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  1. G

    Rate common SD weapons

    Rate common SD weapon calibers (some call it a caliber war) Below are my impressions of how common S.D. handguns, from most powerful to least powerful: .44 mag (edited in 1/25/06) .45 acp .45 gap 10mm .44 sp (edited in 1/25/06) .357 mag .357 sig .40 (edited from above 357 mag 1/25/06) 9 x 19...
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    An excellent viewpoint -- Wisconsin related, but applies everywhere

    Give the following a read. It's short and would be a GREAT article to pass on to anti's: Excellent Article Here are a few excerpts from a LEO who REALLY gets it: This really made me think. I was talking to an older relative recently who is a retired sheriff's deputy. He was doing some...
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    Florida's "shoot first" law -- WHEN will the carnage end?!!

    /rant on Although for some reason the media isn't reporting it, there obviously must be thousands of Floridians needlessly murdered LEGALLY by drunks, children, bully's, etc. Does anyone have any statistics on that? Clearly it must be happening, or else would not...
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    Thanks to new LAW, Florida's streets are RUNNING with blood! Video proof!

    Take a look at the disturbing news video identified here as a "cartoon." Clearly, Florida has gone TOO FAR and it's now OK to KILL KILL KILL:eek: :eek: ! The intellectual argument has won me over! What were you guys in Florida thinking?! OH! The Humanity!!! (note the rampant sarcasm above)...
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    A Poll and scenario! What could BE more fun?

    There are quite a few defenders as well as detractors of mouse guns for civilian carry on this forum. There are a lot of lengthy threads on the subject (about 1/2 as many as 9mm vs. .45, but plenty) so no point in rehashing all of that with another. But the only question here is ... if a BG is...
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    I almost bought a .32 today ...

    But even though I'm a long time defender of the concept that "any gun is better than no gun" and "even pulling a .22 will change the situation n your favor" and etc. ... while I was actually standing there looking at the .32 ammo and handling that little gun, I just couldn't quite convince...
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    Beretta 3032. Opinions?

    So ... I'm thinking about adding another concealable weapon to my collection. I currently have a 9mm, .357 snubby, and am thinking about this .32. Any thoughts on the Beretta .3032? 7 +1 rounds of .32. I know it wouldn't be as effective as 5 rounds of .38, but I would love to have a...
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    A scenario ... because EVERYONE LOVES a scenario ...

    I've never posted a scenario before and sometimes find them kind of annoying, but something happened about a week ago that really made me think. So ... here it is: You pull up to the front of the 7-11 at night with your wife and your toddler in her car seat behind you. It's getting dark, and...
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    It's amazing what people don't notice ...

    Like most people getting in to CCW, I've always just assumed that the slightest bulge in your clothes created by a pistol is like a big, neon sign above your head that says "This guy is carrying a gun. POLICE -- come hassle him. CITIZENS -- Panic!!" As time has gone on, I've come to realize...
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    The Real Michael Moore

    I'm hoping this will be considered gun related, because I think as a leader of the anti gun movement everything Michael Moore related is somewhat gun related. Anyway, Every now and then I spend a little time reading and It's interesting to see how the other...
  11. G

    Legal Shooting followed by lawsuit

    In NY, naturally ... A lot of talk goes on about this, and some doubt it can happen. Here is a link to a story of a man who rightfully defended himself with a firearm and then was sued for wrongful death: Law Suit So ... from my reading the article (and I'm a bit tired) I couldn't see if...
  12. G

    What is a "rino"

    this has been bugging me . I know it refers to Republicans who are very conservative/pro gun rights, but I'm wondering what it stands for. I've been seeing the term here for a year and have never seen it defined.
  13. G

    Most annoying moments on television about guns

    This moment isn't REALLY about guns, but it's the one I've been thinking about recently ... It's a commercial. A woman at home alone. She sees a man at the window, so she locks her door and sets the alarm system. She then hustles upstairs with her kids to a bedroom and locks the door. Front...
  14. G

    For SD: 5 rounds of .38+p or 8 rounds of .380?

    This is kind of based on my "pager pal vs. smart carry" thread, but if you ONLY had the above 2 choices, which would you take? 5 more powerful rounds or 8 less powerful but still lethal rounds. And no ... you can't carry any reloads, so all you have is the basic capacity of the firearm.
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    Pager Pal vs. Smart Carry

    In the last year and a half I think I have spent about as much $$ on concealable holsters as concealable weapons, and I have both a Pager Pal and a Smart Carry (as well as a few others rarely used). My goal is to continue to dress as I like (blue jeans/tucked in t-shirt) while carrying...
  16. G

    My new Bersa 9mm Thunder compact

    So ... I FINALLY got my Bersa Thunder 9mm compact to range for break in. Fired 120 HP's and about 50 FMJ's without an FTF or jam. VERY impressed. I like the feel of the gun a whole lot and it was plenty accurate. Did well with point shooting (this is my CCW) and flash aiming. I also...
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    Asking the "favorite 9mm SD ammo" question a little differently

    Alright ... so I've read a lot of threads about different types of 9mm ammo. Really like the recent one about different types shot into freezer burned meat :D . Seriously ... that was a great write up and nicely put together! But I want to ask this question in a different way ... does it...
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    Putting 9mm Kurz in a regular 9mm

    I need to work on trigger control, so I went out and bought some snap caps. Couldn't really afford all the sizes I need, so I just bought .380 (9mm kurz) and .38 sp. Kind of like I figured, however, the .380's work just fine in my 9mm. They don't always eject all the way out of the gun (but...
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    Any ranges near Denver for Black Powder?

    Sorry for the stupid question, but is there such a thing as an indoor range that allows black powder shooting? The normal range I got to has so many signs about ammo allowed (i.e. No Wolf or Russian Ammo) that I haven't bothered to ask. How about an outdoor range no far from the Denver metro...
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    A Michael Moore whine that might relate to gun owners

    Michael moore whining about liberal butt whoopin' in '04 The above is on the Michael Moore site. It's good for a laugh, but it does make valid points about abused people (which the democrats clearly aren't, BTW). The rest of the MM site, BTW, is stomach turning. It's full of just plain...