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  1. D

    Can a Springfield XD slam fire?

    The XDs have the trigger safety switch as well as the safety switch on the back of the gun. If neither one of those are pressed can an XD still slam fire?
  2. D

    Can anyone recommend a home alarm monitoring company?

    I want a home alarm so that if an alarm is tripped it'll give me notice to grab my XD and cell phone(s). My fiance wants it to be monitored ADT style. I can go the ADT route but I worry about being tied down to anything proprietary. For instance what if I want to add devices on my own later...
  3. D

    Needing to readjust grip every shot.

    Took my new XD 45 to the range this past Friday for my second outing with it. My first time out and the few other times I shot rentals I didn't have this problem however I found myself needing to readjust my grip after one or two shots. The gun feels comfortable in my hand and I'm also...
  4. D

    Girlfriend can't actuate slide on my XD 45.

    I just picked up my XD 45 today (first gun ever). I love the gun personally however it appears it is not friendly for my girlfriend. The frame appears to be too big for her and she has an extremely difficult time overcoming the spring tension while pulling the slide back. Are there any semi...
  5. D

    Looking for a range in IL that serves food.

    I have some relatives coming over from West Virginia in a couple months and we've decided that we would spend at least an afternoon at a range. I'm a new gun owner, in fact my gun is still at the store waiting for 72 hours to expire, so I'm not familiar with many of the ranges. I'd like a...
  6. D

    Factory ammo keeps coming up less expensive

    I'm not a gun owner quite yet but I'm very interested in the idea of hand loading my own ammo. I've read a lot of material on-line stating that hand loading can be less expensive than comparable factory ammo. My problem is that every time I do the math with an online calculator, my own...