Search results

  1. 4

    Bushmaster advertisement

    Rightly or wrongly, Bushmaster has now become a household word. If the name was little known before this incident, this is no longer the case now. Again, rightly or wrongly, I'll bet the sale of Bushmasters skyrocket.
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    Has anyone here heard or know about the AK-74 rifle? I heard the sniper used this rifle in the DC sniper shootings .He claimed he heard it on the news. What is there difference between this and the AK-47?
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    Atticus, old Buddy

    Atticus, how are you doing now after the accidental discharge a few months ago? I often think about you and your situation. I can never meet up with you on the forum boards anymore to ask. Let us know, please.:)
  4. 4

    Charleston Heston

    Does any body know how the interview went with Chareston Heston on the Today Show?
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    45-110 bullet

    Can any help me find a 45-110 bullet (Cartridge) for this Sharps rifle? My buddy would like to buy the entire cartridge, (casing, bullet, powder, etc). He's not interested in reloading them at this time. Maybe a couple of boxes or so will do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. 4

    News on Afganistan?

    Does anyone know a news web sight that has reliable news on Afganistan. I'm having a hard time getting info on it, Usually just bits and fragments. Interested mainly in the battles. Thx
  7. 4

    Stick a fork in me.

    I'm done. I just read an article is USA Today. A survey was taken in Kuwait, yeah, the same place so many of us risked, you sons lives, your fathers lives, and our lives to save. Seems like they took a pole over there in the desert sands, 36% of the people in Kuwait approved of the action of...
  8. 4

    Boron carbide

    I seen a Les Baer on another sight that had a boron carbide finish. Anyone ever heard of this and what advantage does it have over the nickel and chrome finishes? Thanks
  9. 4

    Desert Eagle

    I have an opportunity to buy a Desert Eagle 50 cal. I'd kinda like some of your opinions on the gun and the ammo before I decide on it. Can you all be so kind as to offer your ideas on one? Thanks:)
  10. 4

    Rim casing to thick

    I was firing Remington's Golden Sabre 357 today at the range with the Colt revolver and when the sixth cylinder started to rotate up into the firing position, it jammed. Further investigation revealed the rim on the case was manufactured to thick and it hung up on the frame. This is the gun and...
  11. 4

    Unusual conversation

    I got into an unusual conversation at work the other night with a liberal co-worker. It went something like this..... I conseal carry to protect myself and family. He asked if his family members were being shot or gunned down would I pull my weapon and save there lives? I thought about it for...
  12. 4

    Please help

    I just purchase a Winchester model 1300 with hi visability sights. My son and I went to the range to practice before we go hunting in a few weeks. When I was firing about the 20th round, the sight flew off. The entire front sight just came off of the barrel. The gun smith said he would not be...
  13. 4

    At the range

    I was at the range the other day with my son, having a good old time putting holes in targets. He was shooting a SIG. Darn near jam proof product, I feel. We were shooting PMC's 40 and .45 cal. Then his gun jammed. How can that be I thought. I looked at it. The bullet case was just a bit to...
  14. 4


    Does anyone know where they got the emergency numbers to dial "911". What is the reasoning for those specific numbers?
  15. 4

    1991A1 spring plugs

    I keep reading about problems with plugs blowing out of models 1991A1, 1911 and that style of pistol. Is this a real common problem? Does the plug just shoot out of the gun when it fails? Is the aluminum guns more prone to this problem than steel ones? You info is appreciated.
  16. 4

    Caliber of choice

    Seen an article the paper today. It mentioned numerous weapons of our Special Forces in our seize of Kabul. I found it interesting that it mentioned the caliber of the pistol was a .45 cal. The article said it was a H&K Mark 23, 12 round pistol. I find it reassuring (and interesting) that after...
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    Sign out

    Hey guys, I've noticed on other forums, you can sign out when you leave. If a person got on the computer you were using, they could not edit and make posts without signing on first with your password. I think that would be a good idea for this forum. It would be an option to sign out. If you...
  18. 4

    What if pigs could fly?

    What "if pigs could fly"? What if you had a job in the government, all you did all day long is name things. Like for an example, some one had to name the A-10 WartHog. Which I find very ironic that a "PIG" reigns down death from above to a people that despise the animal. I think I would name the...
  19. 4

    What does bin Ladin want?

    I believe the terrorist acts by that A**Hole must be dealt with, and the way we're doing it suits me just fine. But something struck me as odd and started me wondering about things. I heard a news article about the terrorist acts will not stop until his demands are met. I never knew what his...
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    1911 Achillies Heel

    In you opinion , what seems to be the Achillies Heel of the 1911/1991A1 semi auto? The part that seems to fail the most. The one part if you could change to make it last longer, you would.