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  1. S

    have you ever wondered....

    what kind of insurance premiums firing ranges pay? attached are rate pages and guidelines from an insurance company that just folded due to its parent company being unable to secure financial backing.
  2. S

    gun control - decided by sexism?

    PLEASE, REFRAIN FROM INFLAMMATORY COMMENTS (i dont want this thread getting locked down because we cant engage in a civilized discussion) the majority of antis i have encountered have been female. most of the legislation involving gun control stems from the efforts of female activists. so...
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    (AK) woman kills retired Public Safety Commissioner i'm surprised this didnt make it on here already.
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    constitutional, unconstitutional, what freedoms do you support?

    To me, it matters little if the Pledge is unconstitutional. I've always felt its a citizens CHOICE whether or not they want to recite the Pledge, live their life by it, just like its our choice to be religious, athiest, racist, sexist, heterosexual, homosexual, whatever. Religion, politics...
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    at what point should i began to be concerned?

    After reading plenty of threads about people having Negligent Discharges, I've been thinking about my own attitude and behavior around firearms. We've all heard the expression that 'The unsafest gun is the one thats unloaded'. I'm still rather new to being a gunowner, and each time I pick up my...
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    interpeting statistics

    according to the US census bureau, as of 7/1/2001, the us population was 284,796,887, as shown here: so if we take the reported 2,000,000 odd cases of firearms being used successfully as self defense, lets do some...
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    origin of phrase 'cop killer bullets'?

    after spending a few days at home sick and having to watch crappy tv, i've become curious as to where the 'cop killer' bullets got their nickname. i've done a search here and just found references to it, and became bored with 15 minutes of searching, so please pardon me. a rerun of 'walker texas...
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    best ffl in your area

    might as well let others know where to go for best prices and overall experience, eh? anchorage ak - spenard pawn; $10 fee (total, not per firearm)
  9. S

    range report, steyr m9, m40

    I started off with the M40, but I regret not having enough ammo for a good first day with it. I had one box of 180 gr. UMC, and two boxes of 180 gr. Aguila. The first box I consumed was the UMC, and on three rounds, it failed to go into battery. The slide stopped about a half-inch short. This...
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    happy day!

    after work i am picking up my new steyr m9 and m40. now i just gotta find some time this weekend to head to the range.
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    FBI background checks

    is there any cost to having your background check? Is there a difference between the check that is done when purchasing a handgun as opposed to getting a CCW? When I bought my last handgun over an online auction, the FFL I picked up the gun from didnt charge me anything extra for the NICS check...
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    kB? only with Glocks?

    okay, it seemed like a good time to start a flame war, so here goes: does the kaBooms only occur in Glocks? i have heard of several incidents but from no other manufacturer. based on the varying accounts, it seems like it happens with factory and reloads, so shouldnt it happen in other guns as...
  13. S

    at what point?

    does a LEO decide to use his weapon? i was watching one of those 'wildest police videos' last week and they had a traffic stop where the passenger went for the officers gun. after a brief struggle, in which the officer was able to keep his gun from being unholstered and the passenger took off...