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  1. S

    Question on smoothing an action

    I read today on the internet that you can smooth an action on a bolt action rifle by applying lapping compound ( like used on valves in cylinder heads ) and working the action quit a few times. Has anyone tried this?
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    Questions on the .17

    I am considering getting a .17 rifle. I used to consider it a fad, but I got to fire a 17hmr, and was very impressed. The question that I have is that I see the round in differant choices, .17 hmr, rem, hm2 and maybe more. What is the differance between them, and which do you like the best...
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    Opening Day

    Strike another one up for the Savage/Core-Lock Team. Fat Florida acorn buck.
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    Ohio Hunting

    My wife and I are kinda, sorta, possibly thinking of moving to her home town of Brunswick Ohio. I know from what I have read that deer season is only a week long. How good is the hunting? I am used to the gun season running from mid Nov. to mid Jan. and plenty of deer. This is big for me. Also...
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    Deer and noise

    A few days ago, a few friends and myself were at the old homeplace were I hunt. There are several ponds and the rest is woods. Anyway, we took the mower and cut some of the large dog fennel from around one pond. We then shot skeet for about 30 minutes. We took a break to have a few ahh...
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    Hornady Light Magnum

    I see that Hornady offers .270 in 130 and 140 grain rounds that are called light magnum. They say that they are not to be used in semi-auto or gas operated rifles. Is this because of pressures? I only have bolt action .270's but curious.
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    Yet another AR question

    I have always been a bolt user. I am just starting to get into reloading myself(other than shotgun shells) Anyway, I am strongly considering on building an AR . I want it to be my "best" rifle. I want 300 to 400 yrd confidance out of it. I like the .223, but also looking for what else is out...
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    Friend Can't Hit A Living Thing

    I need some advice from you guys. I have a friend that can shoot pretty good at targets. He usually can hit under 1 1/2 moa, but miss every deer that he shoots at. I guess that it is buck fever, but he missed 4 last season. Any advise?
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    Glass, Pillar, or Freefloating

    I want to restock my older M110. In your opinion, what is better Glass bedding, Pillar or just freefloating? This is my primary deer rifle so it will take some abuse. Also, who do you recommend to order the stock from(laminated by the way) I know there are alot of places, but I like the been...
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    300 weatherby problem

    Ok all of you wizzbangs;) I have a problem that I need help with. My friend has a 300 Weatherby (bought it for the Rhino problem in the back yard:D ) I have been helping him sight it in. The problem is that we have it sighted in and on the first shot(cold) will hit point of aim every time. The...
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    Kimber .22 Bolt rifle

    I am thinking of getting a Kimber .22. Saw them at the NRA conv. last year and loved the feel and look. Like some input from some folks who have one or shot one. I want something that is still accurate after 20 rounds, unlike my 10/22
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    Question for Southern deer hunters

    About 25 years ago when I decided that the 270 was "MY" rifle of choice so I could bag bean field deer out to 300+ yrds. I practice often and hunt as much as I can. I have taken many deer, but none over 100yrds. Never even got a shot at one past that. I would like to know am I unique or is that...