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    Steel core ammo

    I have recently purchased some Federal 5.56 62 grain ammo. It has the green tip and a steel core. Is this okay to shoot through your rifle? I have heard that steel ammo is no good. Are they refering to steel cased ammo, steel core ammo, or any steel at all? Thanks.
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    Gas tubes

    I have a couple rifles and am working on spare parts. When compiling spare parts lists, are gas tubes generally something you get? Is this something that people have issues with very often?
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    What is headspacing? I want to get a spare bolt carrier group and have heard that you have to be concerned with headspacing. I want a BCM bcg to use in my DDM4s. When would you have to measure headspace?
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    Sight question

    I noticed on my rear sights that I have two apertures. One that is small and the other that is larger. Can you tell me what the difference is? Is one for more precision shooting or longer ranges? Thanks!
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    counterfeit info

    Hey, everyone. I was reading on the Daniel Defense website that there is a problem with counterfeit products on auction sites. I've bought a couple complete rifles off of Has anyone heard anything about this happening there? Thanks!
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    Gas tube cleaning

    I noticed the outside (under the handguard) of my gas tube on my midlength is much dirtier than the gas tube on my carbine. Does this matter at all? Do I need to clean this?
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    Dings in ammo

    I just bought a ammo can of Federal 62 grain 5.56. Many of the cases have dings in them. Does this effect performance at all? Thanks everyone.
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    Bolt assembly question

    I just bought a Daniel Defense V3 today and shot it. When I was home cleaning it I noticed a lot of crud on the bolt assembly right behind the rings. Is this normal?
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    Ammo question

    Should a mid-length rifle and carbine length rifle be able to use the same ammo with the same effects? Since there is less pressure in a mid-length does it do better with heavier loads? Or should you be able to shoot the same ammo with both rifles and have the same effect? For example, a DDM4...
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    Parts interchangability

    I'm still learning about rifles and possibly building one. I have a question about lower receivers. Can you take a mid-length upper or a carbine-length upper and use it on the same lower receiver? Can you also use any bolt carrier group for a carbine-length or mid-length rifle? I'm assuming...
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    Lands in barrel

    I have a strange question. I was looking in the barrel of my SIG MK25 the other day and it appeared that some of the lands were raised a bit more than others. Does anyone know if this may be the case or am I imagining it? Has anyone else noticed this?
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    Dumb ammo question

    I've been shooting handguns for a little while but am pretty new to rifles. Is it common/normal for you to hear the powder if you shake a 5.56/.223 round? I have never noticed this in handgun ammunition.
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    Strange coloring

    Hi, everyone. I bought a Daniel Defense DDM4 V1 a week ago. I have taken it to the range twice. I've noticed a strange bluish, greenish coloring on the flash suppressor. Is this normal? Should I be worried? And how would I clean it?
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    Magazine issue or no?

    I was at the range with my new DDM4 and was noticing that when I tried to seat the magazine with the bolt carrier forward, the magazine wouldn't seat. Then when the bolt carrier was pulled back, the magazine would seat no problem. Is this common in M4 style rifles? I'm used to handguns where...
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    Ammo question

    I'm sorry if this has been addressed in previous threads. Here goes: my wife has a Bushmaster Carbon 15. I just bought a Daniel Defense DDM4 V1. We have .223 ammo that ranges from 45 grain frangible, 55 grain FMJ, 62 grain FMJ, and 55 grain 5.56. Are all of these safe to shoot through each of...
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    I did it...

    I went ahead and got myself a Daniel Defense DDM4 V1. I bought it off gunbroker for $1350. I was looking at Colt and a few other manufacturers. But I felt this was a good deal and have been wanting one for a while. It should be here in a couple days. I'll post some pictures and let you know what...
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    Rust Worry

    Hey, guys. I'm kind of new to rifles and was looking for advice. I don't have money or space to buy a big safe. I keep my rifle (Bushmaster) in it's storage case in a gun sock. Do you know if this is sufficient to keep rust away? And does rust form inside a barrel easily? Thanks!
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    Daniel Defense

    I am looking to purchase a new Daniel Defense M4 style rifle. I looked online and saw they were around $1700. Does this sound like a reasonable price? I have seen at Gun Broker they run hundreds of dollars less. Do you know of any other sites I could use to purchase one?
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    Grease question

    I'm sure this topic has come up a lot and there is no "right" choice. But I need some help finding a long lasting, effective grease for rails. I use Casey Birchwood SNO gun grease and it works pretty well. But it seems to evaporate quickly (at least in my opinion). I have looked at the TW25b...
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    Barrel cleanliness

    Okay, here's another dumb question. After every trip to the range I clean my guns pretty thoroughly. I'm a bit obsessive, actually. But whenever I clean my guns there is just a little hint of gunk up against the lands in the barrel. I can't seem to get it 100%, absolutely, gleaming, spotless...