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    fake IDPA target stand?

    does anyone have a slick way of making stand for these?
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    Ruger M77 barrel?

    Anyone know where I can buy a Ruger M77 barrel? (not Mk.II, if it matters) I'm looking for .257 Roberts. [Edited by abrahamsmith on 05-09-2001 at 07:28 PM]
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    Mauser/Springfield/etc mannlicher stocks?

    Does anyone still sell unfinished or semifinished mannlicher stocks for any of the old war-horses? (By Mannlicher, I mean having a foregrip that goes all the way down the barrel to the muzzle. ... they seem to usually have a Monte Carlo cheek pad also) I've seen pictures of them in old (~1960...
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    other 223 options?

    Okay, so this was inspired by Several people there (including me) have noted that the current .223 offereings are admittedly poor (well, the affordable ones, anyway..) Here're some questions: 1) Has anyone ever produced a FAL...
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    Custom Kydex in WI?

    Anyone know anyone who makes custom Kydex holsters, etc, in southern WI or nearby?
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    41 loads, blackpowder?

    I didn't know if this was best here, blackpowder, or handloading, but whatever.. Has anyone tried loading blackpowder/pyrodex in 41 magnum? Is there anything espescially dangerous about loading a modern cartridge like this with blackpowder, assuming we do all the proper cleaning and seperate...
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    Ideas for fun shooting events?

    So, I have this idea for fun shooting events for SAFER The one I'm now trying to figure out is this: Have a handgun shooter (probably with a service style pistol) on a shooting line. About 10 feet to his left or right (also on the shooting line), have an...
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    Perfect Plinking Target?

    This weekend, some friends and I went shooting. We had 6 old red skateboard wheels to shoot at. Very interesting! These are just about the IDEAL target for plinking! We hit them many, many times over a few hours, and they showed very little damage. All .22 bullets essentially bounced off...
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    BuckMark Accuracy

    There have been many posts recently about 22 pistols and 22 accuracy. Here are some groups I made while sighting in my new BuckMark Plus (5.5 bbl) about a hundred rounds after getting it. All are at about 25 yards, maybe slightly less. Shooting from a sand-bag in cold and windless weather...
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    Curriculum for learning to shoot

    For SAFER, I'm working on puttin together a curriculum to teach members how to shoot. The situation is this: We have a few members who are interested in firearms for ideological/philosophical reasons. I want to teach them safe gun handling this spring so that they...
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    Accuracy for a varmint rifle?

    For those of you who shoot small critters, what accuracy do you find acceptable? How many rounds do you usually fire in a "session"? At what ranges? What calibers? if you really want to get specific, what velocities and bullets? just curious..
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    Wisconsin, Armed and Dangerous!

    Those of you in WI (or any of you who listen to WPR webcast), notice the special series our "objective and unbuased" public radio is doing: "Eighty-five Americans are killed each day in gun-related incidents. In Wisconsin last year there were 432 firearm fatalities. Kathleen...
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    Recommended light (varmint) loads for .257 roberts?

    I'm using a Ruger M77 in .257 roberts for blowing up small mammals. Right now, I'm using the Hornady 75gr HP over 43 grains of 760. (In Winchester +P brass) This does something a little over 3000fps out of my barrel. I didn't up the charge to 46 or 47 grains since accuracy is now excellent...
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    Best Muzzleloader for a beginner?

    First of all, yes, I realize that this might be somewhat more appropriate in the BlackPowder/CAS section, but that has almost no traffic, so I'd never get an answer... I'm looking into buying a muzzleloader for the first time. I'm thinking getting a kit becasue I've wanted a craft/gunsmithing...
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    WI's "Firearm Research Center" report

    So, on Wisconsin Public Radio today (right now, in fact), a guy from the "Firearm Injury Center" at the Medical College of Wisconsin was on discussing a recently released report about firearm deaths in the state of WI. Has anyone read this yet? Opinions? The guy on the radio seemed very...
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    Game bag and holster?

    So, I've started small game hunting with a pistol now. It's more fun than with a rifle, since the challange is greater and there's less to carry. My problem is this: I used to wear an upland-game vest to carry dead creatures in, but now I can't, sicne it intereferes with my holster. What...
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    Best & CHEAPEST handgun scope?

    What, in your humble opinions, is the best AND MOST INEXPENSIVE handgun scope? Red dots, etc are fair game, but I want MAGNIFICATION. anything bigger than 1 is fine (1.5, 2, 4, whatever..) I'm looking for something (semi-hypothetically, since I have no money yet) to put on a BuckMark Standard...
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    mag pouch for .22 (buck mark?)

    does anybody here know if anybody makes an extra mag holder for .22 pistols like the browning buckmark? I like to carry my extra mag when hiking for plinking or in case 20 rabid squirrels all try to eat me at once, but I want a better methodology than putting the extra in my pocket.
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    Browning Buckmark Question

    So, it looks like i'll be getting a Browning Buckmark relatively soon. After handing all the .22 pistols I could find at a recent gunshow, it seems clear that the buckmark fits me best and points most naturally in my hand (except maybe the hammerli, but that'll wait a couple years). My...
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    Smith & Wesson AGAIN!?!?!?

    Just got this from NRAILA: --- Gun maker settles suit with Boston Smith & Wesson to change ways of making, selling weapons REUTERS BOSTON, Dec. 11 - Smith &...