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    Govt. Can't Ban Legal Items Because of Illegal Acts Associated With Them?

    From the Washington Times on Tuesday 2/5/02: Judge overturns ban on pacifiers at 'rave' parties NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A federal judge threw out a ban on pacifiers, glow sticks and dust masks at "rave" parties held at a downtown theater...
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    Masaad Ayoob in VPC Study?

    Hi folks, I seem to remember seeing something about this here earlier, but I cannot recall for sure. Did the VPC really use Masaad Mayoob to debunk the idea that a handgun is a useful tool for self defense? See the excerpt below from the VPC. For example, Massad Ayoob, a legendary firearms...
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    Man in Pasadena Arrested for Possession of Machine Guns.

    From the LA Times The story says that this guy called the cops to report a burglers car in his driveway. The cops went into his house to check it out and found the guns. Is this a real story? Wouldn't they have to have a search...
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    Osama Been Hidin T Shirts?

    I think it would be cool to have a T shirt with a picture of Osama Bin Laden with a caption above an arrow pointing to Bin Laden. The caption would say, "He Hate Me!" Another one would be Osama in a cave with an Apache overhead, and the caption reading, "Osama Been Hidin'!"
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    New Targets For Terrorists.

    As time goes on, you wonder if the terrorists who hate the US will begin to recruit from within our own hate groups. They may start training Green Peace types, especially youth, to carry the fight for the cause to the "evil corporate american empire". Then we may see planes crashing into...
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    Anyone See This Poll Result?

    A new poll supposedly shows that even gun owners and NRA supporters endorse handgun registration. Any comments on this article? New Poll Finds American Voters Overwhelmingly Support Handgun Licensing And Registration...
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    We are the Govt. We are here to help.

    This is very scary. I pity the people in the PRK. For the Children Legislature to ask Golden State docs to help curb violence. By Judith Weizner, a writer living in New York June 12, 2001 9:30 a.m. Encouraged by its recent...
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    Tyranny Response Team

    I cannot seem to get to the TRT website. Any suggestions?
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    Register People Who Cannot Purchase/Possess Firearms

    We should implement a firearms safety training course in the public, private and parochial schools. It would be mandatory by age 12. Anyone who wanted to be exempted would only need a written note from parent or legal guardian. If exempted your name would be filed in the national database with...