Search results

  1. K

    257 Roberts loads?

    My brother-in-law has asked me to reload 257 Roberts for him. I have no experience with this caliber. He says he wants a 117gr boattail softpoint bullet. Any suggestions on loads for these? He will be using these on central TX whitetail deer. Thanks.
  2. K

    Another overused catch phrase.

    Watching Fox News with Chris Wallace. Several times I have heard him refer to guns used by the CT school shooter (a Glock, A Sig Sauer, and a Bushmaster AR15) as "weapons of mass destruction". He lost all credibility with me when he did this. Since when did these guns become WMD? Makes more...
  3. K

    Hi Cap 45acp

    Since eight is not enough and nothing less than 45acp will do (sarcasm), I have been considering the possibility of a high capacity 45acp pistol. I know of the Glock 21 and the Springfield 45 Tactical. Are there others? I looked at the G21, but the grip was prohibitively large for me. Are there...
  4. K

    LCP vs S&W 642

    I have both. If you decided definitely to get rid of one of these, which would it be? Consider accuracy with both to be about equal. These are my everday cc guns. I carry an extra mag with the LCP and an extra speed strip with the 642. The 642 carries comfortably IWB or in a pancake holster...
  5. K

    Wearing out a handgun.

    I occasionally see a post referring to a handgun wearing out too quickly if too many rounds are run through it. Where do you draw the line of wearing out too quickly for a revolver or semi? How many rounds should one expect to get out of a gun?
  6. K


    I showed my brother-in-law my Hi Power yesterday and he tried to decock it with the safety lever. This got me to wondering when were decockers first introduced and when did they become common? Who first introduced them? I am sure someone here will have an answer or at least be more knowledgeable.
  7. K

    40 S&W ammo in 10mm gun

    Just curious, has anyone done this and what were the results? I have not done it and don't plan on trying it. I don't have a gun in either caliber. I was just looking at empty brass I picked up at the range and at my reloading book for specs. The specs look extremely close except for the length...
  8. K

    Ruger Convertibles

    I ordered a Ruger 45 Colt / 45acp convertible Blackhawk because I like the idea of having the option of either ammo. I have never owned or shot a revolver with ammo for an auto-loader. I understand the concept of moon clips for the Smith double action revolvers with swing out cylinders, but how...
  9. K

    Which is more accurate?

    Which would be more accurate generally from the same platform, single action revolver, 45Colt or 357 magnum? I am considering pros and cons for me in my selection of a SA revolver. I am having a hard time deciding between a Ruger Blackhawk and a Uberti Cattleman. Do I want the transfer bar...
  10. K

    More assault weapons (not really)

    This thread is not really about assault weapons, but about military styled firearms. Much of the civilian firearms technology evolved from military weapons. 30-06 hunting rifles is the first thing that comes to my mind. Do we have more military style firearms on the civilian market now than say...
  11. K

    40 cal and reloads

    Are there any of the 40 cal pistols that don't like reloads? S&W M&P, Sig2022, Sig 250, Glock 23& 22, and Springfield XD are the ones I am most interested in hearing about, but would also like to know about other similarly priced guns. I posted another thread about these guns, but initially...
  12. K

    40 cal search

    I went today looking for 40 cal pistols. I looked at several and would like comments positive and negative on the ones I looked at. My budget is $650 tops. I don't really like to buy used because of suspicion as to why it was traded in. The ones I looked at are listed below. Sig 250 (I think)...
  13. K

    One Powder

    I would like to find one good powder for both 38Sp and 45acp. I would like to keep as few powders as possible, but would like to get the best performance possible from that powder. I am using Berrys 158RN .357 and 185HBRN .451 for my bullets. I have tried Unique, Win 231, HP38, Greendot And...
  14. K

    Cleaning brass.

    How do you clean your brass? I read that muriatic acid cleans brass well, but no mention of if they were referring to ammo brass or not. Anybody do this? Just curious. Not planning on doing it myself. Seems like to much trouble for my needs.
  15. K

    Who makes a good low cost scale?

    I need a new powder scale. Who makes a good scale for a reasonable price. I am sort of a tightwad. I don't want to spend any more than I have to, but I want a scale I can trust. Electronic would be okay.
  16. K

    Uberti 45Colt

    Would like opinions on the Uberti 45Colts, quality price durability, accuracy, etc. I read about Ruger Blackhawks having underbored cylinders. Are there any similar issues with Uberti? What models of Uberti are better than others? Any info will be appreciated. Thanks.
  17. K

    Western / Modern frame styles

    I have a friend that when I mention single action revolvers to him he always asks "Old West style"? I see single actions in the frame styles like the Ruger Blackhawks / Vaqueros but not in the SP101 / GP100 and no double actions in the BH / Vaq. I use Ruger only as an example because they make...
  18. K

    44Sp or 41mag

    I am considering buying a Ruger Blackhawk in either 44 Special or 41 Mag. I see 44Mag and 45 Colt all the time and want something a little different. Due to ammo cost, availability, etc. I will need to reload. I realize there is a difference in 41mag and 44Sp in the power dept. I don't...
  19. K

    Magazine Question

    I have talked to several people on this issue and want your opinions. Does leaving a magazine loaded weaken the spring and harm the magazine? I realize this does not matter in the case of a semi-auto kept for home defense since it would be foolish to keep the magazine unloaded in a gun that...
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    Stock Trigger Pull

    Just read a post about people whining about trigger pull. I understand why some get trigger jobs and some don't like dao long trigger pull. If you want a really nice trigger pull that cool. Do any of you leave your trigger pull stock on purpose other than costs? Perhaps to be familiar with the...