Search results

  1. F

    Still searching for stripper clips...

    Back on Jan. 1st, I asked for help in finding some stripper clips for a 7.63 Mauser Broomhandle pistol. John suggested that I contact Sarco. I did; but they no longer had any. I've also called International Military Antiques, Springfield Sporters, and Gun Parts Corp. No luck, so far. I've...
  2. F

    Info on 'Nitro Hunter' shotgun

    I'm looking for info on an old shotgun that used to belong to my wife's grandfather. It's a single shot 30" barrel, 12 gauge 'Nitro Hunter' (ser.#657X) made by Belknap Hardware and Mfg. Co. It's in, at least, 95% condition. Any help and advice on it's history, date of manufacture, or relative...
  3. F

    Info on Hi-standard 'double nine' .22 cal. revolvers

    I'm trying to help a friend with some background info on a pair of .22 revolvers he's come across. One's stainless, the other blue. Both are 9-shot, 5 1/2" barrels, DA, plastic grips, in about 95% condition. On the right side of the barrel is High Standard Mfg. Corp., Hayden, Conn. USA Ser#...
  4. F

    Wanting to buy .30-30 rifle

    I'm going to buy a .30-30 rifle within the next month or so. There's no hurry. Always wanted one ever since I was a kid, though. What are some good lever action models out there? There's a local gun shop here that's got a Marlin w/ a great looking sling for $249. Same shop has a Winchester...
  5. F

    .32/20 revolver

    This is a follow-up query to the one I originally posted on 1/09. The .32/20 revolver(50% blue, 4" barrel) in question has "La Industrial Orbea" Elbar on the left side of the barrel. The only other markings is the s/n 171348. Again, any help or info is greatly appreciated. Thanks for you...
  6. F

    I Spank My Child So...

    A guy I work with brought in this bumper sticker the other day. It says: "I Spank My Child So He Doesn't Grow Up And Shoot Yours!" It's caused a consider amount 'down time' as both co-workers and clients have discussed the pros and cons of corporal punishment, child rearing and society at...
  7. F

    More .32/20 revolver info

    I just got thru reading Quiet Storm's thread of Dec. 12th, on the .32/20 revolver. Is there anywhere I can go to find more information on the history of the gun and caliber, in particular, the foreign variations? I realize that they are, for the most part, 'pot metal junk'; but my dad has...
  8. F

    Chat Room?

    Ok guys, before you laugh me out of here, remember I'm still a 'newbie' at TFL. Only been a member for 15 days. Please explain (one more time) why a chat room hasn't been incorporated into TFL format? Looks like you have plenty of knowledgeable and friendly members to monitor the discussions...
  9. F

    Stripper clips for Broomhandle Mauser

    First off: Happy New Year To One And ALL! Can anyone help me find some stripper clips for a 7.63 Mauser Broomhandle pistol? And how can I safely load the magazine without using a stripper clip? Any tips, advice, or general info would be greatly appreciated. And, no, I have not fired...
  10. F

    Gun Talk in the Workplace

    First off: Greetings to all in the New Year!!! Where I work, any mentioning of the 2nd Amendment and related issues are definitely not PC. I like what I do (the pay and benefits are ok), but I often feel like on the outsider looking in. All the guys, and...