphrase) 'This should have been our finest hour' implying that it should have been Al Gore in the White House. Anyone have a link to that quote?
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    Photo Fuss: What's the BFD?

    Ok, I have to vent. Maybe I missed something. I don't understand what the big fuss is over the photo that's being used by the Bush campaign to raise funds. Until Al Gore, and the media engine, made an issue of it, I never would have known that the particular photo of W. had any connection to...
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    2A: State or state?

    I hope I don't open up a can of worms with this, but does anyone know what the ORIGINAL COPY of the Constitution looks like? All the online images are too difficult to see, and transcribed versions of the original vary. I'm particularly interested in the original text, where it says 'security...
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    Future of P99?

    I have been hearing reports of the P99 being manufactured in MA by S/W, rather than imported from Germany. I am a tad concerned about the quality of workmanship coming out of the MA facility. Can anyone comment on where this transition is going? Will the German proofed models still be...
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    CAD files?

    Anyone know where to get CAD files of various popular guns like the 1911, 92fs and SIGs? Would like to do some artwork, but don't look forward to having to draft them all from scratch. :eek:
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    Gun Control chart?

    A while back, I remember seeing a chart that plotted the number of guns to the number of murders, suicides, etcetera, all in one display, that showed dramatically, the effect that the 1968 GCA made on both a rise in ownership, and a decrease in crime. Can't seem to find it. Can someone link to...
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    Trailside/Hiking caliber

    I'm asking this question out of concern for a friend who carries her Glock 9mm while hiking, thinking it will be an adequate defense against bears, and other unwelcome visitors. I have done a search, but there are no elaborations on why any given caliber is, or is not, adequate, so your...
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    Kahr MK9 Elite range report/review

    Hope this is of interest, or help, to those who are considering a small gun, and have this on the short list. MK9 Elite Range Report
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    Polymer frame maintenance

    What do you guys use to thoroughly clean, degrease, and relube the trigger mechanism in a polymer pistol, like a Glock or Walther? I used some KleenBore degreaser to give the frame and trigger mechanism a good scrub, but now that there's no lube in there, I need to relube with something that...
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    Good for a giggle...
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    Wünderbülletz (hi-tech ammo)

    Can you guys help me come up with a list of all the 'high-tech' bullets that are out there? My plan is to evaluate each as a potential self defense round, and also to start a collection of a few of each, by expanding the rounds and making a display, for a conversation piece. Here are those...
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    1911: Service Interval?

    Can you guys tell me what the recommended service/cleaning interval is for a Kimber 1911? I know the old saw says 'never let the sun set on a dirty gun', but I also know experienced guys that just wipe down the outside of the gun with a silicone rag, and only clean every 200 or 300 rounds, or...
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    P99 Oil Points?

    Can someone tell me what the oil points are on the frame and striker assembly for the P99? I just thoroughly cleaned the gun inside and out, with both Hoppes #9 and a spray cleanser, and now I'm looking for something in the way of an 'oiling schematic' to show where to apply CLP, to be sure the...
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    Options for a good hideaway gun?

    I am looking for a very small automatic (no revolvers, please) that is easy to conceal, yet capable, preferably in a caliber no smaller than .32, but .380 or larger would be preferable, to round out my collection of a Kimber .45, Walther P99 9mm and... ? Here are my current thoughts regarding...
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    Kimber custom II slide problem?

    Sorry if this has been covered already, but the search function is disabled, so I need to ask here. Just yesterday, I shot my Kimber Custom Eclipse II, but before doing so, I followed the instructions, and tried to field strip the gun, to wipe down the parts from that coating they use. I...
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    Those of you who have been enduring with me through the interminable wait in NJ for my FID card will be pleased to know that I just today received it, along with 3 pistol purchase permits. I am now the 'official' owner of a Walther P99, Kimber Custom Eclipse, and looking forward to no longer...
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    Is there a source for a newbie that would explain, in subtle, logical and practical terms, why the 2nd amendment and RKBA is important? I'm looking for something in the way of a 'top 10 reasons' that would get someone who is not familiar with 2A and its importance, thinking about the core...
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    Recommended lubricant?

    I'm sure this question comes up all the time, but probably not about this particular brand, and when my search returned about 1500 threads, I'd prefer to cut to the chase. :D I have useda a product called 'Finish Line' for years, developed for cycling. It is a teflon-based synthetic lube...