Search results

  1. F

    The Phoenix is Coming

    This could be OT, and if so, close it, but something wierd is going on at my campus, and it's been worrying me. I go to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, a major flight training university (behind the USAFA, we're the #2 source of pilots for the USAF). About 75% of the students at ERAU are...
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    15 Killed in Attack in Kabul

    Fortunately, 11 of them were bad buys. However, this caught my eye: The attack on the Kabul army garrison began about 7 a.m. when the guerrillas, armed with AK-47 semiautomatic rifles, rushed the...
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    Springfield ILS Question

    I know it's possible to go from a Springfield ILS-equipped pistol to a standard MSH.. but is it possible to put a ILS MSH on a 'stock' 1911?
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    Replacement for US Standard Issue Infantry Longarm

    I was pondering this today, without much success. Are there any weapons available today that would be worth switching to as the standard issue US Infantry longarm? Are any firearms in production significantly more reliable, accurate, durable, user-friendly, etc, etc, etc to make a change-over...
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    Was Ann Landers right?

    I read this Ann Landers thing in the paper today (yes, she is dead, but she has a backlog of work; the paper's publishing them until this Friday I think). Do you think Ann Lander's answer is right?
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    Note to self - don't be stupid, don't pull gun on TV reporter

    While I was eating a snack, I happened by the TV. Inside Edition was on, doing a story about a chain of loan shark stores that were charging some military people 800% (yes, eight-hundred) interest on loans. The reporter and the cameraman tried to talk to the store owner, who refused comment...
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    Arizona State Fire Marshall Limits Ammunition at Gun Show

    I just received this e-mail. Even if you don't live in Arizona, it'd be nice if you could write a letter and help out. I'm putting a letter in the mail tomorrow. Thanks!
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    Gunowners Attitude Towards Gays

    I just have to ask this out of curiousity. What are your views towards homosexuals? The reason I am asking is that over on, I keep seeing downright homophobic reactions towards gays. Is this a general firearm-owner's trait, or is this just an indication of the mentality of the...
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    Crossroads Gunshow in California

    I've been missing my firearms in Arizona, when I note with some interest that there's a Crossroads of the West Gunshow in Del Mar next weekend. I really like the Crossroads of the West shows in Phoenix (the only other one I've been to). However, it's California. Is it worth the 30 minute...
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    Hearing Gunshots

    Say you lived in a suburban area, and you heard something that sounded like gunshots. Would you call the police? (Sitting at my computer with the window open, I heard a poppop..pop! Sure wasn't a car backfiring). Not sure of the direction, location, etc.
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    Assault Umbrellas
  12. F

    AR-15 upper in California?

    This is just a hypothetical thing. Say I am a resident of Arizona, but I am in California for 4 months on vacation. I am interested in purchasing an AR-15. I am not able to get a new one in California, so I will wait until I go back to Arizona. However, I'd like to get a Bushmaster XM-15...
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    Will thugs be scarred straight?

    From the San Diego Union Tribune : This article just made me speechless with disgust. A sharp-bristled BBQ cleaning brush for self-defense?? "Even if he gets you, he'll be marked with these scratches." Well, golly gee, I may be laying raped, murdered, and robbed on the ground, but at least...
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    .22 1911 Conversion Kit Question

    Did Wilson ever make a Commander's sized .22 conversion kit for the 1911? I am interested in getting a .22 conversion kit simply to save money on ammo and to help introduce new shooters to shooting. Wilson certainly has the name. I found a Wilson .22 conversion kit for sale with 3 10-rd mags...
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    Unfit to Bear Arms

    From the Christian Science Monitor Unfit to Bear Arms Justice leaves a loophole in Second Amendment With just one sentence in a note to the Supreme Court this week, the Bush Justice Department reversed decades of executive-branch interpretation of the Constitution's Second Amendment regarding...
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    Some hope in CA

    I spend most of my time in Arizona going to college. However, I am back in Californa for the summer (hard to pass up free room&board with the parents). I know how restrictive CA is, and how liberal all of the media and people out here are, and lots of people on these forums seem to think all...
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    Auto Ordinance 1911 Deluxe Range Report

    Range Report: I took my recently purchased Auto-Ordinance 1911 Deluxe to the range. The Deluxe is a stock 1911 with upgraded, three dot sights and rubber wrap-around grips. This is a new production gun, meaning that the pistol was manufactured after Kahr took over Auto-Ordinance. The...
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    Any difference between 9mm Luger/9mm Parabellum?

    I was playing around with my TZ99 last night, loading the mag with A-zoom snap caps that I recently bought, cycling the rounds through manually. I noticed that the TZ99 failed to eject the last round consistently. After some experimenting, I found that the ejector was not engaging the bottom...
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    AKSU-74 sights

    Just out of curiousity, Does anyone have a picture of the sights of an AKSU-74 (Krinkov)? I have seen some that seem to have regular AK-47 sights, and other that look like this: What do these sights look like? Also, do AKSU-74's use a regular AK receiver (like M4's and CAR-15's use the M16...
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    Glock Manual Safety

    I did a search, and mainly came back with people bashing the idea of having a manual safety on a Glock. Now, knowing that so many people here seem to despise the idea, how is the workmanship on them? I have a friend interested in a manual safety for his Glock, namely, this one...