Search results

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    Current Problem With Local Indoor Pistol Range!!!

    Currently we are only allowed to shoot lead rounds. We are looking for material to hang on the sides of the range that will prevent full metal jacketed rounds hitting something they are not supposed to. We currently have rubber blocks for the backstop that do a good job. But are sides are...
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    where can i get a pistol chambered in 9x23

    I am interested in getting into shooting in some local matches. I was wondering where i could get a pistol chambered for 9x23 and also if anyone else shoots this round. I have heard some good things about it and would like to give it a try. Thanks derek
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    Best .44 mag factory round for hunting?

    My dad and i are going hog hunting in May and he is using a .44 mag and would like to know what everyone else has had the best luck with as far as accuracy and potency. thanks derek
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    I am just getting into concealed carry and would like atleast a web site to review Indiana's laws regarding carring a weapon. if anyone can help me out or knows the laws jsut e-mail me. thanks derek
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    What does everyone hunt with and where r u from?

    Hey guys just trying to get to know the guys who come in here the most. I am from Warsaw, Indiana. I hunt deer with everything allowed but crossbow. How did everyone do this year? I had a pretty good year. I go to school in Warsaw and hunt in Bourbon, IN so i don't get alot of time to go...
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    A New Lands Act?

    Hey guys this isn't about guns i know but i would like to know more about a new lands act that i have heard about. I know about the one in Alaska but where is the new proposal going to be? Any website with info on this would be greatly appreciated. thanks derek
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    Springfield 187N by Savage Arms?

    First of all Harley i would like to say thanks for all your help on my previous posts. I have another question for u however. I have a Springfield 187N that isn't stiking the shell hard enough. It is a .22lr made by savage arms. Any and all info on this gun would be greatly appreciated...
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    When is the GUN SHOW in INDY!!!!

    When is the next gun show in Indianapolis, IN i was wondering if anyone has been there and if it is worth the two hour drive? thanks derek
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    I was just wondering if Harley is still around

    I posted a topic in his forum and so did some others but he hasn't responded. I checked the other posts to and the last one i can find is from dec 31. I don;t mean to sound pushy but i was just wondering if he was on vacation or what? derek
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    Firing pin problems i think

    I have in an older stevens .22 that does strike hard enough to fire some shells. On average it is about 2 out of 12. Do i just need to get a new firing pin or can i fix the problem with the firing pin i have. I took the gun completely apart and cleaned it very well and then put it back...
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    Mossberg 500

    A friend of mine has a mossberg 500 the older version with the forearm that is groved vertically. Anyway the there is a pin that holds the back of the trigger guard in and on hte back of the trigger guard it broke away so the pin doesn't hold it. So my question Is it possible to get a new...
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    What happen to Harley?

    just wondering if he is still around or what?
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    Anyone wanna swap success pics?

    I was just wondering if anyone wanted to swap pictures of their sucessful hunts. I have a few on my comp from my new scanner. :rolleyes: thanks derek :eek: :P
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    Harley another question on that Stevens 77c

    I called the place that u gave me and they told me they had the part for the Stevens Model 77, 77a, and 77b. Are these all similar guns. I would think they are compatible but i just want to make sure. thanks alot derek Also they asked if i wanted the left or right ctg i didn't even notice...
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    ATTN All Indiana TFL members

    I am from nothern IN and love to go out and shoot. If anyone in here has a good place to shoot i would love to make a day of it. My roomate is also into Handguns. We are college students so we don't get much shooting in. later derek
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    pheasant hunting?

    i am going pheasant hunting and have a moss 835 ultri mag what choke and shell combo should i use? we are hunting both pheasant and quail? thanks derek
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    What choke should i use for pheasant and quail hunting?

    I have an 835 ultri mag what shoudl i use choke should i use that would be effective on both birds. I have a full and xtra-full. i plan on using 3in 4 shot and/or 2 3/4 6 shot. please help thanks
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    Stevens 77c? made by savage arms. HELP!!

    I have a Stevens 77c that won't hold a shell in the tube mag.I don't know what is missing or what is wrong. I have no parts diagram or instruction manual. Any help that u could give to help me repair this firearm would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance
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    cheap elk hunt or whitetail hunt?

    Just wondering where i could get a good elk or whitetail hunt at a reasonable price. I would like to hunt out west. just wondering what kind of prices i would be looking at.
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    beretta 92italian vs H&K 9mm what do u think or know?

    I am either going to by a beretta or a H&K chambered in 9mm or 9x19. What does everyone here prefer? I am also interested in sigs. thanks to all who read this and to all who reply