Search results

  1. J

    Recent Maryland hunt

    This Maryland buck was obviously not taken with one of my leverguns. But the hunt was very exciting for me. Details: NOV 14 - date of hunt 3 X 4 whitetail 102 lbs field dressed weight 22 yards shot distance HuntMaster crossbow by Ten Point Easton XX75 bolt (arrow)...
  2. J

    Survive an outdoors adventure

    These books are out of print but available through amazon. Jack
  3. J

    Elk taken by Lewis & Clark

    My family and I recently toured the impressive mansion and grounds of Monticello. This impressive house was home of Thomas Jefferson and is located in foothills of Appalachian Mts of northern Virginia. Many trophies are displayed in the "entrance parlor". This high domed room has many...
  4. J

    Custer County scouting photo

    I found these mulies with my Bushnell H2O 10X binoculars and made a long stalk to get closer. I got well within 30-30 range without spooking them. Scouting is one of my favorite weekend activities! Season opens in about 6 weeks! Jack
  5. J

    Rough Rider knives - any good?

    I watched a program on TV named gun and knife show. Host displayed numerous Rough Rider knives that appeared well made. Any input is appreciated. Thank you in advance for your replies. Jack
  6. J

    Custom rifle photo

    Most hunters either love their pump action rifles or hate 'em. Very little middle ground with this action type. A new company in Colorado builds a variety of custom features for Remington's 7600 & 7400. Accurizing, custom chamberings, and many other services are offered. Accuracy Systems is...
  7. J

    250 Savage

    Roy Chapman Andrews had one of the BEST jobs of all time. He was paid to explore and hunt trophy animals for the NYC Metropolitan Museum of Natural History. Roy travelled to all the continents except Antarctica by steamer ship since his hunts occurred long before overseas flights were offered...
  8. J


    I've had good luck with this older Savage in .308 but the muzzle lift seems excessive. A local smith told me the stock design causes this more than actual recoil. I loathe the appearance of muzzle breaks. Magna-port advertizing appears to match my basic needs here. But before spending any...
  9. J

    Toughest deer of all

    I worked in northern California for 11 years. I used to bring home two coastal bucks each and every year. Less lucky in the Sierras but a couple nice trophies taken in Carson-Iceberg Wilderness of Alpine County. Deer hunting rifle season for A Zone (coastal mts) opened first Saturday of AUG for...
  10. J

    photo big bull elk

    I snapped this photo last September during a slow sneak in heavy timber. Nope, I didn't carry my rifle because wasn't drawn for this unit. Take note that the neck fur is light colored. This is rare around here. Normally the neck is dark brown. I have no knowledge if this bull survived the...
  11. J

    Mossberg NEW 30-30 carbine

    Those that mourned the demise of Winchester's 94 might be attracted to this new offering by Mossberg. This is their second foray into the market place of 30-30 carbines. But Mossberg's previous model of the mid-1970's failed to make large sales and was dropped after just a couple years...
  12. J

    Question about Red stag hunts in Maine

    I've been fascinated with hunting "exotics" for several years. That is, animals which are not native to North America. Red stag are European cousins to North American elk. I enjoyed a hunt for Russian boar in both northern California and Pennsylvania. Now I'm ready for red stag. Maine...
  13. J

    Taxidermy Show & Tell

    Here are two trophies that will always be great memories for me. Both animals taken with rifle. Antelope taken in Harding County, South Dakota Muley taken in White River Nat'l Forest, Colorado Please post photos of your taxidermy trophies, too. State whether taken with bow, rifle, shotgun...
  14. J

    Dad's two for one shot

    One icy November afternoon in 1971 Dad told me to my gear together because we were headed out to hunt mulies. Snow was about ankle deep and a brisk wind stung our faces. One of our favorite spots was among the foothills northwest of Powell. Mule deer bedded in the rough country all day and...
  15. J

    Dad's 32 Special sory

    Dad's 32 Special story BACKGROUND My Dad: 1922 - 2004. He loved Jesus and was kind to strangers and children. He was primarily a meat hunter but as luck would have it, he toppled some very large Wyoming animals with his lever action 300 Savage. Many people mourned his death. Dad bought me one...
  16. J

    Helpful Books for Hunters

    Seems like many of the questions are related to gear when the true answers are related to hunting abilities. How does one learn to stalk big game or where to find big bucks? How does one learn what mountain mahogany looks like? These books are very helpful. They can ordered throught your...
  17. J

    Young hunter takes bull elk

    This photo was recently taken by a proud father. The young hunter took this respectable bull with a neck shot after a long stalk. 30-30 is a keeper! Jack
  18. J

    The Power of a Well Placed Bullet

    I'm now over 50 and been on the big game trail since I was 14. Many animals have fallen to my well placed bullets. I've learned a few things but do not know it all. Animal reaction to a well placed bullet is not always as predictable as we assume. I've watched big mulies topple over in...
  19. J

    Mossberg 50 caliber muzzle-loader barrel

    I recently handled a clever (pump action) shotgun barrel designed for muzzle-loading. Sort of like a conversion actually. It is made by Mossberg for their model 500A 12 gauge. Caliber is 50 with a 1 in 26 twist. Anyone ever try one of these barrels with their Mossberg? Seems like a fun toy. TR
  20. J

    Slug ammo for Mossberg barrel?

    I have a chance to hunt whitetails in eastern Pennsylvania this Fall at my USAF buddy's place. He has 20 acres in a "shotgun only" region. He sent me photos of some very impressive bucks. I can borrow a Mossberg but will have to buy the special slug barrel from Cabela's. My question is this...