Search results

  1. P

    Handling Anti's (Like those on the befearless chat room)

    Well I just got off the chat room over at befearless where a number of our members are being extremely insulting and doing nothing to further the cause. Look, If you are going to engage in a debate with anti-gunners, resorting to insults and profanity does nothing for the cause. In fact all...
  2. P

    Your Hero

    Hi All If you could have have dinner with any person, who would it be? In other words what figure do you most admire, contemporary or historical. For me it would be Winston Churchill. One of the last great men. ------------------ Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human...
  3. P

    George w's Speech

    Hi All So What did you think. only one sentance on guns, but he knows that gun-owners won't vote for Gore anyway. I think he did well, not great but well. Go George W. Actually anything but Gore
  4. P

    Handguns in diffrent Cities

    Hi all I am going to Law School in about a year, (I know, I know) and am therefore intersted in what the various cities are like in relation to gun control. I live in California now. The schools I am looking at include the cities and schools of Detroit, Washington D.C. (I know illegal), Yale...
  5. P

    Sig Pro Price and other Sig Questions

    Hi All I am a total Newbie when it come to handguns, but decided to purchase one before the possibility to own one become impossible, kind of a political statement. I intend to use it for self defence and have found that I enjoy shooting. I would just like some comments on the following...