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  1. P

    pump action vektor legal in south africa?

    Is the vektor h5 legal in south africa with the new restrictions there?
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    pro gun celebs?

    Can anybody give me a list of pro-gun celeberties?I already know about heston,selleck,rick schroder,carl malone,robert conrad,erick estrada,and ted nugent.
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    10 rd 12 ga mags for crossfire combo

    Since the crossfire is a pump,would 10 rd 12 ga mags be legal?
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    835 vs. 870 3 1/2

    The next gun I buy is going to be one of these two MOSSBERG 835 or REMINGTON 870 31/2 inch magnum.I prefer mossbergs but would like to here how both perform.
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    gun laws in the virgen islands

    Does anybody know about gun laws in the u.s virgen islands?Can you keep a gun in your home there?And do you need a license to but a gun.
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    gun homicides in mexico

    Does anybody know how many homicides were commited with guns in mexico last year.They have an overall homicide rate of 17 per 100,000 people,more than twice that of the u.s.I want to know this so I can use it in an arguement.
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    soth african mag 7

    Do any of you south africans own the mag 7 shotgun.You can see it at
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    is it worth it?

    Would it be worth moving to bolivia?(if possible),if gun laws got bad in the states.They have an unemployment rate of 11% and 70% of the population lives below the poverty level.But you can live cheaply.And has a fairly high crime rate compaed to america.Still the prospect of no gun laws sounds...
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    free countries?mort

    I searched this website for bolivia and free countries came up.But I can't get in and mort's name came up.What did it say?
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    neostead avalible?

    Is the neostead shotgun avalible in south africa yet?
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    age for pistol caliber carbine

    Can a person under 21 buy a carbine chambered for a pistol caliber?
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    sks handguard catch

    I was cleaning my chinese sks and I accidently pried the handguard catch further than I was supposed to.It says further movment will allow the operating spring and rod to escape,well nothing came out and I think it's ok but do I have anything to worry about.And if something is wrong how do I fix it.
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    quality of south african 17 rd hi-power mag

    Are these mags good quality?,I'm thinking of buying a few.
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    firearm laws in south america

    Can anyone tell me about gun laws in any of the countries south america? except argentina and brazil I already no about gun laws there.
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    mini 14 magazines

    I just got six magazines for my mini 14 3 20s and 3 30s.The 30s ar fine but the all 3 20s barely go in empty and they won't go in loaded.They are western brand and has anybody had this problem with these magazines?
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    any good countries

    Are there any other countries with decent gun laws.I heard costa rica and bolivia do or did.
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    gun laws in mexico

    I heard you can't have guns in mexico,but they have dove hunts down there.Does anyone know if a regular person who is not a hunting guide have a rifle or shotgun?
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    9200 vs 1187

    I thinking of buying a defense type semi auto shotgun,Either a mossberg 9200 jungle gun or a remington 1187.I've always been fond of mossbergs and leaning towards the 9200 "any suggestions".
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    mini 14 slide handle rattle

    I bought a mini 14 a little over a week ago and before I took it apart the slide handle did not and when I put it back together it rattles a good bit.Is this normal because I wiped a lot of the grease out.My dad has a mini 30 a the slide handle rattles a little bit but not that much.Do i have...
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    higher homicide rates

    Does anybody know of any non war countries that have a higher gun homicide rate than the u.s besides brazil,colombia,el salvador,venezulela,mexico,estonia,russia,and south africa.