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  1. B

    Thanks 223NUT,take a look :o)

    I have caught another cold/ bug...the weather up here changes every 24 hours ,today was cool about 35 degrees,but sunny with very little wind....I just purchased a Burris Black Diamond from "223Nut" 4x16x50mm w/a 30 mm tube for my Remington 700 "Sendero" in 7mm Remington mag "My Bean field...
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    What do you collect ?

    I collect cartridges,one of every kind ever least thats my goal,generally cartridges that were made for the general public to use....I have just collected some Dakota shells ,you don't hear much about these cartridges on T.F.L. forums...I believe the guns are on the "more money" list...
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    Maynard shells and others

    Here are a few more of my collectable ammo .... The top is a 32 cal teat fire,1864-1870.The projectile is in the brass. Below,the Teat fire, is a .42 cal "Plant"Cup fire,the bullet is inside the brass,and these are tough to find. Upper right are "Pinfires",these were developed by the...
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    7x57mm Mauser stock pic's

    Well here goes nothing,a little HTML,trying to post pic's ,it's easy,if your memory allows you dig that deep to find all the answers to the questions.... Before.... Sanded..... 1-coat of tung oil.....5 more to follow(low gloss)... Post pictures is fun and frustrating all at the same...
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    Model 95 7x57 Mauser Questions

    Hello, Folks, For a winter project I'm redoing a Mauser 95 in 7mmx57 for a good friend of mine,I have stripped the gun down and have sanded the stock down so that I can apply some tung oil on it ,I also need to update the military floor plate so it can be opened by a finger versus a spire point...
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    Old cartridges for young people to see...

    Merry Christams all, Just a few hours from now we'll be celebrating Christmas with our families I have some quiet time before all the festivities begin...An old friend of mine got me into cartridge collecting about ten years ago,and since then I have been adding to my collection ...The...
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    My! What a surprise......

    I have kept my neighbor plowed out for several winters now......we have helped each other out over the years .....and when I bought a plow for my F350 I stated "as long as you live here and I have this plow,I'll keep you plowed outy " well I have kept my promise......they have given me some nice...
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    Get them interested when they are young !

    I was up to my local range today (see Mauser missfiring in the "Smithy") and there were only a couple of other shooters shooting(it's the second day of our deer season) One of the shooters was a 30 something year old with a young boy with him ,8 to 10 years old.....The father was having issues...
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    Mauser 98 Missfiring

    Hello Folks,I was given a Mauser 98(8x57mm) by a friend of mine several years was sportized a bit (basically a hand made stock),but we did a better job,new safety,new trigger and a new(well new to us) stock off of ebay ,I had a local smith do all the work....anyhow ,my oldest son has...
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    T/C Icon

    Hello folks, I am thinking that this new ICON form T/C would be a nice gun to have ....maybe to shoot,maybe to collect ??? I have read that the 30T/C will out perform the .308 Win,and is 100FPS faster than a 30-06 ! Does anyone own one ? TIA Jim
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    Cutting a Bell and Carlson stock.

    Hello all, A friend of mine has asked me how one cuts down a B&C composite stock,the stock he uses on his .270 is to long for him ....I'll cut it down for him once I know what I am getting myself into.....any help will be appreciated,Thanks BB34
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    Weatherby 338-06 A-square Brass

    Hello,I'm new to the forums and was just wondering if anyone owns a weatherby chambered for a 338-06 and if so what issues they may have had with the rifle ...I'm also looking to buy brass for this cartridge made by far I have worked a bit on accurizing one weatherby and I'll test...